Waves ripple
The dark and the sea
spray surrounds us
as a salt water
sky burst would
We can hear
the rocks below
breaking open
the energy of tides
exhaled from within
plosive as the wind
eyes of wild animals
amid the rain forest
the real ones
and the imagined
carved from wood
or hewed from stone
All the paths forward
are overgrown with
mutating plants
stinging weeds
and poison ivy
pointed stalks
earthworms are trail
markers showing us
the way
Overcome by weariness
while walking without
a clear sense of purpose
or direction
we sit where the deer
lie down
feel our dreams
become an invasive species
inhabiting all
the exposed places
in our bodies
Lying still is
Our skin moves
without us
The transition from
sleeping to waking
is inseparable
are two indistinguishable
while walking
we enter a maze
of feeling
that seems to be
a physical one
where paths intersect
and lead nowhere
We wonder if there
is a center
if the center will hold
Other than the argot
infused standing
we have had nothing
to eat or drink
for days
Now we know
how it is to be
unsure of what
or when we will
eat next
or if we will be
eaten in turn
We are reluctant
to gorge on wild
fruits and berries
having heard stories
of those who ate them
went mad
and died
We wonder now if any
of the stories
we have heard are true