Head of the Department,” 2nd year student of the Andijan State
Medical Institute.
In this article, the doctor’s vigilance towards the patient, the medical worker’s treatment of the patient, being humble. The competence of the doctor in communicating with loved ones of the patient and explaining to them the condition of the patient. It has always been said that medical personnel improve their skills.
Keyword: doctor, patient, disease, communication, correct diagnosis, qualification.
Ethics occupies an important place in the emergence and formation of society. Ethics comes from the Greek word meaning “behavior, morality.” Ethics are closely related and important to the entire industry. One of these areas is medicine.
Pediatrics is considered one of the most important branches of medicine. Pediatrics also has its own ethics. The pediatric department includes the treatment of children aged 1 month to 16 years. The children’s hospital occupies a special place in the system of children’s medical institutions. Of course, the therapeutic and preventive work of a children’s hospital is of paramount importance.
Because the condition in which the children’s hospital is being repaired and made, the specific equipment of the doctor’s office, affects the mood of sick children. That is why, when repairing the hospital, the environment and all rooms of the department should be furnished with happy paintings and accessories that will cheer up various children.
First of all, the first attention should be paid to the structure of the hospital. Another important point in the treatment of sick children is the ethics of our pediatricians. The ethics of a doctor is very important. The ethics of a pediatrician is the behavior of a doctor in his activities aimed at improving the health of a child.
The ethics of the doctor brings him closer to the patient. This means that pediatricians should be able to gain the patient’s trust in the child through his or her ethical behavior and behavior. The doctor’s office and his ethics in clothing should also attract the child’s attention and relieve the child of a sense of fear. The task of the most important doctors is to ensure that the patient, having found a way to the childrens’ heart, enters into their trust.
Doctors who are well versed in child psychology have no difficulty in treating children. Pediatricians mainly communicate with the parents and relatives of a sick child about the patient’s condition. In the process of communication, the doctor should be humble and sweet. The patient must correctly explain the condition and the degree of the disease. A good doctor’s relationship with the patient’s loved ones is important for making a correct diagnosis. In the process of communication, the doctor learns the origin of the disease and the history of its development from the patient’s relatives.
Modern medical workers should be not only qualified specialists but also propagators of medical and psychological knowledge.
Conclusion. Thus, the qualification of doctors occupies an important place in the treatment of patients. Every doctor should have a holistic approach to the patient’s condition and work harder on himself to give patients the right diagnosis. The use of modern technologies in the diagnostic process can help in a deeper study of the disease.
Our pediatricians, first of all, contribute to the upbringing of a healthy generation of children.
Literature used
M.X. Tilavoldieva, Sh. Kholmatova / / ethics, aesthetics and Logic// Tashkent
2014yil pp. 16- 7
https://uz.m. Wikipedia.org.
Ruxshona Izzatbekovna Toxirova was born on July 25, 2004, in the Oltinkoʻl district of Andijan region. She is Uzbek by nationality. From 2011 to 2022, she studied at the 48th general secondary school in the Oltinkoʻl district. Currently, she is a second-year student at the Faculty of Pediatrics at Andijan State Medical Institute. She graduated from school with excellent grades and achleved numerous successes, actively participating in subject Olympiads. She is the coordinator of the Girls’ Club. She participated in the conference “INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO CURRENT ISSUES IN MEDICINE” held on March 29, 2024. She is also the author of many articles.