Poetry from J.J. Campbell

White middle aged man with a shaved head, long white beard and reading glasses. He's in a room with posters on the wall and a dresser with liquor bottles behind him.
J.J. Campbell


all their little trophies

we used to have cats

when we used to live

out on the farm

they all spoke spanish

i believe one was a buddhist

he would come up to

the front porch and we’d

have long conversations

while i was smoking

my cigarettes

they would bring all

their little trophies

up to that porch

mouse, squirrel, rabbit,

even a fucking snake

all for that shake of the

bag to get some treats

it was like i was a dealer

some rival gang of coyotes

would sneak in and take a

few of them from time to time

i never saw the buddhist one die

i believe he transcended all space and time

i never did say what was in those cigarettes


the day of the dead

doing some living

on the day of the


warming temperatures

fresh dead bodies

exposed on the


if life is a circle

are we just the


life meanders on

as time starts to

stand still

broken and lost

the endless desires
of a generation that
never got the chance
to make those desires
come true


games on the radio

some soft music

as we all wait

to die

listening to an

old guy talk

about listening

to baseball games

on the radio back

in the fifties

he pauses

thinks of something

and then starts

about politics

the war has taken

something out of

us all

there is no rush

we’re all going to

be in the ground

soon enough


election day

i marvel at people who

are proud to be stupid

who picked themselves

up by those proverbial

bootstraps yet still don’t

understand how the game

is played

and here come the outsiders

the grifters that know there

is always some dumb fuck

to make tons of money off of

i sit back and watch

and just laugh

my father was one of those

dumb asses

he always thought he was

smarter than anyone else

in the room

i stole from him much

of my life

money, baseball cards,

whatever i knew that dumb

fuck wouldn’t notice was gone

when i heard the stories that

his second wife drained the

pension and let him die

penniless in the VA

i just shook my head and knew

he never learned his lesson

apparently, no one ever does


haven’t found a sheep yet


through the

pages of a


hoping to

find a


face to

lose my


ini don’t
think this
old farm
is going
to do the

J.J. Campbell (1976 – ?) is trapped in suburbia, plotting his escape. He’s been published in many places over the years, most recently at Horror Sleaze Trash, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Mad Swirl, The Rye Whiskey Review and The Beatnik Cowboy. You can find him most days on his mildly entertaining blog, evil delights. (https://evildelights.blogspot.com)

Poetry from Shamsiyeva Gavhar

Central Asian young woman with dark hair, brown eyes, and a black dress with a blue sash. She's holding a bouquet of flowers and is in a group of other students on a sunny day.

My mother tongue

Languages are beautiful, my Uzbek language,

If the creator of beings is resounding.

My Uzbek language seems to be unmatched in glory,

If the light shines in the hearts of those who hear.

My people proudly say on every front,

The anthem of the country, the bright gloss of the language.

If it increases the reputation,

Such is the power of words, oh well done.

If you love your tongue, blood flows in the veins,

My native language is inherited from my grandfathers.

If you love your language, you will find a place in any field.

If the world loves the Uzbek language, it will be my language.

I value my soul like gold,

I will give my life for my tongue.

We, the Asrayites, are our heritage, like our ancestors.

It is strong even for barley grain.

My Uzbek people, let’s celebrate the language holiday,

Let’s celebrate the birth of a beautiful language.

Let the world know, the whole world, let the nations know,

Great respect of the Uzbeks who speak the language.

Shamsiyeva Gavhar was born in Zarafshan, Navoi region. In addition to science classes, he practices poetry. He has taken pride of place in several republican contests. Her future dream is to win the state award named after Zulfia.

Poetry from Ari Nystrom-Rice

Not Raining, Pouring

I was not yet

am not

yet will be

infinite in the ocean

tethered by my infinity

to the sand

tethered to red rock

my broken back strewn across

my face

pointed to myself

sewn across last nights sky

last night

alluding to myself.

poured into the ocean

anchored by infinity

to my inconjurable self.

tethered to the sand

bloodied bruised and waiting.

Poetry from Cameron Carter


I may not believe in God

But I do believe in saviors

And I very much believe that you are mine.

You came into my life

Not like a wounded animal on my doorstep

Begging for me to save it,

But like a bird flying down from the sky

With an offering of peace.

No, in our story, I was the wounded animal,

And you were the one who saved me.

I fell down at the doorstep of your heart

Looking for a friend who could heal me,

Who could be there for me,

And you opened the door wide and




And not only did you welcome me with open arms,

You shaped me.

You made me the person that I am, and

Although that person is far from perfect

– Very far, in fact –

He is better because of you.


are the one who keeps me holding on


are the one who gives me my courage


are the one who keeps the light inside of me,

The light that may sometimes flicker

But refuses to go out.

I pour out so much of my heart into you

And yet the amount of me I give

Never seems to be too much,

It’s always just the right amount,

As much as I want to give

And as much as you want to receive.

Whenever I am with you,

Sitting next to you


across from you


just anywhere

in the same room as you,

I feel at home –

Because for me, my home

Is wherever I am with you.

It’s something I can’t explain,

Can’t put into words,

But being with you

Is the best medicine

I’ve ever taken.

So I guess what I’m trying to say

Is that this is my incredibly cliche,

incredibly cheesy,

incredibly roundabout

way of saying

I love you,

I really love you,

and thank you so much

for everything

you have done.

Cameron Carter is a 9th-grade writer, artist, and amateur musician at Ruth Asawa School of the Arts in the Creative Writing department. He is passionate about using poetry and other forms of art to express himself and raise his voice. Through activities like writing, drawing, playing guitar and drums, and singing (or often doing metal screams), he pushes himself forward to achieve his goals and make himself known for who he truly is. 

Poetry from Nicolas Gunter

There is No Happiness Here

There is no happiness here.

Mosquitos circle overhead like vultures.

Pain is here, with an eternal depression mixed in with a fear not dissimilar to a mouse in a cat cafe.

No familiar rules, just brand new cultures.

There in the earlier there but not the currant now, I wouldn’t and couldn’t get cold rain

as it was always hot, dousing us in a burning mental pain

God this sucks very much

Every night without noise, with every step, I must shush.

While I wallow in absolute disgust,

At these terrible terrifying tears leading too what feels like a spoonful of hell,

I’m forced into amounts of manual labor so crushing that it feels like I’m underfoot an elephant in a parade,

as I’m reminded of the issues my back suffers,

while it’s only made worse by the labor that the elephants crush me with.

In that unpleasant umber weald, where the vulturous mosquitoes play around with the little happiness that’s left

With trees growing larger like the broken promises as they say that they will make my life easier,

The trees growing under the warm wet skies, soaking the failed dreams of a treehouse.

Poetry from Ilhomova Mohichehra

Central Asian teen girl with long dark hair and red lipstick leaning to the right in a selfie. Houseplants in the background. She's got a short-sleeved black blouse with ruffled sleeves.

Kind people!

Pure nature,

I live in Chamanzar.

In my bright motherland,

I play and laugh.

People are kind

No denials.

He walks with a smile,

He always laughs.

Sparkling eyes,

Kind words.

They are sincere, honest,

Really kind people.

Ilhomova Mohichehra is a student of the 8th “K” grade of the 13th school, Zarafshan city, Navoi region.

Poetry from Bruce Roberts

The Mouth that Roars

Just the sound of his voice,
Awakens memories of fingernails on a blackboard,
Of  tires  screeching  outside at midnight,
Of  coarse sandpaper on raw wood,
Of babies crying and crying and crying,
Of a neighbor weed-eating at 3 am!
It’s an audible recording 
	from a medieval torture chamber.
Without even considering the stupidity
	And malevolence of the words:
	     Point guns at Liz Cheney,
		Paint Kamala with “low i.q.,”
		Shoot at him
			through the dishonest media,
		Vow revenge on all who disagree,
		Proclaim “rigged” 
			even before the votes are counted!

How can the most immoral man
		In the universe
			Get a single vote?