Essay from Burikulova Shakhnoza

Knowledge is power!

 I was a school student. My life changed completely after a forty-year-old doctor of English language literature, a professor, came to our school and spoke to me. I was really envious of his achievements in life. he was looking for, he easily covered himself financially even when he was a student. Even while studying at school, he became a teacher, the profession he wanted. He graduated from school with a gold medal and entered a prestigious university on a grand basis During his student days, he expanded his business and also received the title of international teacher.

 Do you know what he told us?

 – Never dream of success, try to achieve success. Do not choose a good day or a good opportunity. Start today and now. Only then will you be among the successful! That’s right, you will stumble and fall. Know that the more obstacles and difficulties there are, the more success lies ahead! Work hard in silence, let success be your noise!

    Guys, one of the main reasons for my success so far was that woman.

 Keep this in mind:

    “Knowledge is power! Stop living in your dreams and use all your knowledge and action to make them come true. Because your future will be better than your past!”

Poetry from Xushroy Abdunazarova

My tongue that entered my ear as lullaby,
My valiant tongue in the bosom of the ages,
I will write you every moment,
My blood, my language, oh, my motherland.

Come strolling, meaning my language,
Always sing like a nightingale my tongue,
It has the spirit of Navoi, he has Babur,
Let every dialect be beautiful, my language.

Every word has a hundred meanings in my mother tongue,
Every flame is a fire in every heart,
Everything ripples in this language,
Endless treasure, legend in my tongue.

This is my language, which the whole world respects.
This is my language, inherited from my ancestors.

Abdunazarova Khushroy was born on December 21, 2008. She is 15 years old. Currently, she is a pupil of 8th grade of the 15th DIUM of Mingbulak district, Namangan region. She is interested in English and Mathematics. She wants to become a interpreter in the future. And also she is a member of the international organization "All India Council for Technical skill development".

Poetry from Sayani Mukherjee


A symphony of noon dew song

A cavernous inspiration

A tulled skirt, a picfair in display

Swirling motion in amorphous zeal

Born and broken in a Cavendish heart

I lost my numbers in a while

Play follios on rent

I pictured a sumptuous scorn

Mere wordplay of vivid illusions

Time’s lost unbidden voice

She strummed through

A magical labyrinth of airy valve

Before it came a burning halt

As it happens in a symphony song.

Essay from Ibrohim Saidakbar


Ibrahimov Saidakbar
Tashkent State University of Law
Faculty of Criminal Justice
3rd-grade student

Today, we are informed about the work and life of the national poet of Uzbekistan, a great representative of our literature, academician Gafur Ghulam through school textbooks, various books, or mass media. However, it will be useful if we briefly dwell on the work of this artist and learn the necessary conclusions from it.

People’s poet of the Republic of Uzbekistan Gafur Ghulam was born on May 10, 1309, in the Korgontegi neighborhood of Azim Tashkent in a family of hard workers. His father Ghulam Mirza Arif knew the Russian language, read poetry, and wrote poetry himself. Gafur Ghulam was nine years old and his father died when he was fifteen.

In these periods of his youth, our writer studied first in the old school, and then in Russian-Tuzem schools. After completing teacher preparation courses, he teaches in schools. Gafur Ghulam even works as a teacher in an orphanage and for some time as a director of such schools. At that time, the writer established relations with the publishers of various newspapers. He worked in the newspapers “Kambagal Dehgan”, “Kyzil Uzbekiston”, and “Sharq Haqikatii”.

The first literary activity of the poet began in 1923. He expresses his life in the poem “Felix’s Children” written this year. The poet’s first poetry collection was published in 1931 under the name “Dynamo”, and in 1932 the second collection was published under the name “Living Songs”.

As everyone knows, world and Uzbek literature has many great representatives of prose and poetry. That is, most creators have their creative achievements in the same direction of literature, and some creators feel free in poetry, and others in prose or drama, and enhance their creativity. When we hear the names of Abdulla Qahhor and Abdulla Qadiri, we think of masters of the epic (prose) genre, when we think of the names of Abdulla Oripov, Usman Nasir, Hamid Olimjon, Muhammad Yusuf, we think of artists who have come to the public’s attention with their poems. Because someone was an
unwitting fan of one of their works, and someone was a fan of their poems.

However, if we dwell on the name of Gafur Ghulam, we can think that the ideas mentioned above are somewhat inconsistent with his works. Because the creator skillfully waved his pen in both prose and poetry genres and left great examples of creativity in both directions, and each of them is worthy of admiration. In particular, anyone who is interested in Gafur Ghulam’s work is familiar with the artist’s work “Shum Bola” or “You are not an Orphan”.

The author’s short stories and stories “Netay”, “Yodgor”, ‘Resurrected Corpse”, and “Shum bola” written in the 30s of the 20th century made a great contribution to the development of our national literature. In many works of Gafur Ghulom, the true heroism
of the people, humanity, and Uzbek nationalism are shown.

Gafur Ghulam dedicated many of his works to the personality of children. The work “Shum Bola” is one of the successful works of the writer. In the play, the hero talks about his tragic life. The boy ran
away from his house to his aunt’s house because of his mother’s punishment while taking the products out of the house. However, the boy is not lucky here either: he accidentally kills his uncle’s quail and leaves this house. Thus, he begins to be darbadar and trouble. The
writer focuses on describing the worries and inner experiences of this child. Depicting external events, things and everything surrounding the little hero in the play serves to express human feelings deeply.

The events and scenes of the Second World War left an indelible mark on Gafur Ghulam’s heart. If he went back to his childhood in the years of the First World War and could not fully feel all the horrors and complications of the war, the artist considered the new war and those who provoked it to be his personal, bitter enemy. In these years, the poet’s literal works such as “You are not an Orphan”, “Gold Medal”, “Observation”, “Time”, “Missing”, “There Will be a Holiday on our street”, “I am a Jew” classical poems were born.

In many of the writer’s poems, there is the image of an oriental sage – a father: “You are not an orphan” (1942), “Grief” (1942), “One is a student, one is a master” (1950), “You are young people” (1947), “Spring Songs” (1948) and others.

The poet received the State Prize in 1946 for the collection “I Come from the East”, a collection of poems written during the war years. Gafur Ghulam was awarded the title of academician together with his creative friend Oybek for his great contribution to the development of Uzbek science and culture (1943).

Gafur Ghulam also used his pen effectively in the years after the war and created high artistic works; published several excellent articles on journalism and literary studies. His work appeared as a unique chronicle of the people’s life in this period. If Gafur Ghulam rose to the level of a philosopher-poet with his poetic works during this period, he also showed that he was a skilled writer who knew the people’s life and spirit well with his stories such as “Shum Bola” and “My Thief Boy”.

Gafur Ghulam’s selected works, collections, and works in ten volumes have been published several times. His articles written as a scholar of classic and modern literature, his journalistic speeches on various aspects of life, feuilletons, and funny stories are warmly welcomed by the people, the poet is highly praised everywhere. would be honored.

Gafur Ghulam was awarded the title of “People’s Poet of Uzbekistan” in 1963. At the end of our speech, we should quote a verse from the author’s pen: Be as hardworking as the world, sooner or later.

With this, the poet emphasizes that movement means aliveness, that both the universe and the earth are always in motion, and he encourages our fans to move and live. In conclusion, we can say that during his life, the writer left an indelible mark in history with his life, his will, and his legacy equal to gold. Today, finding such works, even writing them, is a difficult task.

1. Uzbek writers. Sabir Mirvaliyev – “Fan” publishing house – 1993
2. Naim Karimov, publishing house named after Gafur Ghulam, Tashkent-2003.
3. The spiritual and educational significance of Gafur Ghulam’s work. Scientific
conference. Tashkent-2003.
5. library

Essay from Guli Bekturdiyeva

Central Asian teen girl with a brown leather jacket, black blouse, silver necklace and long dark hair up in a ponytail.
Guli Bekturdiyeva


Annotation: Syllabus plays great role in teaching effectively. Curriculum includes syllabus, course programs instructions. The purpose of creating objective oriented syllabus is to support teacher and serve to reach goal. The syllabus and curriculum given above are well designed and the format is clear and consistent.

The main objectives are: to improve communicative competence in order to acquire daily, specific, and academic knowledge and can use them for their future occupation. Requirements and outcomes are also listed. The content of the subject is also widely explained. The course schedule is fully articulated and logically sequenced. The class length is 102 hours for a year, three times a week.

 Key words: Syllabus, curriculum, communicative competence

Summary: Per topic has required hours, and level A1+. It would be better if they have more classes. I think five times a week helps students learn easily and productively. Course begins in September and finishes in May. Each class is namely mentioned and addressed positively. The rights and responsibilities of both student and school are clearly defined. The students levels are clearly described ( A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2). The curriculum was made strong enough, enrich with consistent topics, the link between previous and coming topic is not lost. Unfortunately, syllabus does not include teaching methods.

In my opinion syllabus should define various teaching methods, because during class, teacher can apply some activities, and she should address to syllabus not other resources. Course schedule does not include extra topics or materials except required course textbooks and readings. Instructor who is going to have a class should be armed with sufficient materials, because our generation are going to be more clever than us. If class finishes earlier all exercise or the received reading materials don’t conform to students` level in that case teacher should not be in trouble. In such situation teacher should evaluate situation exactly.

Another drawback is all assignments are linked with a specific course objectives and outcomes are likely to provide sufficient evidence to adequately assess each objective. The syllabus doesn’t contain home works or home reading tasks. Because each student has textbook and at the end of the class there is home work part and it is given by symbol. There is assessing system but there is not any recommendation or list of teaching methods when the class is seemed mixed. The diversity of students make teacher to consider applying another method or change to new one. In this condition teacher should hold various pedagogic methods for different level students. Assignments don’t define and don’t offer any rubric.

Because for school students the tasks are not challenging. I think the homework part should be more critical and more individual. Because most of the students copy from peers, exercise can be copies. In that case tasks could have some description for the task. The curriculum does not offer rubrics for assignments even for college or university. The policies for missing exam, assignments are not given.

Attendance requirements and lateness policies are not clearly explained. In syllabus should be the part which devoted to attendance. Unfortunately the syllabus has not such parts. However syllabus is free of grammatical and spelling mistakes. The curriculum is tested then sent to schools to apply. It passed through long way of experiment however it has some shortage. These shortages should be improved and eliminated. Some teachers besides me complain of syllabus design and content materials. While conducting the class I really avoid using textbook materials. I can apply some of them but not all of given. Because the world is improving and teaching techniques as well. So teachers should utilize more ICT to reach goal. the importance of technology is huge and productive.

Young generation interest in presentations, video materials and the latest news. Today teacher should be aware of using and applying vision materials during the class. Teacher is not supplied with vision materials and interactive methods. Some teachers adopted to this situation and they stopped working on their selves and stopped look critically toward occupation. This kind of problems can cause failure of education institutes especially harms school esteem. Since the school should serve as a foundation and bring up students. If the teacher can not navigate student to proper direction or cannot motivate and can not define the objectives and can not deliver to all participants, they may think English is just compulsory subject and do it only for requirement. If the teachers work on their selves the audience can evaluate their hard working.

Conclusion: Teacher should provide with different colors, avoids of boring activities. So the syllabus should provide with additional materials. In some places the connection to access some internet sites are really bad, furthermore teachers are occupied with a lot of paper works and lessons. I strongly recommend to advice teachers more pedagogical methods and supply with vision, audio materials. English is not theoretical subject and related more to practice. At the end of the syllabus the reference part also mentioned and list of experts also. The syllabus is in use and working well. The content topics are properly chosen and coincide with students level that’s why I didn’t change any. The topics are usual daily themes, which are conform to students competence. The syllabus has strong sense, still some above mentioned parts should be improved.


 1. NA Narzieva, N Hasanova. Communicative competence as a pedagogical model in the classrooms// ACADEMICIA: An international Multidisciplinary Research Journal 10(6),78- 81, 2020

2. NA Narzieva. The concept of defined target technologies and their role in the educational process// Theoretical &Applied science, 356-360, 2020

3. AD Ahmedovna, Narziyeva N.A, Main styles and methods of teaching speaking foreign languages to medical institutes , International Engineering Journal for research and development 6 (SP), 4-4, 2021

 4. NN Narzieva, Development of Education and Research Activity Profile Class Students on the Basis of Integrative and Personal Approach, www. auris-verlag, 2017

5. NN Narzieva Development of Education and Research Activity Profile Class Students on the Basis of Integrative and Personal Approach, www.auris-verlag. de, 2017

6. NN Atakulovna Factors supporting teaching and learning English in non-English speaking countries, ResearchJet Journal of Analysis and inventions 2(06), 297-305, 2021

7. Abdullayeva М.А., Abdurakhmonov М.М. Congenital risk factors in uzbek population with nonspecific aortoarteriitis// European science review. Austria. – 2018. – №11-12. – P. 51-53.

8. NN Atakulovna Teaching Vocabulary by using Digital Technology to Non-Native Learners “ONLINE-CONFERENCE” PLATFORM, 508-509,2021

 9. NA Narziyeva ORGANIZING ENGLISH CLASSES REGARDING LEARNERS WISHES, Scientific progress 2(6), 1003-1005, 2021

10. М.А.Абдуллаева, И.Ш.Садиков, Ш Ш Шодыева , АЗ Олимова Факторы риска острого инфаркта миокарда у болных молодого и среднего возрастов. Биология ва Тиббиёт муаммолари , 3 2013

 11. Abdullayeva М.А., Abdurakhmonov М.М. Congenital risk factors in uzbek population with nonspecific aortoarteriitis// European science review. Austria. – 2018. – №11-12. – P. 51-53.

12. NN Atakulovna Teaching Vocabulary by using Digital Technology to Non-Native Learners “ONLINE-CONFERENCE” PLATFORM, 508-509,2021

13. NA Narzieva ORGANIZING ENGLISH CLASSES REGARDING LEARNERS WISHES, Scientific progress 2(6), 1003-1005, 2021

14. М.А.Абдуллаева, И.Ш.Садиков, ШШ Шодыева ,АЗ Олимова Факторы риска острого инфаркта миокарда у болных молодого и среднего возрастов. Биология ва Тиббиёт муаммолари, 3, 2013

 15. MA Abdullayeva, Analysis of congenital risk factors in the uzbek population with nonspecific aortoarteritis, European research innovation in science, education and technology, 79-81,2019

Essay from Abdulazizov Dovudbek


Abdulazizov Dovudbek

Rakhmonova Lazizakhon Mirzajon qizi

Andijon state of foreign language institution

First-year student

Annotation: As you know food hygiene is a set of food manufacturing practices that aim to minimise biological food hazards through safe and clean operations to protect public health from foodbome diseases. Bilganingizdek oziq-ovqat gigiyenasi – oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini ishlab chiqarishning to’plami bo’lib, u jamoatni biologik taomlarni iste’mol qilishdan himoya qilishga qaratilgan.

Key words: health hazards, food defense, hygine, food technology, pathnogens, bacteria, viruses.

First and foremost, The occurrence of two or more cases of a similar illness resulting from the ingestion of a common food is known as a food-borne disease outbreak. This includes a number of routines that should be followed to avoid potential health hazards. In this way, food safety often overlaps with food defense to prevent harm to consumers. In considering industry-to-market practices, food safety considerations include the origins of food including the practices relating to food labeling, food hygiene, food additives and pesticide residues, as well as policies on biotechnology and food and guidelines for the management of governmental import and export inspection and certification systems for foods. In considering market-to-consumer practices, the usual thought is that food ought to be safe in the market and the concem is safe delivery and preparation of the food for the consumer. Food safety, nutrition and food security are closely related. Unhealthy food creates a cycle of disease and malnutrition that affects infants and adults as well. Food can transmit pathogens, which can result in the illness or death of the person or other animals. The main types of pathogens are bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungus. The WHO Foodborne Disease Epidemiology Reference Group conducted the only study that solely and comprehensively focused on the global health burden of foodborne diseases. This study, which involved the work of over 60 experts for a decade, is the most comprehensive guide to the health burden of foodborne diseases.

Food can also serve as a growth and reproductive medium for pathogens. In developed countries there are intricate standards for food preparation, whereas in Tesser developed countries there are fewer standards and less enforcement of those standards. Even so, in the US, in 1999, 5,000 deaths per year were related to foodborne pathogens. Another main issue is simply the availability of adequate safe water, which is usually a critical item in the spreading of diseases. In theory, food poisoning is 100% preventable. However this cannot be achieved due to the number of persons involved in the supply chainas well as the fact that pathogens can be introduced into foods no matter how many precautions are taken.


Food safety issues and regulations concern:

Agriculture and animal husbandry practices.

Food manufacturing practices.

Food additives

Novel foods.

Genetically modified foods

Food label

Food contamination.

Food contamination.

Food contamination happens when foods are corrupted with another substance. It can happen in the process of production, transportation, packaging, storage, sales, and cooking process. Contamination can be physical, chemical, or biological Physical contamination

Physical contaminants (or ‘foreign bodies’) are objects such as hair, plant stalks or pieces of plastic and metal. When a foreign object enters food, it is a physical contaminant. If the foreign objects are bacteria, both a physical and biological contamination will occur.

Physical food contamination is a hazardous yet natural accident of contaminating food with dangerous objects around the kitchen or production base when being prepared. If kitchens or other places where food may be prepared are unsanitary, it is very likely that physical contamination will occur and cause negative consequences. Children and the elderly are at the highest risk of being harmed by food contamination due to their weaker immune systems and fragile structures. The most common reasoning for physical contamination to occur is when the food is left uncovered without lids. To prevent such contamination and harm to those consuming food from restaurants, cooks are recommended to wear hair nets, remove jewelry, and wear gloves when necessary, especially over wounds with bandages.Chemical contamination happens when food is contaminated with a natural or artificial chemical substance.

Safe food handling procedures (from market to consumer)

The five key principles of food hygiene, according to WHO, are:

Prevent contaminating food with pathogens spreading from people, pets, and pests.

Separate raw and cooked foods to prevent contaminating the cooked foods.

Cook foods for the appropriate length of time and at the appropriate temperature to kill pathogens.

Store food at the proper temperature.

Use safe water and safe raw materials

Proper storage, sanitary tools and work spaces, heating and cooling properly and to adequate temperatures, and avoiding contact with other uncooked foods can greatly reduce the chances of contamination. Tightly sealed water and air proof containers are good measures to limit the chances of both physical and biological contamination during storage. Using clean, sanitary surfaces and tools, free of debris, chemicals, standing liquids, and other food types (different from the kind currently being prepared, i.e. mixing vegetables/meats or beef/poultry) can help reduce the chance of all forms of contamination. However, even if all precautions have been taken and the food has been safely prepared and stored, bacteria can still form over time during storage. Food should be consumed within one to seven (1-7) days while it has been stored in a cold environment, or one to twelve (1-12) months if it was in a frozen environment (if it was frozen immediately after preparation). The length of time before a food becomes unsafe to eat depends on the type of food it is, the surrounding environment, and the method with which it is kept out of the danger zone.

In my point of view, Everyone should know about food hygiene. If he or she doesn’t know what’s food hygiene. They are able to face with some misunderstandings. Perhaps, if they follow to food hygiene on their lifestyle. They can afford themselves safe their safety not only that but also their well-being.


1.Texas Food Establishment Rules. Texas DSHS website: Texas Department of State Health Services. 2015. p. 6.

2. “Food Safety Definition & Why is Food Safety Important”. Retrieved 16 November 2022.

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4.Havelaar, Arie H.; Kirk, Martyn D.; Torgerson, Paul R.; Gibb, Herman J., Hald, Tine; Lake, Robin J.; Praet, Nicolas; Bellinger, David C.; de Silva, Nilanthi R.; Gargouri, Neyla; Speybroeck, Niko; Cawthorne, Amy, Mathers, Colin, Stein, Claudia; Angulo, Frederick

J.; Devleesschauwer, Brecht (2015). “World Health Organization Global Estimates and

Regional Comparisons of the Burden of Foodborne Disease in 2010. PLOS Med. 12

(12): e1001923. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001923. PMC 4668832.

5. Morris, Glenn (2011). “How Safe Is Our Food?”. Emerging Infectious Diseases.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 17 (1): 126-128.

doi: 10.3201/eid1701.101821. PMC 3375763. PMID 21192873. Retrieved 12 November 2021.

6.Shikiomanov, I. A. (2000). “Appraisal and Assessment of World Water Resources” (PDF). Water International. International Water Resources Association. pp. 11-32

7.”Food poisoning Symptoms and causes”. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved 16 November 2022.

8. “Supply Chain”. Corporate Finance Institute. Retrieved 16 November 2022.

9.”USDA, National Agricultural Library. Bacterial pathogens and foodborne illnesses”.

11. “What is Food Contamination?”. Retrieved 10 June 2018.

12. “Physical contaminants in food, identification and prevention at Campden BRI”. Retrieved 10 June 2018.

13. Miller, Vicky (30 September 2021). “Physical Food Contamination’. CPD Online College. Retrieved 28 November 2022

14. “Investigation and Identification of Physical Contaminants in Food | Food Safety”. Retrieved 28 November 2022.

15.360training (10 June 2021). “What Are The Four Types of Food Contamination?”.

360training. Retrieved 28 November 2022.

23. “Prevention of foodbome disease: Five keys to safer food”. World Health.

Organization. Archived from the original on 25 March 2006. Retrieved 10 December


24. Zeratsky, Katherine. “How long can you safely keep leftovers in the refrigerator?”.

Mayo Clinic. Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D. Retrieved 21 November 2018.

25. “Storage Times for the Refrigerator and Freezer. Retrieved 21 November 2018.

Essay from Ziyoyeva Irodakhon

Central Asian teen girl in a woolen gray and white jacket and white sweater and black pants standing in front of a wall with a quote in gold lettering and filigree designs and the photo of an important white man in a suit holding up his hand.

Abdulla Avlaniy’s contribution to the development of pedagogy

Irodakhon Ziyoyeva Umidjon’s daughter is a student of the Denov Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy.  Her scientific articles have been published in several international journals and websites.  Holder of several international certificates.

Annotation: This article presents the life and creative work of Abdulla Avloni, one of the prominent representatives of Jadidism, a poet, playwright and pedagogue, his contribution to the field of pedagogy, and examples of his valuable thoughts.

 Key words: modernism, modern methods, old method schools, worldly knowledge, ethics.

          It is known that since the 90s of the 19th century, the Jadidism movement spread widely in Central Asia, especially in the Turkestan region.  Their main goal was to renew, enrich and fundamentally improve the old underdeveloped education system in the country.  In order to raise the awareness of the population and spread knowledge, they published various newspapers several times, established various theaters, replaced the old methods in schools with new ones, began to teach subjects related to modern worldly knowledge along with religious knowledge, instead of paid schools  in order to support the needy strata of the population, they even established free educational institutions.  Of course, at that time, these changes were not liked by the tsarist government and some pedagogues who were making money from the old schools.  For this reason, the Jadid movement was strongly opposed by the tsarist government, and many dedicated intellectuals died prematurely.  Abdulla Awlani is one of the devoted intellectuals of that time.

The life and work of Abdulla Avloni

     Enlightener, writer, dramatist Abdulla Avloni was born on July 12, 1878 in Tashkent in a peasant family.  In his youth, he studied at the old school.  He wrote about himself in his biography that he started studying at a madrasa in Okhchi neighborhood from the age of 12, and from the age of 13 he worked as a laborer in the summer and studied in the winter.  After graduating from Avloni madrasa, he worked as a school teacher.  Changing the structure and direction of the schools of that time has done a lot of work on radical improvement.  In particular, providing students with modern worldly knowledge and teaching Eastern and Western languages ​​in schools was one of Avloni’s main ideas.

Avloni joined the Jadidchilik movement in the 20th century.  He, in turn, knew Arabic, Russian, and Persian languages ​​and worked as a translator.  He translated several famous writers.  The ages of Leo Tolstoy, Konstantin Ushinsky are among them.  Abdulla Avlani published several newspapers and presented them to the public to raise awareness in the society.  In particular:

1.Progressive” 1906

2. “Fame” 1907

3. “Asia” 1908

4. “Turon” published in 1917.:

Among them, Shuhrat newspaper was printed by Avloni at his home.  Taking into account that writing and printing books was not developed at that time and it was a laborious process, it required a lot of hard work.

Pedagogical activities and views of Abdulla Avlani

       Abdulla Avlani, for his part, knew that changing the direction of school education was not an easy task, and sufficient conditions were required for this.  One of the main problems in the education system of that time was the lack of educational resources.  In order to prevent this problem, Abdulla Avlani created several textbooks and started using them in his new method schools.  Some of these works include: “The First Teacher”, “The Second Teacher”, “Turkish Gulistan and Ethics”.  The first Teacher’s book was mainly used as an elementary textbook for schools, and it was written on the principle of easy to difficult.  The second book of the Teacher is its logical continuation.  Abdulla Avloni’s collection “Literature or National Poems” (consisting of 5 volumes) and “School Gulistoni” were created as a textbook-complex for the upper classes of schools.  That is why he included not only his own poems, but also children’s works of other authors in these collections.  The collections were published during 1909-1917, the textbooks-complexes served as the main guide in expressive reading.

    Abdulla Avlani paid great attention to literacy and expressive reading and even listed several types of expressive and fluent reading.  It is known that in the schools of the old system, students blindly followed the teacher and pronounced without knowing the letters, but could not read the pronounced words when they saw their written expression.  Since teachers in old schools mainly relied on the oral method of teaching, very few students were able to read and write fluently after graduating from school.  Avloni prevented this shortcoming and created its modern forms without limiting himself to the initial forms of expressive teaching.In 1917, the book “Turkish Culture and Morals” was published, in which the socio-pedagogical views of Abdulla Avloni, an enlightened scientist, were described.  Abdulla Avloni, speaking about the education of children in the work “Turkish culture and morals”, emphasizes that the main task is the responsibility of the teacher.  In his opinion, the strength and breadth of thinking of a pedagogue depends on the breadth of worldviews.  If the teachers’ words contradict their actions, then the students do not believe in such moral teachings.  In Avloni’s pedagogical works, the glorification of intelligence and knowledge is supposedly closely connected with the glorification of this person.Also, Avloni has always encouraged people of knowledge to learn languages.  He said: language and literature are the mirror life of every nation in the world.  Avloni emphasizes that the spoken word of a person is the scale that measures his perfection, knowledge and virtue.  In fact, many scholars know a person’s thoughts, intentions and even value from his words.  When we study Avloni’s point of view, it is surprising that the ideas he put forward are still necessary and have not lost their power.  Educating a mature person in all respects, encouraging him to turn away from evil and to do good is directly related to education.  Abdulla Awlani defines education as follows: “Education and pedagogy means child pedagogy. Good education for the health and happiness of the child, keeping the body clean, correcting the profession at a young age, and teaching good manners are like doctors, the doctor is the disease in the patient’s body.  “A teacher should do a great job by treating the center of anger in the child’s body with the remedy of “good behavior” and above the remedy of “purity”.  Here, Abdulla Avloni compares a pedagogue to a doctor, and purity and good behavior to a cure.  The thinker divides education into three groups: physical education, intellectual education and moral education.  First of all, the first of these is important for a person.  Because if the body is healthy, the mind will be healthy and clear, and the behavior will be beautiful, – says Avloni.


 Abdulla Avloni has a prominent place among the representatives of Jadidism with his works and productive work, and his great services in the field of pedagogy.  The educational and moral views advanced in his works still serve as an important guide in the culture of the modern age.  Avloni was also an exemplary pedagogue and was able to make a significant contribution to the educational system of the 19th century.  In his works, the necessary qualities of not only the student, but also the personality of the pedagogue are shown.  In fact, in order to educate a student, a pedagogue must first be an example in science and education.  It can be seen from the above examples that Avloni’s works still enrich Uzbek literature, and these works can directly educate the reader to form moral qualities such as love for the motherland and the pursuit of knowledge.

During his time, Avloni worked in the positions of consul, minister of public education, editor, and teacher.  It is true that he was not persecuted and condemned as an enemy of the people, but his work was not studied until 1966, and none of his works were published after his death.  If the works of a poet or writer do not reach the reader, it means that the poet is forgotten.  But the work of Abdulla Avloni was later studied and researched by Begali Kasimov.  During the years of independence, among other representatives of Jadidism, Abdulla Avloni was highly honored and respected, his works were re-examined, updated and brought to the attention of the general public.  In Tashkent, a street and 2 neighborhoods, national research institutes were named after Avloni.  A statue of Avloni was also installed on Adiblar Avenue.


  1. Abdullah Awlani.  Turkish culture or morals.  – T.: “Teacher”, 1992.

 2 Begali Kosimov, Shukhrat Rizaev.  Abdulla Avloniy (1878-1934) - abdulla-avloniy-1878-1934