Essay from Dilbar Koldoshova Nuraliyevna

Central Asian teen girl leaning to the right in a selfie. She's got short thick dark hair, brown eyes, and a light striped collared shirt.



What is creativity, the truth I have come to understand is creativity.  I did not feel pain when I took a pen in my hand and wrote without understanding.  Maybe someone can say “He eats his parents’ money, what he earns, he plays, laughs and runs” But the trials of life make a person grow up early.  I have faced various obstacles in previous competitions.  My days of depression are over.  My days of crying are over.  Seeing my suffering, my parents cheered me up.  But I have this opinion: God says, “Work from you, blessing from me.” Our people say, “Go for what you desire.” If I try with all my heart, I will achieve everything. 

      If there is no defeat, there is no development, rise, aspiration.  I thank defeat.  Defeat called me to fight, as they say, “The fallen cannot fight.”   Because my motto is: “One who knows how to recognize a winner must also know how to recognize a defeat.” Well, it won’t hurt me to participate in contests. Because I’m either a result-oriented student or an experienced one.  Because when I lose, I become motivated and strive more and more. 

      Creativity is a difficult path.  However, it calls a person to perfection.   A person takes away the pain in his heart and mind and reveals his secret to others.

      I won the 1st place in the province by memorizing about 200 gazals and 80 examples of classic literature in the competition “One hundred gazals – 100 jewels”. The gazals of Alisher Navoi, the Sultan of the Ghazal Estate, and the Shah and poet Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur easily opened the way for me to enter literature and creativity.  On the one hand, he encouraged me to follow in the footsteps of our grandfathers. Now I am creating a poem by memorizing the verses of our grandfathers. I will not stop striving for it! For my parents,  I thank God for my teachers, for the clear sky and for our President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. We stand in the field of literature and creativity to justify the trust of you, the country, the people. Because, dear ones, as Abdulla Qahhor said, “Literature is stronger than atoms.”   

DILBAR KOLDOSHYEVA’S DAUGHTER Student of the 10th “B” class of the 43rd school of Karshi district.

Dilbar Koldoshova Nuraliyevna was born on March 5, 2007 in the Karshi district of the Kashkadarya region.  She is currently the 10th “B” student of the 43rd school.  Dilbarhan is the queen of poetry, the owner of creativity, a singer with a beautiful voice, and a ghazal girl.

      She came first in the “Leader of the Year” competition. 1st prize in the regional stage of the “Hundred Gazelles and Hundred Gems” competition. It took part in the “Children’s Forum” category and won first place in many competitions. She is currently the coordinator of the training department of Tallikuron MFY in Karshi district.

          Kamalak captain of the opposite district. Head captain of the “Girls There” club at school 43. The articles titled “Memory is immortal and precious”, “Our School” and “Mother” were published three times in Kenya Times International magazine in 2024.

     In 2023, the first poems were published in the poetry collection “Yulduzlar Yogdusi” of the creative youth of the Kashkadarya region. In 2024, ghazals of the creative youth of the Republic were published in the poetry collection “Youth of Uzbekistan”.

Poetry from Ilhomova Mohichehra

Young Central Asian woman with long dark hair, brown eyes, and a black ruffled top holding a red rose encased in plastic. She's inside by a wooden door.

The light of my eyes.

When an insect gets in my eye,

I said I will lift the world on my head.

Ojiza, the blind man now,

I felt how you live.

I don’t care for anyone like this,

I can’t see anything anymore.

Such difficult days at the beginning,

I won’t open my mouth to let him go.

Oh my God, because I have the light of my eyes,

I will thank you.

For keeping me healthy

I will say thank you a thousand times.

Ilhomova Mohichehra, 8th grade student of school No. 9, Zarafshan city, Navoi region.

Poetry from O’tkir Mulikboyev

Central Asian teen boy standing in front of a wall of drawings, mostly of nature and waterfalls and Islamic style buildings. He's got short brown hair, brown eyes, and wears a tan sweater and collared white shirt.


Let the blood in our bodies be green,

Let this space turn green.

If I merge into the roots,

No bird can be without a place.

If I become the eyes of the springs,

I would flow clear and healing.

I would take the pain of the sick,

I would bring joy to the heart.

Then I would grow as a plant,

Evil would not spill ink.

Good feelings would surround the world,

Knowing, it would not sin.

If I become the most precious ore,

I would pour out for them to pick up.

The one who eliminates the feeling of hunger,

I would awaken the feeling of gratitude by melting.

If I fly like a bird with wings,

I would lead towards dreams.

Striving is the foundation of faith,

I would throw away sorrow in my flight.

The sea would be full of waves,

If I become a snowy mountain.

I would roll all the noises,

If I become a river in the streams.

If I become a word, I would ring,

The song of peace, every breath.

The world would be wide without wars,

The desire born to want happiness.

Everyone has feelings, embodied,

We exist in the name of human.

If everyone follows goodness,

We are pure beings like springs.

Let the blood in our bodies be green,

Let this space turn green.

O’tkir Mulikboyev is a teacher at School No. 75, Qoshrabot District, Samarkand Region, Uzbekistan.

Poetry from Jasmina Makhmasalayeva

Central Asian woman with short brown hair in a bun, brown eyes, and a green top with ruffles.


Fatherland has, you have

Hey folk, hey life.

Without it, you are dead

Hey humankind.

There are your parents also

Is that true babe?

Homeland is here, mother is here

In addition your father.

Hence, you appear!

Makhmasalayeva Jasmina Makhmashukurovna was born on August 24,2008 in the Mubarek district of the Kashkadarya region of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Now she is studying at 28th school in Mubarek. She is creative, knowledgeable and faithful by nature. Until now she participated in several international competitions and anthologies. Holder of Multilevel B2 which is National English Language Testing System .She has many achievements. This is like a drop from the sea…

Essay from Shoxijaxon Urunov

Pedagogy: A Higher Profession

Professor Amelia Bellwether straightened her spectacles and adjusted the microphone clipped to her tweed jacket. A nervous flutter ran through the lecture hall as two hundred pairs of eyes turned towards her. Today was no ordinary lecture; today, Professor Bellwether was delivering the opening address for ‘Pedagogy: A Higher Profession,’ a groundbreaking seminar series aimed at elevating the field of teaching.

Amelia, a veteran educator with eyes that twinkled with the wisdom of countless shared stories and a heart brimming with passion for her craft, believed with every fiber of her being that teaching wasn’t just a profession, but a calling. A calling higher than any other, for it shaped the minds that would shape the future.

‘Why ‘Pedagogy: A Higher Profession’?’ she began, her voice resonating through the hall. ‘Because within this room, within each one of you, lies the power to ignite young minds, to spark revolutions both personal and global.’

The audience, a diverse mix of seasoned teachers, aspiring educators, and skeptical academics, leaned forward in their seats.

Amelia shared anecdotes, tales woven from her years on the frontlines of education. A shy student finding his voice through the power of poetry, a struggling single mother excelling in her studies to build a better life for her child, a classroom debate sparking a lifelong passion for social justice.

‘We are not mere transmitters of information,’ she declared, her voice rising with conviction. ‘We are architects of understanding, weavers of dreams, cultivators of compassionate and critical thinkers.’

The room, initially abuzz with hesitant whispers, fell silent, absorbing her words. Amelia could see the spark ignite in their eyes, the same spark that had drawn her to teaching all those years ago.

The seminar series that followed was electric. Workshops explored innovative teaching methods, lectures challenged traditional notions of curriculum, and passionate debates raged late into the night. Amelia, a guiding light throughout, witnessed the transformation firsthand.

The skeptical academic discovered a love for mentoring young minds. The seasoned teacher, grappling with burnout, rekindled his passion. The aspiring educator, initially daunted by the responsibility, embraced the challenge with newfound zeal.

As the final session drew to a close, a sense of bittersweet accomplishment filled the air. Professor Bellwether, her heart full, looked out at the faces before her, no longer just attendees, but fellow torchbearers.

‘Go forth,’ she urged, her voice thick with emotion, ‘and illuminate the world, one young mind at a time. Remember, you are not just teachers, you are the architects of a brighter future.’

And with those words, the “Pedagogy: A Higher Profession” seminar drew to a close, leaving behind a legacy of empowered educators, ready to reshape the world, one lesson, one student, one dream at a time.

Central Asian young man standing in front of a wooden wall and a blue, white, and red flag. He's clean cut and in a suit and tie.

Shokhijakhon Urunov

Student of Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute


– Recipient of the Bobur State Scholarship for the 2023-2024 academic year;

– Winner of the “Student of the Year 2022” competition in the regional stage;

– Awarded 1st place with an iPhone 13 Pro Max in the “31st Anniversary of Our Independence” competition organized by the Republic’s Cultural and Knowledge Center under the decree PQ-340-SON dated August 1, 2022, by the President;

– Winner of a competition organized in honor of the 31st anniversary of the national flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan by the Republic’s Cultural and Knowledge Center;

– 2nd place winner in a national competition dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Islam Karimov by the Islam Karimov Foundation;

– 3rd place in the 1st season and “Most Active Promoter” nominee in the 2nd season of the national competition “Young Readers” organized by the Center for Increasing Social Activity of Students and Pupils;

– Winner of the “History of Bukhara” competition organized by the Bukhara Regional Tourism and Sports Department;

– Head Coordinator at the Volunteer Center of Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute;

– Chief of “Towards Leadership ” project;

– Author of over 30 scholarly articles;

– Author of two methodical guide on history;

– Author and organizer of seven literary anthologies;

– Member and volunteer of over 10 international and local organizations.

Essay from Maftuna Yusufboyeva

Central Asian teen girl in a pink blouse with long dark hair and dark colored eyes
Advertisement is Latin for shouting. Advertising - information about the quality of goods, benefits from their purchase; special information distributed about legal entities and individuals or products for the purpose of direct or indirect profit (income). Advertising is considered a component of marketing and affects the formation of demand and consumer taste. Advertising is carried out for the purposes of creating an image of the enterprise (long-term effect), increasing current sales (short-term effect), helping buyers decide what to buy and why they need to buy it, and other purposes. The main task of advertising is to interest the customer, not to lose customers and to expand them.

 The history of the emergence of advertising is very ancient, in Greece and Ancient Rome there is information about the advertising of goods by means of oral and written advertising, and even branding. The ad in its current form first appeared in the United States. In the second half of the 19th century, the first advertising agencies operated here, and advertising began to bring a lot of income. Initially, the written advertisement performed the task of informing the buyers about the store and the goods sold in it. This work was done by writing blackboards and organizing showcases. Later, advertising became a form of addressing a potential buyer through publications - informational advertisements appeared in posters, books, magazines, and newspapers. Mass media (press, radio, television, cinema) were involved in advertising work.

Advertising performs several tasks: 1) the task of informing consumers of goods and services, providing information - advertisements provide information about the quality and reliability of goods and services, their areas of application, manufacturers, and purchase methods; 2) persuasive advertising - serves to increase the inclination of consumers and buyers to existing goods; 3) reminder advertising - plays an important role in expanding the existing, but somewhat forgotten demand, attitude to the goods known to the buyers themselves.

Such advertising is used for periodically updated and seasonal goods.

Each firm carries out its advertising activities on the basis of hiring advertising agents or creating an advertising service or using the services of special advertising agencies. The effectiveness of advertising largely depends on the organization of demand research, which helps to determine the circle of buyers and methods of influencing them. Currently, advertising is carried out through the press, radio, television, and special advertising films are shown. For the purpose of advertising, posters, booklets, product catalogs are produced and distributed.

In the conditions of the market economy, the importance of advertising services increases, and the share of advertising expenses in the transaction costs increases. Advertising becomes a separate branch of business and advertising is organized according to special rules and laws. Legality, accuracy, reliability, use of forms and tools that do not cause damage to the user of advertising, as well as moral damage are the main requirements for advertising. 

Relations related to the preparation and distribution of advertising in Uzbekistan are regulated by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Advertising" (December 25, 1998) and the decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. According to this law, it is prohibited by law to spread false or inaccurate information in advertising, as well as to advertise certain goods or activities.

Poetry from Ilhomova Mohichehra

Closeup of the face of a Central Asian teen girl with brown eyes, straight dark hair, and red lips, with a black top.
A tree

You grow from the ground,
If you have fruit, you are prey.
Your head is always proud,
Proud of you as well.

You stayed in the winter, my dear,
But you see my house.
You in the autumn month,
Get rich in gold.

In the spring you bloomed,
You sent elegance.
Even in the summer you are dressed,
You've had your fill of green.

Ilhomova Mohichehra, 8th grade of the 9th general secondary school of Zarafshan city, Navoi region

Ilhomova Mohichehra Azimjon's daughter was born on August 22, 2010 in the city of Zarafshan, Navoi region. Member of the Republican "Creative Children" club. She is interested in writing poetry.She is interested in writing poetry. Author of many poems. Her poems are regularly published in Uzbek and English languages in prestigious magazines of Uzbekistan, Africa and Germany and she is the holder of many diplomas and certificates. In addition, she has won many international certificates. She participated in competitions and won various prizes.

Her poems were also performed on the radio station "Uzbekistan radio" in Uzbekistan. Her poems were published in "Raven Cage" magazine of Germany, "Kenya times" of Africa, and "Smile" magazine of Uzbekistan. Mohichehra's poems appeared on the Google network. Taking an active part in competitions organized by the "Creative Children" club throughout the year, she also received a 1st degree diploma and souvenirs. Her books "Buyuk orzular" and "Samo yulduzlari" are sold all over the world.