Essay from Aziza Burkhonova

The effectiveness of the technology of using logical exercises and tasks in primary school mother language lessons

Umarova Azizakhon Burkhonovna

Navoi State Pedagogical University

Faculty of Preschool and Primary Education

specialty 70110401-Theory and Methodology

of Education and Training (Primary Education)

1st year master’s student

        Abstract: The technology of using logical exercises and tasks in primary school native language lessons involves identifying and evaluating innovative approaches that help develop students’ thinking skills and deeper mastery of the educational material. The study of the technology of using logical exercises and tasks in primary school native language lessons is relevant today due to the need to effectively organize the educational process, develop students’ critical and creative thinking skills, and adapt the educational content to modern requirements. Although logical exercises and tasks serve to develop students’ thinking skills and increase the effectiveness of the lesson, we have very little knowledge about the selection of those that can be most effective in the process of implementing these technologies in practice and the lack of sufficient scientific basis for their application. In this article, we analyze the effectiveness of the technology of using logical exercises and tasks in primary school native language lessons, their impact on students’ thinking skills and results in the learning process. We also focus on identifying specific approaches and recommendations for the practical application of these technologies. We studied the methodologies used in native language lessons, including an analysis of previous studies on the impact of logical exercises and tasks on students. In addition, we developed new, interesting and interactive exercises, games and tasks that correspond to the age and psychological characteristics of students. By creating our own new methods, we observed a significant improvement in students’ logical thinking and independent learning skills. We also noticed in experimental testing that interactive and innovative approaches further increased students’ interest in lessons and their level of success. In this article, we developed new methodological approaches aimed at developing logical thinking in primary school native language lessons. These methods are also designed to strengthen students’ analytical thinking and make the educational process more effective and interactive.

Keywords: Primary school, native language, logical exercises, logical tasks, interactive methods, logical thinking, increasing sentences, put words in place, find the extra word, pyramid of words.

       Indroduction.  Logical exercises and tasks help develop students’ thinking skills, as they increase the skills of analyzing, comparing, and drawing conclusions in the process of solving problems. Such tasks benefit students not only in mastering knowledge, but also in applying it in practice. In order to introduce effective methods for developing students’ thinking skills, Dilnoza Akbarova conducted scientific work on the topic “Using logical exercises and tasks in primary school native language lessons” in 2019 and published her book “Methodological approaches to developing logical thinking.” The effective use of logical exercises in the classroom was studied by Yulia Frolova in 2016 during her scientific research on the topic “The use of logical exercises and tasks in primary education”. As a result of her research, she wrote her book “Formation of students’ thinking in Russian language lessons”. The use of logical exercises and tasks in primary language lessons is one of the main elements of developing students’ thinking skills and effectively organizing the educational process.

      Today, the use of logical exercises and tasks in primary education is of great importance in developing students’ thinking skills. Research and practice conducted by international organizations in this area confirm the effectiveness of this approach. UNESCO has implemented many programs to develop innovative technologies in primary education. The organization has developed special recommendations for developing students’ logical and critical thinking skills. UNESCO-developed educational materials are used in primary education programs around the world to develop students’ thinking processes and creative abilities. The OECD’s PISA program aims to assess and develop students’ thinking skills. These studies substantiate the need to include logical tasks and exercises in the educational process. PISA studies have led to the widespread use of tasks based on logical thinking in native language classes in many countries. This has helped to increase students’ ability to analyze texts in depth. The World Bank has financed many projects to develop primary education. Among them are the issues of introducing logical exercises into curricula and training teachers in this regard. World Bank programs have made a significant contribution to teaching students to think independently and solve logical problems. These projects have also been widely implemented in developing countries.

This article aims to show a phenomenon that has not been sufficiently studied so far. Dilnoza Akbarova (2019) studies the effectiveness of using logical exercises and tasks in primary grades and, based on these studies, publishes the work “Methodological approaches to the development of logical thinking”. John Dewey presents new methods aimed at developing logical thinking by teaching students independent learning and publishes the book “Experience and Education” in order to apply the methods in practice. The study of these works is very important, because the existing works are aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the lesson for use in primary school classes. This means that our knowledge about the technology of using logical exercises and tasks in native language lessons has not    yet been fully studied and analyzed.

       Material and methods. Today, there is a lack of appropriate methods for the effective use of logical exercises and tasks in primary school native language lessons and difficulties in the correct implementation of these methods by teachers. This creates obstacles to the development of students’ thinking skills and necessitates the creation of new pedagogical approaches and methods. A lot of scientific research and methodological developments have been studied on the technology of using logical exercises and tasks in native language lessons in primary school. This topic is related to the importance of developing students’ logical thinking skills in education. Logical exercises develop students’ independent thinking, ability to identify logical connections, and draw conclusions. This type of training increases students’ activity and enhances the effectiveness of learning. This topic was studied by such scientists as H. T. Turakulov, Sh. G. Mavlonova, A. H. Bozorov and Vygotsky (ZPD theory), Bruner (constructivism), Piaget (cognitive development theory). Innovative educational technologies (Blended Learning, Gamification, Flipped Classroom) are widely used in native language lessons. Scientific work on the implementation of logical exercises in the teaching process using these methods was carried out by N. Nazarova in the works “Interactive methods for primary school students” and Z. M. Rakhimova in the works “Pedagogical foundations of the development of logical thinking”. Dilnoza Akbarova, who studied the age-appropriate features of the development of children’s logical thinking, studied methods for developing logical thinking in native language lessons for primary school students. R. G. Yusupov, on the other hand, developed modern approaches to teaching the native language in primary school.

       Results and discussion.  How does the technology of using logical exercises and tasks in native language lessons in primary school affect the language learning process of students, the development of logical thinking skills, and the effectiveness of the lesson?

We began our research with pilot testing among 3rd grade students from 5 schools. First, we developed new methods for using logical exercises and tasks for primary school students. Then, we tested these methods as an experiment in each class. In the pilot testing, we used the following new logical exercises and tasks.

1. “Increasing sentences”

Goal: To teach students to think logically and complete sentences.

How to conduct:

The teacher says a simple sentence: “A river is flowing.”

Students expand the sentence by adding new words:

“A big river is flowing.” → “A big river is flowing quietly on a summer day.”

Each added word must be logically related.

2. “Put the words in their place”

Goal: To study the order in constructing sentences.

How to conduct:

The teacher gives mixed words:

For example: “A flower bloomed in spring.”

Students arrange the words and construct the correct sentence: “A flower bloomed in spring.”

3. “Find the extra word”

Goal: To develop logical thinking and analytical skills.

How to conduct:

A set of words is given:

Apple, pear, tomato, peach.

Students find the extra word and explain why it is extra (tomato is not a fruit, but a vegetable).

4. “Pyramid of words”

Goal: To increase vocabulary and find similar words.

How to conduct:

The teacher gives one word, for example: “Book.”

Students write other words related to this word:

Book → cover → pages → text → reading.

The student who writes the most logical words wins.

5. “Decipher”

Goal: To improve the ability to understand the order and meaning of words.

How to conduct:

The teacher gives a coded sentence:

For example: “2 apples, 1 tree, 3 flowers.”

Students turn this coded sentence into a complete sentence:

“There are two apples and three flowers under the tree.”

6. “Finish the sentence”

Goal: To develop students’ ability to make logical conclusions.

How to conduct:

The teacher says the initial sentence:

“The sun rose and…”

Students continue the sentence: “…everywhere was lit up.”

Each student answers according to their creativity.

During the pilot test at the school, students were presented with new logical exercises and their effectiveness was monitored. The level of logical thinking of students, their activities in the lesson, and their mastery indicators were evaluated. Based on the data obtained from the test process, the effectiveness of the methods was analyzed and the necessary changes were made. Using the results of the pilot test, it was possible to measure the impact of modern methods on students and determine how they help improve the learning process. After that, improved technologies and recommendations were developed.

      We paid special attention to the development of technology for using logical exercises and tasks in primary school native language lessons, helping to effectively improve students’ logical thinking skills. Through new methods, we contributed to improving students’ thinking processes and effectively organizing the learning process. These methods allow to increase students’ educational success and make the learning process more interactive and effective.

          Conclusion. The technology of using logical exercises and assignments in primary school lessons is important in activating students, developing their analytical thinking skills and increasing the effectiveness of the learning process. Studies have shown that this technology teaches students to think logically, to form their observation and analytical skills. Logical exercises and assignments help to develop students’ speech and strengthen their ability to express their opinions in a clear and logical sequence. This will give positive results not only in the classroom, but also in the mastery of other subjects. The study found that logical tasks are one of the most effective ways to teach students to think independently. Logical exercises also showed high results in increasing students’ learning motivation, arousing interest in learning, and developing critical thinking in them. In the process of using this technology, it is important for teachers to organize the lesson correctly, gradually introduce the exercises and adapt them to the age and individual capabilities of students. In short, the technology of using logical exercises and assignments in primary school lessons will improve the quality of the learning process, but also serve the personal intellectual development of students. This approach is one of the most effective means not only to educate, but also to form active ways of mastering students. Therefore, one of the urgent tasks of the modern education system is to implement and further improve the technology of using logical exercises and assignments on a large scale.

                                Used literature: 

1. Akbarova, D. (2019). Methodical approaches to the development of logical thinking. Tashkent: Publishing House of Uzbekistan.

2. Frolova, Y. (2016). Formirovanie myshleniya uchashchikhsya na urokah russkogo yazyka. Moscow: Russian Academy of Education.

3. UNESCO. Education for Sustainable Development Goals: Learning Objectives (2017).

4. OECD. PISA 2018 Results: What Students Know and Can Do (2019).

5.World Bank. World Development Report 2018: Learning to Realize Education’s Promise (2018).

Poetry from Jack Mellender

             “The Gotta Keep on Feeling

             Even When it Leaves Me Reeling

             ‘Cause I Can’t Just Not feel Any More Blues”

A few months outta the incubator

this cooing preemie poet, supine in my crib,

couldn’t turn over as my bro’ grew irater,

belting me through the bars in his angry bib.

To strike a lyric impulse, born of joy,

may twist it into a worse little boy.

Got the gotta keep on feeling

even when it leaves me reeling

’cause I can’t just not feel any more blues.

If I turned mean early, I’d no chance to really live –

who showed new bro’s such perfidy –

but then lightened up when they appeared to forgive,

seeing me draw Dad’s fire, haplessly.

He sometimes whipped his sons in his drunken ire –

I liked to take ’em swimming through fancy’s fire.

My bro’s came down to the basement one day,

told me no more Flash Gordon would we play.

They’d let Dad talk ’em into studyin’ TECH –

he said imagination was imaginary dreck –

so for Sci-Fi novels alone in their room

my playmates left me in the basement gloom.

Got the gotta keep on feeling

even when it leaves me reeling

’cause I can’t just not feel any more blues.

My new costar was my friend from the street.

At improv’ play interpreting TV

our concerted inspirations fed hilarity,

so I naturally figured it’d be real neat

to have him meet my flame since kindergarten…

Why her liking him instead me so dishearten?

I started a fight in which he got beat.

Got the gotta keep on feeling

even when it leaves me reeling

’cause I can’t just not feel any more blues.

My Dad, mostly gone, moved us thrice in succession –

huge old houses, some ghetto neighborhood

where black or white bullies, at their discretion,

on the street or in class beat up stunned me good.

My kid brothers, though, didn’t take defeat so hard,

but fought them to a standstill in our front yard.

How could I have thought, if I’d become who I was born

and had folks who shared a spirit of lyrical romance,

to have merited so roundly all my peers’ epic scorn?

A brash pacificism was identity’s best chance,

won a sympathetic friend who’d help keep track

of bully maneuvers. I think he was black.

Since math test A’s, but not my essay ones

won my father’s praise, his tuition funds

went to shrewder bro’s when we left high school.

Dad made me, though, feel like a fool,

saying, “Good sons go to college, bullies never will.”

So I had to join the service for the G.I. Bill.

Got the gotta keep on feeling

even when it leaves me reeling

’cause I can’t just not feel any more blues.

Recruiter promised language school out in Monterey.

I signed my enlistment papers that very day.

But down in basic training heard Drill Instructor say,

“Recruiting Sergeant’s promises you can just throw

into the shit-can – you’re mine now, you know?

Our two-week clerk school’s where you’re going to go!”

Got the gotta keep on feeling

even when it leaves me reeling

’cause I can’t just not feel any more blues.

My Colonel math Prof’ from our isolated base

told his Airman ace-test student confidingly

my civilian English Prof was a queer disgrace –

though he’d lit up many a dark stanza for me.

When for pushing Air Force pencils my desire lost its clout

they gave me a court-martial and an early out.

Got the gotta keep on feeling

even when it leaves me reeling

’cause I can’t just not feel any more blues.

Ya gotta grow sci-biz brains so smart,

ya really can’t grow a mind with heart,

so after discharge I buckled down

for A’s in math, made my brothers frown –

then I changed my courses to the English I espouse

and my bro’s and Ma kicked me out of the house.

Got the gotta keep on feeling

even when it leaves me reeling

’cause I can’t just not feel any more blues.

Drove out west where tuition was cheap,

got waylaid into a ghetto hippie commune

where free love proved a vow you couldn’t keep,

though onto two non-jealous nymphs you glom, you’n

your artist pal. Mine starved to duck the draft –

and when I mentioned college the girls just laughed.

Got the gotta keep on feeling

even when it leaves me reeling

’cause I can’t just not feel any more blues.


I’m the one who didn’t hold free love together

in a world of possessiveness and jealousy,

though my buddy and I couldn’t be sure whether

our girls, having ravished us thoroughly,

couldn’t just up and do the same for another;

and, when we asked ’em, heard ’em agree

that my buddy and I could be those other!

Ah, we four had commitment and variety….

‘Til the draft wrote my friend, and he grew quite thin.

So, since one of our girls had an Aunt who could cover

their expenses ’til his 4-F deferment came in,

they left. Four people, each with just one lover –

living as couples in estrangement’s sin.

I had to use the GI Bill – as protests swept through town –

I quit my drugs ‘n’ smokes to try another way.

With clerical and class work’s endless sitting down

I’d jog, skate or cycle miles ev’ry other day

after work hours of dummy-down ennui,

to revive me for lectures on creativity.

Snapshot of moi:

Here I am gliding downhill

toward an intersection,

making a sudden right turn

off the toe-stop of my left skate

to avoid slamming into a crossing semi.

Three years on, art student and guttersnipe,

in interesting times I found ’em seldom ripe

to take off work to meet with prof’s after class

(or have an affair with some accommodating lass) –

only work days, then study for honor roll,

nights full of sirens as the riots take their toll.

Got the gotta keep on feeling

even when it leaves me reeling

’cause I can’t just not feel any more blues.

Some hooker’d take me home to meet her mother.

They’d treat me with warm deference and regard,

but frequently they had one absent brother

and son – to speak of him was always hard.

So how that summer could I check where he was at?

Just join the poor some night, fight back – that’s that.

Got the gotta keep on feeling

even when it leaves me reeling

’cause I can’t just not feel any more blues.


Five wars ago I thought I might be big:

in solidarity with gangling guys

I’d seen through riots slouch, I hit a pig –

if you can’t fight, this may not prove too wise.

In jail, my first week there, a bunch of dudes

jumped on a young grass dealer late one night –

who, next day, called the guards and me includes

as one of his attackers! So then right

into the compound rolled the paddy-wagon.

When I therein with five rapists-accused

had sat half an hour, my spirits flaggin’,

the victim changed his mind – I was excused.

Could I my fellow inmates’ taunts survive?

One turned me on to pumpin’ iron – he,

a genie black, desired I stay alive –

who wonder why, still pumpin’ irony.

Girls at the office may suspect a college man,

like classmate girls who see that he must work.

Incredibly, though, either place a fellow can

probably get lucky who flirtation doesn’t shirk –

since, strapped for time and cash, with mere technique

I sometimes found a lover for an eve’ning or a week.

My black sheepskin was sent by snail mail.

They save the ceremonies for grads who don’t hit cops.

Times changing, school job prospects fail

but Civil Service wants you if your test score’s tops:

Humanities scholars toiling far afield,

so happy for a gig that makes us nothing but well-healed.

Snapshot of Moi:

These are the new class

of SSI Benefit Authorizers,

bachelors to doctors who couldn’t find

work in their fields, chairs in an oval.

Behind the desk at one end

stands the Head of the Western Division.

I now stand in my turn –

stating name, College, field of study,

“Creative Writing” – at which he laughs –

the only pursuit to get that reaction.

Got the gotta keep on feeling

even when it leaves me reeling

’cause I can’t just not feel any more blues.

Out of desperation, but idyllically,

as I seemed to have tuition benefits left,

I took some manuscripts to the university,

onto a prof’s desk the stack of ’em to heft;

with my low GPA I didn’t think he’d give a damn,

but his letter was my ticket to the the Grad program.

I was two more years in full-time academe

with low-pay part-time desk work again

when the government cut off the money stream –

so I dropped out, shipped out with lonely men

on a twelve-month voyage in the Merchant Marine –

then I made it back to the campus scene.

My friend’s, our girls’ and my hippie menage

once lent this monkish scholar Casanova panache,

whose sporadic lovers now made such a sparse collage

that I took a logic course and impressed a babe, by gosh!

When I had somehow caught, though, a cute singer’s eye

and they ran into each other I was two girls shy.

Got the gotta keep on feeling

even when it leaves me reeling

’cause I can’t just not feel any more blues.

When your discharge and rapsheet trump also the M.A.

that another year of classes and some loans win you,

they’ll take you eight years at clerk’s wages to repay –

since Fed jobs aren’t PC enough now ever to pursue.

All claim as young men the title of Master –

in keeping which art types court total disaster.

Got the gotta keep on feeling

even when it leaves me reeling

’cause I can’t just not feel any more blues.

Snapshots without moi:

These photos are two

graduation ceremonies –

S.F. State seventy-five,

U.C.B. Eighty-four –

your poetry major couldn’t attend –

units delayed, a technicality –

no gown for him nor any hood,

no traipse across the stage with his peers.


In far the most humiliating scene

I’ve e’er endured, the real Living End,

young Laura, roomie, tutee, cutie – mean –

her then main squeeze, my guts-mad biker friend,

and I our way we wended toward the tall

encrusted town. We escalating up

from subway, toward Three Stooges festival,

Chicano cat who’d one too many cup

accosted me and wouldn’t let me pass.

I sidestepped, ran five paces, turned –

around ‘n’, like a fool, I called him “ass,”

but learned with what attacking rage he burned.

As soon as I began exchanging blows

with him, my motorcycle pal emerged,

who jumped him.  From the crowd there then arose

a further swarthy brawler. When I urged

my friend to let me have my fights, the new

hidalgo went at him. As their fists rained,

this Juan, Ill call him, (though I never knew),

resumed his work to keep me entertained.

As student, swimmer, skater, clerk may fight

I stood and fought him even, as he me.

‘Twas several minutes gone into the night

until I knew I’d not the winner be.

I made a bleak half-hearted lurch to flee,

he turned our battle into running one….

He tired. Again the odds weighed evenly.

Somewhere distant Jerry shared such fun,

while somewhere nearby Laura sweetly wept.

A quizzical surprise lit my foe’s grin –

it seemed as though I’d actually kept…

my end up. Then the blame Police stepped in,

attacking, as pigs will, in out-sized odds

while charging us, as pigs will, from behind.

One seized my belt in back. I cursed his gods,

his chains, his bars, his heart so young gone blind.

They sorted us by seeming sides, then bade

us sit on low concrete retaining-wall.

They checked ID’s, bestowed no accolade

to ask me whence I hailed, me winner call.

But balmy Jerry said, “Stop crying, Laura.”

I, hearing, said, “Stop crying, Laura” too;

but n’er were saying when she donned her aura,

(nor pressing charges), something we could do.

Except for Juan, the pigs let us all go.

except the hombre I’d been flailing at.

He wore no guns, no cages kept, and – oh –

he fought me clean, alone, up front – no rat.

But since he had a “prior” he got hauled

away, and all because of me! But she,

that biker’s imp, said I should not be called

a wimp, though, any more – and frowned at me,

a Kleenex patting gently on my brow.

Then Jer’, his lover Laura, and I resumed

our way. She led, a goddess from the prow

of some old ship. I trailed, soul-entombed.

The only right or privilege my Parchment confers

that isn’t cancelled out by my follies and crimes

is this Eternal Youth the credential ensures.

But you get that without school, using just the rhymes,

avoid the shame ‘n disrespect, years’ study gettin’ hornia

where hard dreams come true easy here in sunny California.

Got the gotta keep on feeling

even though it leaves me reeling

’cause I can’t just not feel any more blues.

Political Coda

Most citizens acknowledge reparations are owed

to Native Americans by our old Uncle Sam,

and that poor home-owners under tax burden bowed

were due for relief – but our sold-out leaders’ scam

could grant the first wish only while they gambling


the second just with industry’s big tax-break prize.

Got the gotta keep on feeling

even when it leaves me reeling

’cause I can’t just not feel any more blues.

Envoy: “Drugs from Within”

When gray hill skaters learn to cheat

and motorize the ol’ two-wheeler

endorphin high they thought so neat

becomes adrenal thrill, much realer.

If you prefer drugs from within

you too might try adrenalin.

It floods you out upon a Honda –

of feelings few will you grow fonda.

Of course one wants, when one reflects,

hormonal joys that come with sex –

which thought makes workout fans most blush

who relish an endorphin rush.

Poetry from David Sapp


I’m delighted when I hear

A crinkling in my pocket

When I walk. I think

I’ve forgotten some money,

Surely a ten or twenty,

A distinguished portrait,

A little green man

Staring back at me.

Then I remember a scrap

Of paper from a grocery list.

At breakfast I scribbled

A thought, a letter,

The outset of something-or-other,

But nothing too moving.

I smile. I am happy.

This is grand.

The Evidence

Here, here is the evidence.

Listen! Pay attention

To a relentless repetition,

Of cruelty, of greed.

In the reign of the tyrant,

Let’s be unequivocal

In what we witness

Despite elaborate obfuscations,

Grotesque rationalizations.

Let’s not stand idly

Wringing pristine hands.

In the reign of the tyrant,

The benevolent king’s compassion

Suddenly a wistful memory,

We’ve lost our humanity.

Our homeless, our aged –

Our veterans plagued

With the images of both

Righteous and absurd war –

Our children, our children,

Suffer a little more,

Die a little faster,

Ostracized, marginalized,

Neglected, deported, all

In the reign, in the name,

At the whim, of the tyrant.

An Effort

The core of the Sunday paper

is not news: a glossy

circular, three pages of

Guns! Guns! Guns!

Sale! Sale! Sale!

a Christmas Spectacular.

Pretty, pink pistols for girls,

youth-action-lever for boys

(hyperbole unnecessary),

there’s no effort in squeezing

a trigger, a seductive little tug.

A child could do it.

However, enormous effort

is required to kill a man, or

an old man, a woman, a child,

so many in the ditches of My Lai,

so many at their desks at Sandy Hook,

our enemies, our enemies. 

This all takes time:

an effort to mine lead,

dig and move and sift and drain

the earth for steel, brass, plastic,

an effort, so much thought,

in drafting an efficient weapon.

Our efforts are clever

flying a young man

around the world to end a life

and irrevocably transform his.

Spare no resource. Spare no expense.

Such effort, such effort,

our expertise is astonishing.

Big Men with Big Machines

I got out of bed

To distinguish between

Verity and incubus.

Periodically, this dream,

In variations of anxiety,

Arrives abruptly and unbidden.

(What would Sigmund say?)

Drawn to my window,

I see men have come again,

Big men with big machines,

Loud and busy and blunt.

They produce a clipboard,

Papers with official signatures,

Authority indisputable but all wrong –

The crazy logic of the psyche.

There is chaos everywhere,

Mounds of dirt, sod, and rock,

As they dig an enormous hole,

Its width and depth terrifying.

My house teeters on the lip

Of the chasm, everything

I know, everyone I love

Will fall in, buried and forgotten.

And on each round of this 

Subconscious carousel,

I fail to comprehend why

I simply surrender,

More puzzled than troubled

Over my capitulation.

Three Curses

Ellen the secretary,

an unlikely sorceress,

more grandma than harpy,

squinted and poked

two fingers at the air,

an object of malevolence.

I was inclined to take cover

then considered a favor,

a handy malediction.

But she used her gift with

discretion, rarely exacting

curses in seventy-one years.

At the county fair, when her

daughter was muscled out 

of a ribbon for her rabbit

by another, pushy, rather rabid 

mother, the other kid’s bunny 

was dead by the end of summer.

When her quiet respite, 

an unobtrusive strand, 

egrets, herons, waves lapping,

but prime lakefront property,

was bulldozed, within the year, 

the condominiums caught fire 

and burned to the ground.

When her boss, a mean, petty

little bastard, endeavored

to eliminate her position,

he was diagnosed with cancer

soon after and nearly lost an eye.

Ellen the secretary.

Sexy Thing

I’m your sexy thing.

You leer, you lust,

Your desire, my pleasure.

I’m your ecstasy,

Your smutty reality.

All the good girls seethe,

My armor sheath

Stunning, steely, specious

Angles and curves.

I swivel my hips.

Saunter up your street,

And all the boys’ heads

Turn, instantly in love.

My tread is my power,

My dread silencing critics,

Clink, clink, clink.

Shamelessly I grind

Against your soft body,

Pierce your skin,

Snap your bones,

In mud, in sand, on brick,

Caen, Kursk, Budapest,

Prague, Tiananmen, Kuwait.

Ride me, fire me,

I’m such a blast,

My lurid muzzle,

My fiery retorts,

Boom, boom, boom,


David Sapp, writer and artist, lives along the southern shore of Lake Erie in North America. A Pushcart nominee, he was awarded Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Grants for poetry and the visual arts. His poetry and prose appear widely in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. His publications include articles in the Journal of Creative Behavior, chapbooks Close to Home and Two Buddha, a novel Flying Over Erie, and a book of poems and drawings titled Drawing Nirvana.

David Sapp,

Aphorisms from Yahia Lababidi

Cover of Yahia Lababidi's book. Front has his title in yellow and gold and a photo of his face. Back is in green with white text and a quote from Naomi Shihab Nye.

Is it possible to master words? 

Yes, in silence. 

The best protection against life’s corrupting  experiences is innocence. 

Loneliness is the price we pay  

for not embracing aloneness. 

Those for whom the natural is extraordinary tend to find the extraordinary natural.

The problem with celebrity culture is that the 

superficial external lives of strangers concern 

us more than our own profound inner life. 

There are many ways to donate blood: writing is one. 

Words of wisdom are not stolen, they are borrowed, until we make them our own.

Yahia Lababidi’s new book What Remains to be Said is available here from Waterstones and contains a fuller collection of his aphorisms.

Eva Lianou Petropolou on the life of Nino Camardo

Black and white photo of an older Italian man with a hat with a brim, a coat, a beard, and reading glasses. He's painting on a canvas in a studio.
Nino Camardo

We have decided with his son Alessio Camardo, to share important moments about the great personality, master painter Nino Camardo, so the people will know more about his amazing and very important artistic work.

EVA Petropoulou Lianou 

Official ambassador for

Maestro Nino Camardo



Media partner

Personal curator

Of master

Nino Camardo

Great artist

Alessio Camardo


An extract from the CV of Maestro Nino Camardo

He emigrated very young, at just 13 years old, crossing skies, seas in search of a life different from the one that presented itself before his eyes, hoping to be able to realize my dreams, his wonderful world, his essence his pride his humanity his dignity and on the gift. Nino Camardo, in the 70s, still young compared to other painters, participated in major events of naive painting, which had created highly successful personal exhibitions and events and distinct artistic movements of naive painting, in Italy and abroad. Famous writers wrote that he was the first Italian naive known in the world, something that few painters could boast.

In the 1960s he received national and international awards such as the award from the Centro di Studio di Roma, an award for art studies, art in the world and loyalty to art, silver medal from the Italian President Giovanni Leone, Honorary Academician of the Vatican State, Ambassador of art in the world, Knight of the Cross of Malta and many other awards and first prizes, medals, cups, diplomas, certificates he was also given a horse.

Inserted in the Getty Museum, Wikipedia in several languages. Numerous were the personal exhibitions. He was one of the first to export his art in the world such as New York, Miami, San Francisco, Mexico, Toronto, Los Angeles etc.. in Italy he was one of the first to have a personal exhibition in the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome, department of antiquities, fine arts and cultural problems of the municipality of Rome and many other personal exhibitions in Italy, his works have been sold all over the world.

My father has known a lot in the world of art from Picasso, Giorgio de Chirico, Salvador Dalì, Jo Pomodoro, Guttuso, Giovanni March, etc… being the youngest he defines them as their fathers in interviews made by national radios such as Vatican Radio live from Rome and broadcast in several languages ​​and I attach the others. He was a friend of Mike Bongiorno, the golden couple of comedy Sandra and Raimondo Vianello, Franco and Ciccio Ingrassia, etc.. also singers like La grande Mina, Riccardo Cocciante, Renato Zero and many others.

Flat image of a dark haired family, the man with a coat and a beard and sideburns and the woman with her hair covered and a jacket, and the child with a flower in her hair. Above them is a green parrot and a medallion window of a grassy meadow with trees, horses, a small figure of a man, and some other animals and trees and blue sky.

Essay from Shahnoza Ochildiyeva

Central Asian young woman with long curly dark hair, black coat, and white ruffled blouse. She's holding a wooden basket with red roses and standing in front of a bookshelf filled with books.

Highlights of the Brightest year

Time has many definitions, such as “flowing river”, “deep wind”, “irrevocable wealth” and it always amazes us. Because sometimes we don’t even have time to feel it. Just yesterday it was summer, the sun was shining, people were tired of the heat and went to cool places, but suddenly today it seems like a severe winter has came and our thick hats are covered with snow. It’s hard to believe that another year behind us is the name “old”. And the summary made at the end of the year will make someone happy and someone’s tongue will be dulled. But, no matter what happened, everyone is happy when they summarize the past year. After all, how many people did not reach these moments, did not make plans and dreams for the new year, did not pass through a passage of high time. I’m happy too, of course. Because, I am finally writing about the past year. Every year is refreshing and rich in memories. 2024 was the most intense, important and special year. Why?

 First of all, I graduated from the school where I spent most of the last eleven years with excellent grades. During those times, we grew up, learned letters, met our first teachers, classmates, and achieved our first victories. The first of many unforgettable memories was in our school. And the year 2024 signed and closed the book of this period…

Moreover, this year provided unforgettable moments of learning, realizing its value and living as an applicant. After graduating from school, I specially prepared for university entrance exams in the summer months. I felt like I was drowning in the sea of ​​knowledge, far from my home, without a phone, without distractions. Indeed, knowledge is a sea without end. The best teachers connected me with this sea. Everyone around me worked hard for their future. We have become a family gathered at the same destination for the same purpose. It was very difficult… Sleepless nights, long types of books, painful results… Especially the burden of trust, hope, and responsibility on our shoulders was heavy. The heart was constantly running between poor sweet dreams and fear.

One day… One exam day showed the result of so many efforts and aspirations. I was grateful for my fate. I can’t thank my parents enough for always supporting me. Because they gave opportunities and confidence, taught to be on the path of knowledge and specific goals. “I wish all parents were like them,” I said, crying involuntarily. In the villages, little attention is paid to the education of girls. Grandparents and parents rarely invest in their daughters’ education. But my grandfather and grandmother are the people who expected me to become a student more than me. Their prayer, motivation and faith had a special place in this event.

So, in 2024 I got the name “Student”. As I dreamed, I was accepted to study English philology and language teaching faculty at the University of Journalism and Mass Communications of Uzbekistan with a score of 182.4 on the basis of a state grant. I have achieved one of my biggest goals for the year. I started the fall season as a student. I really felt that being a student was a golden age. Living independently in a new way of life, away from family, is not easy. But this is an inevitable life for everyone. My love for my university is different. In it, my teachers share new knowledge with us, new friends, new agenda, new library and books, new city, new bedroom, new adventures, new photos on my phone, new conversations with my parents, family and scholarship money, my new card… I love all of them. 2024 will be remembered in my future life with this sweet news.

They say, “A person who stops reading books stops thinking.” One of my biggest fears in 2024 was to stop thinking. It doesn’t matter when, where, how much you read. In fact, not to become materialistic in the city where life is boiling every second, emphasizing the economic aspects. It is the most important thing not to become a stranger to activities that you love, that are truly beneficial for you, that bring perfection to your soul, and not to lose your identity. This year I took a break from creativity. Nevertheless, in April 2024, I won the second place in the regional stage of the “Dillarda Vatan Madhi” competition . I was awarded with cash prizes. My creative works were published in newspapers and magazines. There were times when I really wanted to write…I couldn’t. But it is clear that what I felt this year will  affect what I write in the future. “The best investment is an investment in science!” I tried to invest in my knowledge. By studying in the educational program of “Kelajak: ilmi qizlar hamjamiyati”, I progressed and developed in a certain sense. I also successfully graduated from the Turkish language classes of “Ibrat Academy”.

I really believe that there is wisdom in all of my losses and unfulfilled plans. As much as possible, people should pay attention to the positive aspects of the events that are happening in their life, be thankful for everything, because then life will start presenting bright gifts. I am happy to have discovered many new experiences, new destinations, new feelings, to be with my family, to live the days I dreamed of. A short summary of this year could have been written much more. But as I said above, time surprises us with its speed. The new year is coming with greetings. Making beautiful intentions for 2025, creating a map for dreams… Oh, there’s still a lot to do. What about you, dears? Have you summed up the year 2024, did you give thanks? Have you set goals for the new year? If your answer is “no”, I would like to remind you: The future happiness, the tears of joy that will flow from your eyes suddenly will be the result of your actions, hard work that you are doing today. Appreciate the time!

Shahnoza Ochildiyeva

Uzbekistan Journalism and Mass Communications

University English philology and teaching languages faculty

First year student.

Poetry from Rachida Belkacem

French woman, young middle aged, with straight dark hair, brown eyes, some makeup and earrings, blue-green top and necklace.

« Nos cœurs sont pleins de printemps, vivre est une prière que seul l’union des hommes peut exaucer » Rachida Belkacem                                            

“Our hearts are full of spring, living is a prayer fulfilled only through men’s union”

« Le ciel n’est pas sans mémoire, nos vies l’emplissent de notre courage intense et notre humanité. »Rachida Belkacem.                                                     

“The sky is not without memories, our lives fill it with intense courage and humanity”

« Tu naquis le jour de mon crépuscule, 

La lueur éclairant mon chemin,

Me tendant la main,

Faisant éclore d’un geste les fleurs, 

Transformant chaque combat,

Par ta présence épurant le monde,

Le transformant en bénédiction divine »

“You are born the day of my dusk,

The light shining on my path,

Handing me your hand,

Making flowers blossom with a gesture,

Transforming every combat,

Purifying the world through your presence

And transforming it to a divine blessing

Les secrets de l’appartenance

Certains regards ne sont pas d’aujourd’hui,
Ils reflètent un ailleurs lointain,
Une histoire,
Une vision portant les âmes de nos ancêtres,
Certains sont plus puissants que d’autres,
Plus souverains, 
Ce sont des guides,
Que les hommes appellent suppléments d’âme.
Ce regard est libre, s’affranchit des exigences de l’instant.
Témoin de nos amnésies diurnes.      

The secrets of belonging

Some looks are not from today,
They reflect a distant elsewhere,
A history,
A vision carrying the souls of our ancestors,
Some are more powerful than others,
More sovereign,
They are guides,
That men call soul supplements.
This look is free, frees itself from the demands of the moment.
Witness to our diurnal amnesias.

Sonorités intérieures

J’ai caché des fleurs dans tes silences,
Ton absence me murmure intensément : rien ne dure,
Tout continue d’exister,
Il su’it d’apprendre à voir,
Je me laisse envahir par les notes de ta voix,
Un murmure fragile, chargé de vérité,
Hypnotique et onirique,
J’y crois. 
Je n’ai pas le choix,
Je te porte en moi, 
J’ai caché des fleurs dans tous les silences, 
Elles me parlent d’éternité dans l’éphémère.
Je n’ai pas le choix,          
J’y crois.


Inner sounds

I have hidden flowers in your silences,
Your absence whispers to me intensely: nothing lasts,
Everything continues to exist,
It is enough to learn to see,
I let myself be invaded by the notes of your voice,
A fragile whisper, full of truth,
Hypnotic and dreamlike,
I believe in it.
I have no choice,
I carry you within me,
I have hidden flowers in all the silences,
They speak to me of eternity in the ephemeral.
I have no choice,
I believe in it.

I was born in Hauts-de-France, live in Ile-de-France, graduated in occupational health from the University of Paris-Est Créteil.
I have been involved in the world of culture in France and Morocco for several years.

A former radio columnist, I was decorated with the High Badges of the Divine Academy in Paris in 2018 and in 2021 with the title of Grand Ambassador of Culture and the Arts for my investment in the field of international culture.
In 2020, I had the pleasure of being a member of the jury for the literary prize “D’ailleurs et d’ici” when it was created by Marc Cheb Sun.

My first novel “La révolte des secrets” was published in January 2020.
I collaborated on the book “Morocco de quoi ont-nous peur” under the direction of Abdelhak Najib and Noureddine Bousefiha Editions Orion.
True to my dual French and Moroccan culture, I was chosen and featured in the art book “Le temps des femmes libres” by Abdelhak Najib alongside 150 committed and inspiring women in Morocco and the diaspora. A book dedicated to women, to all Moroccan women who have marked their time, women who distinguish themselves through their journeys and their paths in life.

In 2021, I published in France a collection of poetry “Phronésis” Editions Mindset, (Illustrations Ilham Laraki Omari painter). It has been available on the mindset, Amazon, Fnac websites and in all bookstores in France since July 2021.
In 2022, I also participated in the international literature event in January, a literature festival where life meets literature: “Panorama International Literature Festival 2022” representing France.
I also participated in the Paris-France event, placed under the theme “Morocco, land of cultures and arts” at the Fondation Maison du Maroc – FMDM as an author and speaker.

I had the privilege of exhibiting and signing my books at the famous and prestigious Carrousel du Louvre in Paris in April 2022 with Divine Académie.
On October 8, 2023, I received the literary prize “Coup de cœur” at the book fair in the city of Soissons in France for my collection of poetry “Phronesis”. A fair paying tribute to women and writing.”
This literary journey led me to be appointed President of the René Depestre literary prize in 2023 for Editions Milot and the Adventus Nova association in Paris, a prize to pay tribute to the illustrious writer René Depestre whose work remains a source of light. A unique international prize allowing authors from all continents visibility and spotlighting. The strength of this prize is to bring an audience together with a work, regardless of the country.

A commitment with an international dimension that honors me.
In 2024, I preface and participate in the collective work Poésie: Luttes et Combats published by Milot, a collective work under the direction of Amar Benhamouche, a reflection by authors of different sensibilities on the place of poetry today and tomorrow.
Finally, I participated in several book signing sessions with readings and spoke at numerous conferences in France and abroad.
I remain on humanist themes with an attraction to nature, women, and their connection to the world.