Poetry from Elmaya Jabbarova

White woman with long black hair and a black short blouse with colorful flowers.
Elmaya Jabbarova

Let’s save our world

Our Lord, who created the world,

He gave us the world as gift,

Let’s rise by living and creating,

The world that only shines light on our lives.

The world is entrusted to us,

It is necessary to share in every pain,

Choosing the good and the bad,

It is necessary to give a correct assessment.

In everyone’s actions and work,

You must have justice and conscience,

Standing guard of the Motherland

You should be a general and a soldier.

However, as more and more scientists,

Innovations are fake and unknown,

Oppressors rule in every corner,

The black spot on his forehead is not removed.

Don’t burn the forests,

Smoke and fog are everywhere,

You feel lack of oxygen and it’s hard to breath,

Because of this, life expectancy is reduced.

Do not use low-quality gasoline,

Do not release carbon monoxide,

Many types of gases are poisonous,

You can’t count the toxins in the air.

An ecological crisis is at the door,

War in every country

They fired shells pollute the air,

Even if they pray every day, in repentance.

Toxins are very harmful to mother,

This also affects the baby,

If parents live a healthy life,

The world will be paradise for every child.

Let’s not see every sin in someone else,

Let’s look at ourselves and understand,

Let’s not weave a spider’s web in the air,

Let’s rebuke the sinner in time.

Let’s go together hand in hand,

Let’s have hope and faith in the future,

Let’s save the world together

Let’s call people to courage.

Elmaya Jabbarova – was born in Azerbaijan. She is a poet, writer, reciter, translator. Her poems were published in the regional newspapers «Shargin sesi», «Ziya», «Hekari», literary collections «Turan», «Karabakh is Azerbaijan!», «Zafar», «Buta», foreign Anthologies «Silk Road Arabian Nights», «Nano poem for Africa», «Juntos por las Letras 1;2», «Kafiye.net» in Turkey, in the African’s CAJ magazine, Bangladesh’s Red Times magazine, «Prodigy Published» magazine. She performed her poems live on Bangladesh Uddan TV, at the II Spain Book Fair 1ra Feria Virtual del Libro Panama, Bolivia, Uruguay, France, Portugal, USA.

Poetry from Azemina Krehic


White woman with long dark straight hair in a short sleeve top holding flowers and standing in a field on a sunny day with a tree and hills in the background.
Azemina Krehic


In the evening,

in the restless garden of this body,

your fingers pluck the young flowerbeds,

which under those messengers of light

like fireflies lit up.

I trembled and whispered:

The brightest star in the night sky,

I longed for the darkness just so I could

saw your bright face!

The starry sky is the greatest mystery,

and you, Sirius, are my love verse

sent by God.

Azemina Krehić was born on October 14, 1992 in Metković, Republic of Croatia.

Winner of several international awards for poetry, including:

Award of university professors in Trieste, 2019.

„Mak Dizdar“ award, 2020.

Award of the Publishing Foundation of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2021.

„Fra Martin Nedić“ Award, 2022.

She is represented in several international anthologies of poetry.

Poetry from Graciela Noemi Villaverde

Light skinned woman with earrings and straight light brown hair.
Graciela Noemi Villaverde


The music of hell springs

Through the pores of the earth

A tribe of purslane words patrols space

Far away a voice is heard

Like copper wire, shiver in the corners.

The human destroys…

You can still hear the roar of the blades

At night…

The poet’s voice disappears in the roar

Of the air, that goes hunting carrying words

And he thinks…

Instead of a river, a hand grenade Instead of a sown field, a hungry child


Can’t stop the jagged voices

With its jaws full of tender words

GRACIELA NOEMI VILLAVERDE Poet writer from Concepción del Uruguay Entre Ríos Argentina, based in Buenos Aires Licentiate in letters author of 7 books genre poetry. She has been awarded several times worldwide. She works as the World Manager of Educational and Social Relations of the Hispanomundial Union of Writers UHE and World Honorary President of the same institution. Activa de la Sade, Argentine Society of Writers. MEMBER OF THE HONORARY CABINET EXECUTIVE OF THE COMMISSION FOR PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS OF SOUTH AMERICA ARGENTINE CHAPTER OF UNACCC UNITED NATIONS UNIT FOR CLIMATE CHANGE CENTRAL, SOUTH AMERICA, MEXICO AND THE CARIBBEAN, IN THE EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL RELATIONS DIVISION .

Poetry from Maja Milojkovic

Light blond white woman with long hair and reading glasses wearing a floral scarf and green top.
Maja Milojkovic


Love requires an open heart

Fear makes the mind tied in knots

The sword serves to cut the knots, and only the ignorant take a sword to an open heart.

They laugh in your face when they hear: I love you!

They do not see for pride, they do not see because of stubbornness,

They renounce everything while crying and attribute everything to the temptations of the Devil, Their souls have been poisoned by religions, they do not know that God is above all religions.

They write love poems that I don’t believe in,

They talk about God’s love but in fact they are wrapped like a silkworm in a cocoon

They have woven themselves and at the end they bless you and call you: Sister, God’s blessing! They use words of lies and hide behind a prayer that contradicts what they feel and by praying

They drive out sincere feelings as sin.

They do not see the golden grains sent by God to transform into golden jewelry,

They reject all that is unknown because love is the transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly,

If you kill a caterpillar you will never see a butterfly fly.

Love gives you eyes to see more clearly

Fear closes your eyes, the choice is yours,

Do you want darkness and fear or light and love?


No one can see or love the soul, that which is of spiritual nature rejoices in the spiritual.

There is no longing, there is no suffering, there is nothing that we feel.

If we have feelings, it is up to us, it is not from a soul that does not speak.

With words we should express what we feel,

If we remain silent it is pride that prevents the words from being expressed.


Maja Milojković was born in 1975 in Zaječar, Serbia.

She is a person to whom from an early age, Leonardo da Vinci’s statement “Painting is poetry that can be seen, and poetry is painting that can be heard” is circulating through the blood.

That’s why she started to use feathers and a brush and began to reveal the world and herself to them.

As a poet, she is represented in numerous domestic and foreign literary newspapers, anthologies and electronic media, and some of her poems can be found on YouTube.

Many of her poems have been translated into English, Hungarian, Bengali and Bulgarian due to the need of foreign readers.

She is the recipient of many international awards.

“Trees of Desire” is her second collection of poems in preparation, which is preceded by the book of poems “Moon Circle”.

She is a member of the International Society of Writers and Artists “Mountain Views” in Montenegro, and she also is a member of the Poetry club “Area Felix” in Serbia.

Poetry from Annie Johnson

Light skinned woman with grey curly hair and a black floral top.
Annie Johnson

You Are

You are my silent thoughts;

My heart’s rhythmic beating;

My soul’s deepest yearning

When loneliness tries to own me.

You are the resounding bells

Of church spires remembered

From girlhood’s cherished dreams.

You are the sunlit snow of winter –

Bright, silent diamonds sparkling

Like memories of coming years.

My love lives in the shadow

Of your smile and the lightness

Of your high-spirited laughter.

For a time, we shall walk together

While fate is generous and kind

And the love we share is strong

Against the grasping hands of time.

My Time to Dream

Night like a bully has chased the sun away.

All is darkness; there’s no more light of day.

All day long I’ve been a prisoner to duty

With little time to devote to things of beauty.

Now has come the time I devote to pleasure

When thoughts of you abound beyond measure.

In the innocent state of dreams, that are so few

The stars beckon surrounded by midnight blue.

In soft, hand-holding sweetness with soul so true

I fly among the singing stars searching for you

Until your voice on the wind of whirling spheres

Whispers past the solar silence to fill my ears

Saying, “Darling, you are mine for a million years.”

Annie Johnson is 84 years old. She is Shawnee Native American. She has published two, six hundred-page novels and six books of poetry. Annie has won several poetry awards from world poetry organizations including; World Union of Poets; she is a member of World Nations Writers Union; has received the World Institute for Peace award; the World Laureate of Literature from World Nations Writers Union and The William Shakespeare Poetry Award. She received a Certificate and Medal in recognition of the highest literature from International Literary Union for the year 2020, from Ayad Al Baldawi, President of the International Literary Union. She has three children, two grandchildren, and two sons-in-law. Annie played a flute in the Butler University Symphony. She still plays her flute.

Poetry from Jerry Langdon

Black and white headshot of a white man with short dark hair and a white collared shirt.
Jerry Langdon


Power is destruction

A turbine of corruption

The cesspool grows

Out of control

The waste overflows

Takes its toll

Sometimes I feel

Everything is unreal

Like I’m the one awake

While the world is dreaming

With so much at stake

I’m the only one screaming

Following Nephilim among men

We pay the demon

In the fabric of confusion

We choose our chains

Living the freedom illusion

Which soothes our pains

Still building Babel

Where heaven fell

Needing to tear it down

Bring the gods to fall

Knowing if we bring them down

It might end us all

Power is corruption

Power is destruction

Can’t Adhere

I’m so broken the dust flies away.

No shards to cause any pain.

Nothing to put together again.

The winds blow me away

Until only memories remain.

Atoms no longer cohere.

Existence can’t adhere.

So what keeps me here?

Broken; I disappear.

From South-Western, Michigan, Jerry Langdon lives in Germany since the early 90’s. He is an Artist and Poet. His works bathe in a darker side of emotion and fantasy. He has released five books of Poetry titled “Temperate Darkness an Behind the Twilight Veil”, “Death and other cold things” “Rollercoaster Heart” and “Frosted Dreams” Jerry is also the editor and publisher of the literary magazine Raven Cage Zine poetry and prose. His poetic inspirations are derived from poets such as Edgar Allen Poe, Robert Frost and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. As well as from various Rock Bands. His apparently twisted mind, twists and intertwines fantasy with reality.

Poems from J.D. Nelson

Seven Untitled Monostichs

soft lentil meteor heavenly


corrugated headlock votive


morning frog too soon


a week in that stew no mention of athens


big tree sun


background water self-programming


show me a mile away



J. D. Nelson’s poems have appeared in many publications, worldwide, since 2002. He is the author of ten print chapbooks and e-books of poetry, including *Cinderella City* (The Red Ceilings Press, 2012). Nelson’s first full-length collection is *in ghostly onehead* (Post-Asemic Press, 2022). Visit his website, MadVerse.com, for more information and links to his published work. His haiku blog is at JDNelson.net. Nelson lives in Colorado, USA.