Robert Fleming (b. 1963) is a visual poet from Lewes, Delaware, United States. Robert follows his mother as a visual artist and his grandfather as a poet. His art is influenced by the artists Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, and Pablo Picasso. My digital graphics series April 1, 3026 Rocky Mountain news report imagines the end of the earth. Each image answers one of the five reporter questions: who, what, when, where, and why.
This series was inspired by my October, 2023 visit to the Rocky Mountains when I noticed that the mountain surface has texture and I wanted to write on it. Further, I was inspired by visiting the Rocky Mountains’ city Leadville, CO @ elevation 10,158′, where I only had 85% blood oxygen and survived @ St. Vincent’s hospital.
I used the computer software Canva to create image layers which makes the illusion of writing on the Rocky Mountains. Follow Robert at https://www.facebook.com/robert.fleming.5030 . Buy Robert’s visual poetry book White Noir, * ARRIVING 11.21.23 white noir by Robert Fleming – Devil’s Party Press (devilspartypress.com).