Artwork from Aliyeva Matluba

Mosaic art of wheat plants on green stalks with white flowers with yellow centers, made from seeds and blades of grass.
Green butterfly with antennae and yellow wings, made from peas and seeds.
Cartoon figure of a small animal with wide-open eyes and a little black nose. Its body and hair is made of sunflower and other seeds.
Image of a bouquet of flowers surrounded by a tan circle. All made of seeds of varying colors.

About the author 

Central Asian woman in a white blouse with blue dots and a gray skirt holding a yellow book. She's under a pine tree.

Aliyeva Matluba Jakbaraliyevna was born on April 5, 1990 in Namangan district, Namangan region, Uzbekistan. She is studying fine arts and engineering graphics at Namangan State Pedagogical Institute.

She has been actively participating in public works, as well as attending classes regularly and getting excellent grades. The faculty has a graphics department and was able to attract talented students like Matluba to this department. Currently she is a member of the Students’ Academy established at the institute. 

She is a winner of the “My first article” competition organized at the institute. She got 3rd place diploma in the “Best Article Author” contest in Pedagogical Sciences.

In 2023, she was awarded the New Uzbekistan Science Propagator badge, established by the Academy of Science and Scientific-Practical Activities.

She received a diploma of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan, and in 2024, she received a diploma and a certificate for taking the 1st place in the category of Design at the 2023 Festival of Fine and Applied Arts, Education and Training.  

In 2024, she was awarded a diploma as the winner of the Namangan region stage of the republican competition “Navqiron ” in the Republic of Uzbekistan organized by the Union of Artists of Uzbekistan among creative young people, and was recruited to the republican stage.

At the moment, under the supervision of the associate professor of the institute, B. Oripov, scientific research is being conducted in the field of design of fine art (creating design based on creative ideas from fine art and grain products, fabric and decorative elements). In particular, during the 2023/2024 academic year, she published 4 articles in prestigious magazines and conferences, as well as a methodological instruction entitled “Specific aspects of Uzbek miniature art” and Artistic-methodological and professional principles of the work artists from Namangan. – methodical and professional principles) monographs were published in the German publishing house “Lambert Academic Publishing”.

Namangan, Uzbekistan