Collaborative micropoems from Jerome Berglund and Shane Coppage


crow’s feet 

each year 

closer to a murder

	lag time 

Shane Coppage 

	& Jerome Berglund


leap of faith 

	what kind of present			

	does an artist give


Shane Coppage 

	& Jerome Berglund



joining the last place		

to permit entry

	no refunds

Jerome Berglund

	& Shane Coppage


pink corvette 

there are no wrinkles 			

in her skirt 

	orthodox church

Shane Coppage 

	& Jerome Berglund


Dr. Feelgood

	ruck pack

	Atlas eat 

	your heart out

Jerome Berglund

	& Shane Coppage

Jerome Berglund has worked as everything from dishwasher to paralegal, night watchman to assembler of heart valves. Many haiku, haiga and haibun he’s written have been exhibited or are forthcoming online and in print, most recently in bottle rockets, Frogpond, Kingfisher, and Presence. A mixed media chapbook showcasing his fine art photography is available now from Fevers of the Mind.

Shane Coppage is a poet and artist. His poetry has been published in Prune Juice, Whiptail, Humana Obscura, dadakuku, Trash Panda, The Heron’s Nest, Modern Haiku, Wales Haiku Journal, The Wee Sparrow Press, and Cold Moon Journal, among others. Coppage lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with his growing family.