Poetry from Nilufar Anvarova

Young Central Asian woman in a cream colored blouse and tan skirt with long dark hair sits on a wooden bench outside a building.


People say the book

Knowledge, the lamp of the mind.

If someone doesn’t like a book,

Crystal is his motto.

A boy who reads a book

Forget loneliness.

Your secrets of friendship to him,

The book is slow.

Welcome to the book.

They share happiness and joy.

Therefore, the book

They sing with interest.

My life without books

I can’t imagine.

If I don’t read a book,

I do not know the secret of the world.

Changed my life

The themes of this book.

The book really gives,

Wonders of the world.

My advice to my friends,

Read more books.

If you read a lot of books,

You will get a lot of shouts!

Poetry from Sitora Otajonova

Selfie of a teen Central Asian girl with long dark hair, a black tee shirt, a silver necklace and earrings.
A person always lives because of the law,
Even if there is no law, there are few good things.
All feelings will be a mirage,
Blood and wine flowed from the cabbage.
Therefore, a new book was opened,
No-one does anything.
The law is equal for all,
Everyone is fighting.
Now the shadow at the beginning of the country will leave,
Twenty people's bread is baked
And now everyone helps.
Even the rain doesn't turn into puddles.
There is no stain on our country,
Now let the city and the garden flourish
I'll tell you what's in my heart
Let's keep our country alive.

Sitora Otajonova is Sodirjon's daughter. She was born on 20 December in 2005.She is studying at school in 11th class. She is crazy about writing poems and reading books. Her poems and articles are printed international journals.

Essay from Shahnoza Ochildiyeva

Central Asian teen girl with dark straight hair and a white blouse standing at a diagonal (selfie) in a wood building carved with Islamic style designs.
A memory

 New neighborhood... New life... I was now living on my own streets that I had never even driven through before... Now every tiny thing in these places belonged to me. So I slowly got to know everyone. But there was one thing I could never make friends with... Children who live in a house a few houses away from ours! They were two boys and a girl, and to me they belonged to a group of pirates.

 Every day, when I came home from school, I was worried about these "bullying" children, not about the barking dogs. I passed by that house slowly and silently. Sometimes, when they saw me, they would attack me with their stones or sticks, and I would run away like the wind. All three were much younger than me. But I was afraid. I had a terrible fear in my heart for them. They were always on the street…

One day I saw that landlord-father of the family in a very bad condition on the street. He was drunk and barely able to walk. Later, I heard a lot of bad things from several people. Only after that I started to think that maybe the environment in the family is not good either. How could such a family leader give good attention and love to his children. Then those "robbers" came to my eyes. They were almost always on the street. They played in their own way, they were happy in their own way. I started to like them...

One day I returned from school as usual. They were playing with mud on the street again. I didn't run away this time. I couldn't even think of escaping for some reason. The girl started coming towards me with a ball of clay in her hand. Laughed. I smiled and said "Hello". He ran towards the gate with a strange look on my face. On that day, my heart overcame the fear of those cheerful children and took the first step to make friends with them.

Later I became very close with them. We became sisters. After they went to school, sometimes we returned from school together. Our childish conversations were wonderful and pure.

 After some years, we moved out of the neighborhood and I did not see them again. They are not on the street anymore. Games are also a memory of the past. It is unknown to me... But as a part of that space I loved, they are still in my heart... And, of course, they will be remembered with love and longing.
Shahnoza Ochildiyeva
1st year student of the University of Journalism and Mass Communications of Uzbekistan

Essay from Tuliyeva Sarvinoz

Central Asian young woman with long dark hair, earrings, and a blue, tan, and white coat over a white collared shirt. She's in a park with trees and a lawn and lamp.

The ancient fortress in Uzbekistan – Tuproqkala!

The mud fort (I-VI centuries AD) is located a few kilometers south of the Sultan Uwais ridge. This fortress served as the residence of the rulers of Ancient Khorezm in ancient times, before the Afrigid dynasty came to power.  The name of the monument, based on its current position, means a large earthen mound.

The soil castle complex consists of the city, the upper palace and the northern complex.

City – area 500 × 350 m. It is rectangular in shape and surrounded by defense walls 8-9 meters high. In addition, the city has many square towers with flat corners, and the sides are surrounded by a wide moat. The city gate was built in the form of a complex structure, and the width of the city from this gate to the castle is 9 m. passed the central street. Many hearths have been identified in the fire worshipers’ temple.  In another building in the monument, gold-plated bracelets in the form of ram’s horns, glass vessels, fragments of plaster sculptures and other jewelry were found.

Upper palace – the main massif of the truncated pyramid-shaped palace is built of raw brick, and the facade is decorated with a system of vertically protruding patterns. About 100 structures used as ablution rooms and weapons storage rooms have been preserved until now. On the upper floor there was a temple where sacrifices were made for repentance.

The main part of the palace is occupied by a complex of prayer and ceremonial rooms. The walls of the building are decorated with patterns, and the five halls belonging to it are decorated with colorful ceramic bas-reliefs. Few of these ornaments have survived.

In the special sacrificial room “Hall of the Kings” there was a fire burning in front of the images (in the form of statues) of the 23 kings of Khorezm. The “Victory Hall” is decorated with bas-reliefs of kings sitting on thrones and goddesses hovering above them, depicting the ceremony of awarding the royal honor to the sultans. On the shelves of the Hall of Black Warriors were bas-relief images of standing kings. Small statues of black warriors paid homage to the kings by blowing trumpets. The “Deer Hall” was decorated with statues of these animals, and on top of them there were images of griffins. This type of decoration is probably the reason for the sustainability of life in the flora and fauna. The “Masked Dance” hall was intended for showing mysteries (dramas on religious themes), and the images of men and women dancing on the walls of the hall are partially preserved.  On the main shelf, according to its appearance, there was an image of a goddess with a beast. On the other two large shelves, probably, the accompanying deities were placed. In the center of the hall there was a sacrificial platform.

One of the most important finds is the Ancient Khorezm documents. In the manuscripts written on leather, several dates of the arrival of various things and objects are recorded, the oldest of which is 188-252 years of the Khorezm century (beginning of the 1st century AD). In the manuscripts written on the tree, lists of able-bodied men (free and slaves) included in several Khorezms were recorded.

Northern palace complex.  This complex is about 100 km from the city of Tuproq Qala. It is a collection of several buildings with an area of 12 hectares. One of these buildings consists of 50 rooms with colorful murals decorated with large and small rosettes and other flowers on a black and white background, as well as the remains of sculptures depicting the lower leg and dress. Also, coins from the reign of the Kushan rulers Vima-Kadphiz, Khuvishka, a golden head of a lion and alabaster figures for bas-relief were found here.

Poetry from Zabuna Abduhakim

Young Central Asian girl's headshot. She's got black hair up in a bun and dangly earrings and a white collared shirt with buttons.

I Wrote a Poem for My Mother

My mother is my pride,  

My father is my guide.  

All the happiness in the world,  

I wrote a poem for my mother.

My mother is my confidant,  

My mother is my dearest friend.  

Endless patience and strength,  

I wrote a poem for my mother.

Girls with fathers are lucky,  

Girls with mothers are blessed.  

I’m a lucky girl, a blessed girl,  

I wrote a poem for my mother.

I am Zabuna Abduhakim qizi Uralova, born on July 1, 2008, in Chiroqchi district, Qashqadaryo region. I am currently studying in the 10th grade with a specialization in natural sciences at a specialized school in Chiroqchi district. I hold several international certificates and serve as the EVH coordinator for Nishon district, Qashqadaryo region.

Poetry from Ilhomova Mohichehra

It’s raining.

When it rains,

I have a lot of questions.

Changed inside,

Gentle winds.

The rain doesn’t stop,

There is no sleep.

Excitement in my mind,

It hurts like hell.

I wish he would stop now

Rustling voices.

Lek did not stop crying,

Cry like a baby.

These noises will stop,

Chehra Khan puts flowers.

Smallpox, tulip, rubella,

Like flowers want.

Ilhomova Mohichehra is a student of the 8th grade of the 9th general secondary school of Zarafshan city, Navoi region.

Essay from Makhmasalayeva Parizoda Makhmashukurovna

Central Asian teen girl with short dark hair, earrings, and a dark colored tee shirt.

My hero is my father

My father is my hero. For me, my father is brave, a hero and more than any other warrior. People always praise our fathers. It is true that they were also ready to give their lives for the country. But the person always sacrifices his life for you, his children, his family it is your dad. Do you know our saying “My father-my country”?! This was said to our selfless father. When did your father say no to you? He says the truth, but he does think about your future. I love my dad so much.                                                       

About my family:

There is five girls in my family. But my dad doesn’t separate any of us and treats us equally. I have the only dad in the world. Everyone’s dad is a hero for himself or herself and this is absolutely true!

Writer: Makhmasalayeva Parizoda Makhmashukurovna