(Female teacher with dark hair and a braid, a white collared shirt and black vest and skirt passes out paper to young girls at wooden desks in a classroom)
My teacher
Where should I hit my head, teacher?
After all, you were alone in the world,
I loved you with all my heart
Your love is world famous
It is my duty to glorify your name
I broke my pen without describing you
I have no energy to write to you
I got it from the white paper.
Why did you take another class?
At least you could fill it
I remember I want to cry
My sweet time with you.
He always encouraged me,
I don’t want to leave you alone for a moment
I write poems only for you
Kind, for a girl as big as my father.
I have a pain near my heart
A piece of my heart was torn out
I am always with you Rayhonjon
He smiled and laughed once.
He lied that he will get it next year
I wish I had this teacher again
May we also laugh with eternal joy
The lessons are also good, the voice is pleasant.
My dear teacher is different anyway,
Teaching style, style is different,
trained thousands of disciples,
He is interested in learning until the age of seventy.
It will always remain in my heart,
I will raise your name to the sky,
My heart trembles when I hear your name
My eyes are happy every time I see it.
May he always be healthy
Let the sun of reason shine in the sky
This is my great teacher
His patience is equal to the universe.
My teacher is my teacher, my shield is like my mother
I’m alone in this world, real,
teachers are a masterpiece
Always be healthy, my only one
Author: historian, geographer
Sobirjonova Rayhona
I am Sobirjonova Rayhona, a 9th-grade student of the 8th general secondary school of Vobkent district, Bukhara region. I was born in December 2008 in the village of Cho’rikalon, Vobkent district in an intellectual family. My mother and father supported me from a young age. I am also interested. I started writing in my 3rd grade. My first creative poem was published in “Vobkent Life” newspaper. In addition, many magazines were published in America’s Synchaos newspaper, India’s Namaste India magazine, Gulkhan magazine, Germany’s RavenCage magazine and many other magazines and newspapers. my creative works have come out. I actively participated in many contests and won high places and received many gifts. Creativity is my precocious nature. I am very interested in creativity and enjoy every line. Of course, I will become a great person and bring the name of my country Uzbekistan to heaven, God willing!!!
I don't love
I don't give a damn anymore
I will not burn again,
Lovers are unfaithful,
I don't love a rich girl.
As the waters flow into the stream,
As the rich feed the rich,
The heart is broken,
I don't love a rich girl.
Faithful promises,
Their love is lies,
He laughed at me,
I don't love a rich girl.
A fairy in a white dress,
Mom tell me what to do
I won't come back now
I don't love a rich girl.
Bahram Toji don't cry,
Don't give up,
There are many beauties in the world,
I don't love a rich girl.
Without you, the seven worlds are too narrow for me.
Your land is holy, and all around it.
Motherland – you are lonely in the flower beds,
My dear bird, you are the best in the world.
You are the genius who gave the climate,
You can’t find a comparison with me.
Abdullah Ariflar, Erkin Vahidlar,
It is written – a beautiful ode for you,
My hands tremble, all are witnesses,
Your name still stands – between the lips…
I started it, and now there’s no going back.
My heart flutters – in my heart.
There’s no way, but it’s never been said,
A passionate name, the word “Motherland” is on the tip of the tongue.
Ismailov Shukurillo 09.08.2024
Ismailov Shukurillo was born on June 5, 2007 in the village of Sarikorgon, Uchkoprik district, Fergana region. As he has a strong interest in music and literature from a young age, he will start studying at the “Children’s Music and Art School” in 2019. Now
26 – 11th grade student of general secondary school. He started writing poems from the age of 12. His creative works have been published several times in regional, regional, republican and international magazines. He actively participated in many competitions and received souvenirs. He was elected as the coordinator of his region by the “Shijoat free volunteering” team.
At the same time, he is busy writing large and small works of art. His future dream is to become a sharp writer and poet.
After the bell rang for the recess, uproar started in Class 2 “B”. It was impossible to understand anything because everyone’s words sounded out of order from all sides. A little girl named Nozima stood in the middle and cried, the children surrounded her. Later it became known that Nozima’s money was stolen. She had been saving her daily lunch money for a long time to buy a present for his mother’s birthday. She asked all her classmates, but could not find any money.
In fact, it was clear that the boy who took it would not give and admit that “I stole.” The next lesson, Nozima and her teacher entered the mother tongue class together. The teacher found out about everything and was very angry with the children. After greeting the children, the teacher thought for a while and said: My children, let’s do something together now. But first, think about how bad it is to steal. Nozima wanted to make her mother happy by buying a gift for this money, after all… Whoever took it, please return it without telling anyone. I will help you.
Then the teacher opened Nozima’s bag and showed it to all the children. It was empty. Then she placed it on a chair in the corner. The teacher once again asked the students to throw the money in this bag. Two students held a large cloth and formed a small shelter next to the bag. All the students stood in line and started to enter from one side of the fabric and exit from the other side. Finally, when all the students passed, the teacher took the bag and checked it. The most surprising thing was that money appeared in the bag!
That day, the boy who stole the money was not ashamed, and the money was returned to its owner. All the children admired the wisdom of the teacher.
Written by Ochildiyeva Shahnoza, student of University of Journalism and communication of Uzbekistan
Translated by Ochildiyeva Dilnoza, student of Samarkand State institute of foreign language
This article describes beautiful and interesting places in Uzbekistan, as well as ancient cities, historical monuments and other historical monuments that continue to surprise mankind you will have information. Uzbekistan is a country with ancient history and rich culture. A rich architectural heritage, countless historical monuments and modern shopping centers, unique nature reserves and medicinal gardens, that everyone in our country can see and rest for themselves in sanatoriums and recreation centers, can also visit as a tourist there are many places. The architecture of Uzbekistan is colorful in its own way.
Despite the current globalization, millions of tourists from all over the world visit our country every year the oldest monuments of architectural heritage have been preserved. Famous architectural ensembles are located in Tashkent, Samarkand, Khiva, Bukhara, Termiz, Shahrisabz, Ko’kan and other cities. Excursions to historical architectural monuments of Uzbekistan, but can also offer fun places to spend time with family and friends. This is one of the unique and beautiful places Chashma complex is the heart of Nurota, Navoi region. It is an incredible place full of many legends and tales. Enjoying the shrine complex, seeing the monuments, to look with the hand at ancient and mysterious things, Thousands of people and tourists from all over the world visit this place to pray in the holy land.
According to the legend, forty thousand years ago, a radiant meteorite fell here, after that here a crater and a miraculous water source appeared. Its water is considered healing. That is why the complex was named “Chashma” and the surrounding area was named “Nur”. The people of Uzbekistan have wonderful landscapes and archeological monuments that can only be found abroad, are used to the idea. In Uzbekistan, which has been preserved for centuries and is inextricably linked to folk legends, there are many beautiful places. Therefore, you don’t have to leave the country to travel to amazing destinations and mysterious places.
Another place with an amazing history Rishton pottery workshops. Rishton in the Fergana Valley has long been considered the homeland of excellent pottery. Creating pottery products in Rishton special technology, the secrets of cooking them have been developed. Right now More than 1000 potters are working in Rishton, about 100 of them know all the technologies of pottery art. The products created by Rishton masters are included in the collections of many museums around the world.
The architectural example of Minorai Kalon (Big Tower) in Bukhara was built by Arslan Bugrokhan, the amir of Movarounnahr of the Karakhanid state. Kalon Tower (1127) was built in the 12th century. Minorai Kalon is located in Pop-Kalon square. The tower has a solid circle. The tower has been renovated several times. In particular, the trunk and muqarnas were opened and repaired in 1960 by Bobomurad in 1924. In 1997, on the occasion of the 2500th anniversary of the city of Bukhara, renovation works were also carried out in Minorai Kalon. In addition, the surroundings of the architectural structure were improved and landscaped.
One of the interesting places is Samarkand. Samarkand is one of the oldest cities on our planet, equal to Rome and Athens. It is more than 2750 years old. A person who has traveled to Samarkand feels very good. The natural scenery is beautiful. People are also hospitable. Representatives of various nationalities live here. Samarkand is usually called “Eastern Babylon”. The name Samarkand comes from the Sogdian word Smr’ka d. “means “stone castle” or “stone city”. In ancient times, Samarkand was the capital of the oldest Sogdian state and was called Afrosyab. Among the ancient Greeks and Romans, the city was known as Maracanda.
Samarkand was a very developed city even during the time of Alexander the Great. Historical monuments in the city of Samarkand include “Shahi Zina Ensemble”, “Registan Ensemble”, “Bibikhanim Jame’ Mosque”, “Gori Amir Mausoleum” and many other historical and beautiful places. Shahizinda ensemble in Samarkand in XIV-XV centuries. Shahizinda means “living king”. The oldest of the mausoleums is Kusan Ibn Abbas mausoleum. Tillakori madrasa in Samarkand city. The madrasa founded by Yalangtoshbi in 1646-1659 in Registan Square was called Tillaqori.
The Ashtarkhanid dynasty ruled during the construction of the Tillakori madrasa. In its construction, baked and raw bricks, clay, wood, gold water and precious stones were used. The design of the architectural monument: the gable is deep, the front of the 2 wings is smooth, 2-story rooms, the corners are occupied by mezzanines of equal size. One of the unique features of this architectural monument is that it was originally named after the small mausoleum of Yalangtoshbi Bahadir, however, it was popularly known as Tillakori. In addition, there was a Mirzoyi caravanserai in place of the madrasa.
The architectural structure is the center of attention of many international tourists. In addition, the building was included in the list of UNESCO World Monuments. List of ancient monuments in the city of Tashkent: “Imam Kaffol Shoshiy”, “Zaynutdin”, “Barakkhan”, mausoleums “Sheikh-akhun-Takhur”, “Kokaldosh” madrasa”, “Zangiota Ensemble”. The Kaffol Shoshiy mausoleum in Tashkent is one of the ancient monuments of the 16th century.
Kokaldosh madrasa in Tashkent. In the middle of the 16th century, a 2-story madrasa was built by Barak Khan, the minister of Tashkent governor nicknamed Kokaldosh, to the southwest of Khoja Ahror madrasa and Jome’ mosque. The 2-story building with the gables of the domes reaches 20 meters in height and looks healthy because it is built on a hill.
The list of ancient monuments in the city of Shahrizabz includes: “Oksaroy Building”, “Dorultilovat Ensemble” and many other historical monuments. In the city of Kokand, Khudoyor Khan Horde, the general level of this Horde is rectangular. The building is located on a raised brick foundation, the corners are reinforced with constellations. Historical monuments in the city of Khiva: “Olloquli Khan Madrasa”, “Ichan Castle”, “Dishon Castle”, “Caltaminor”, “Kush gate “, “Nurilloboy Palace ” “Old Ark”, “Muhammad Rahimkhan Madrasa”, “Muhammad Amin Khan Madrasa” and there are other monuments. in the city of Khiva Ichan Castle in the city. In the center of Dishan Castle, there is the “inner city” – Ichan Castle, which has shifted to the east. In the middle of the 19th century, during the reign of Khiva Khan Ollokuli Khan (1825-1842), the outskirts of the city were surrounded by a stronger wall. Khiva is a city with a unique history.
If you travel to Khiva, you will visit beautiful places and learn about its history. Tourists from different countries visit Khiva every year. The city of Khiva attracts everyone with its historical monuments and beauty. It is a city with its own charming beauty and its own history that makes a person who has visited this city want to visit it again. Owner Amir Temur in Tashkent, Samarkand and Shahrisabz, Statues of Mirzo Ulugbek, Alisher Navoi, Jaloliddin Manguberdi in Urganch, and Alpomish in Termez stood tall in Tashkent. Today, there are more than seven thousand monuments in our country, including, 2,500 architectural monuments, more than 2,700 monumental works of art are under state protection.
In summary: If you travel to every city of Uzbekistan, you will see its own beauty. Each city has its own beautiful and ancient monuments and monuments.
Norova Zulfizar is currently a school student since 2007. Lives in Bukhara. He can speak Turkish and English fluently.” Interesting historical places in Uzbekistan”
In 1999, Justin Kruger and David Dunning invented a new effect, which they named the “Dunning-Kruger effect”. This is a cognitive bias in which people with limited competence in a certain area overestimate their abilities. Research shows that people who are not experts in any field think that they understand and know a lot in this field. The most interesting thing is that this effect works both ways. A reverse consequence of the Dunning-Kruger effect: people who critically think their abilities are low have been observed to have higher abilities than they thought.
The Dunning-Kruger Effect – People who don’t know much about a subject don’t have the knowledge or skills to spot their mistakes or gaps in knowledge. They cannot see where they are going wrong and think they are doing well.
Conversely, people at the top of a given subject cannot perceive mastery. They don’t know that these areas of skill and knowledge are easy for them to acquire, while it is more difficult for others. According to the Dunning-Kruger effect, we accept information and advice from those who speak first and loudest before the words of a professional in their field.
To distinguish between an expert and a fool, it is necessary to pay attention to some aspects.
Signs of an expert:
1. He says that he does not know that he does not know
2. Speaks less
3. If you argue with them and they know you are ignorant, they will keep quiet
4. There will be imposter syndrome
Signs of an idiot:
1. They talk a lot
2. They speak loudly with confidence
3. When the discussion started, he attacked your personality, not the facts.
Not all people are the same, one of them is stupid and has no sense of anything, while the other understands life with his intelligence. embodied. He was able to gain a special position with his wisdom and intelligence. But the character of the young man lives in the image of a fool in the story. It is the character, behavior, and extreme curiosity of this character that makes one surprised by the fact that he listens to everyone’s words.
In terms of the content of the story, it is reminiscent of the Monkey and the Carpenter fairy tale, the monkey, who did not know why he chose to chop wood, eventually perishes. Therefore, every step taken without a purpose makes a person a fool. Every book taken from the library is capable of making one wiser. But people should not stop because I am a fool. They say that the mind is not for sale in the market, or that the mind is not in the age, so everyone should not complain about the lack of mind, but look for it. The story is ours. The measure of the mind is the word, the measure of words is proverb.
Reminds us that and points out that we should say each word after seven measures.
Rashidova Shahrizoda Zarshidovna 2010- in Karakol district of Bukhara region where she was born. Currently, she is a 7th grade student of the 20th school in the district. In 2023, the year of the Young Reader competition, she was the winner of the stage. Sozim and Sozim homeland, we bow to those who know you,” I I will do everything,” Kamalak stars like Bilimdon 2018 and Zakovat, she was the first prize winner in competitions. Her works were published in publishers such as Just Fistition Edition and Lulu German and British publishers Rashidova Shahrizoda Zarshidovna Covered in Ezgulik newspaper. Her stories are in Wikipedia open encyclopedia and one is in several anthologies, including My goals sari, creators of New Uzbekistan published in collections. Currently she’s on the Youth of Barkamol Avlod Children’s School pen club and Ilhom club azoi.. The first flight of the artist is her new book.