To be or not to be
Harry: Hey guys, did you hear what happened? They say people have locked themselves in their houses because of something called a virus.
Larry: Hmm, such a strange way to avoid us. I thought they just moved.
Bob: Perhaps they got too bored and decided to take an extended vacation inside their houses. I would also do this if I had houses.
Harry: Okay, enough about people. Let's discuss what we will do with this junk. There, there's a piece of pizza on the floor. Anyone hungry?
Larry: No, thanks. I recently had a hearty lunch of leftover sandwiches. But what about building yourself a “cockroach empire” here?
Bob: The idea makes sense. We can create our own state, where every cockroach will have the right to free food and housing.
Harry: Yes, and we can force all the grasshoppers to give us massages and the flies to clean up after us. This is what I mean by comfort!
Larry: What about our flag? We can make it from broken plates and broken tables.
Bob: Yeah, and our anthem will be heard from the noise we make as we trudge through the cafeteria. "Ta-ta-ta-crawling empire! Ta-ta-ta-crawling empire!"
Harry: Oh yeah, that sounds like a plan! And when we rule the world, we will forbid everyone to hide from us under our feet. Now we will rule over them!
Larry: And all our decisions will be made according to the cockroach principle. If at least two of us like something, then it will be the law!
Bob: And finally, we will announce the day when we will gather all the cockroaches in the world under our rule, and then we will finally be able to say that we are the true leaders of this planet!
Harry: Yes, we will be great and terrible! We will... um... some cockroaches with world-wide ambitions!
Olin: Hey guys, you won't believe what I just found out!
Harry: Well, what did you find out, Olin?
Olin: Humanity has disappeared!
Bob: What? Disappeared? Like this?
Olin: I've searched the entire kitchen, and there's not a single sign of people. They are not there, as if they never existed!
Larry: Good! Now no one will stop us from building our cockroach empire!
Harry: That's right, we're free! Now we can rule over this world as we want!
Olin: What if... what if they come back?
Bob: Let's not think about it. We are here now and we need to enjoy our time!
Harry: Olin, let's have fun! After all our efforts, we got this whole world!
Olin: But think about it, guys. What does this mean for us? We are building our empire on the ruins of human civilization, but what will happen when it faces reality?
Harry: What do you mean, Olin?
Olin: What I mean is that humanity disappeared, leaving behind only a destroyed world. We may inherit their place, but what will we inherit? Their mistakes, their shortcomings, their vices?
Bob: Well, if they disappeared, then they must not have been as perfect as they thought they were. We can do better!
Olin: But what if their disappearance is not just the end, but the beginning of a new era? We have witnessed the end of one civilization, but it is not guaranteed that we will become the architects of a new one.
Larry: You make it sound like it has some deep meaning, Olin. We are just cockroaches, what contribution can we make?
Olin: We can become memory keepers. We can study human history to avoid their mistakes. We can create a new world based on respect for nature, solidarity and wisdom.
Harry: But how can we do this? We're just cockroaches, crazy creatures running around on the floor.
Olin: Hey guys, have you ever thought about the meaning of our lives?
Harry: Of course, Olin. I always ask myself this question when I see a slice of pizza that I want to eat.
Larry: And I think about the meaning of life when I'm climbing walls and trying to find a new shelter.
Bob: I prefer to consider the question of the meaning of life while lying on my back and looking at the ceiling. Especially when it's covered in my footprints.
Harry: Maybe you should all shut up, I'm trying to think!
Larry: So what, you always have to think? Nobody cares about your thoughts, Harry!
Bob: Come on guys, calm down. We all need to cooperate to survive in this world.
Olin: Yes, idiots! Why can't you just work together like normal cockroaches?
Harry: Who are you to tell me, Olin? Do you think you're the best?
Larry: Calm down, Harry, you're not the only one here who has something to say!
Bob: Are we really going to have to listen to this circus every day? We must find a way to resolve our differences peacefully.
Olin: You're right, Bob. We're all in this together. Let's learn to respect each other and seek compromises.
Harry: Okay, maybe I went too far. Sorry guys. Let's look at all the options and choose the best course of action.
Larry: Yes, sorry, Harry. Let's make our cooperation more harmonious.
Bob: Great, guys. Now that we are on the same page again, let's find a way out of this situation together.
Harry: Hey guys, let's play a game of "Who said it?"
Larry: Cool idea! I am the first! "I've never eaten lunch out of a trash can."
Bob: It's Olin! He's always so picky with food.
Olin: Wrong, guys! It's you, Larry! Do you remember when you tried dumpster pizza last month?
Larry: Oh yeah, exactly! Okay, it's your turn. Who is next?
Harry: You know what, guys, I think it's time for us to end this game. The game is already starting to get boring.
Larry: I agree, Harry. This game is becoming more and more predictable.
Bob: Yes, and I'm no longer interested in guessing who said what. Maybe we should come up with something else for fun?
Olin: I completely agree. Let's come up with something new and exciting. We don't want to be bored, right?
Harry: Hey guys, what if I told you something? You'll never guess what it will be.
Larry: Well, Harry, let's hear your unexpected story.
Harry: You know, actually... We're all actually mice!
Bob: What?! This is impossible, Harry! We're cockroaches!
Olin: Wait, guys, maybe he's right. I remembered how I once accidentally found a bag of cheese and couldn’t figure out where it came from...
Harry: And so, I noticed that we all have tails and big ears, and we all run around in the dark so often...
Larry: But... but what about all our adventures and conversations? It can not be true!
Bob: What if this is all just part of our collective hallucination? We might just be rodents in a laboratory!
Olin: Anything is possible, guys... Damn, what's all the noise? Is there a cat sneaking here?
Director: Hello guys. Glad to see all of you.
Harry: Oh, hi John. What's happening?
Director: Well, I have to tell you something a little strange... Remember when we started experimenting with a new way of rendering characters?
Larry: Yes, of course. But what does this have to do with us?
Director: Well, you see, we used it on all of you.
Bob: What? So, we... we're not real cockroaches?
Director: Of course, all of you are real actors. And the performance was so realistic that I forgot that you were playing the roles of cockroaches.
Olin: So what is this place? We were sure that this was our refuge.
Director: Actually, it's a scene. We built it specifically. And all of you have been used here for many years in our productions.
Harry: So we were on stage the whole time?
Director: Exactly. And I must say that you played your roles perfectly, Harry.
Larry: It's... it's a little strange, but also surprising at the same time.
Bob: So all our adventures, our struggle to survive... it was all just part of the show?
Director: Right. And I want to say that you all did a great job, Bob. Your acting was so realistic that even I began to believe that you were cockroaches.
Olin: Well, it was still a fun study in the end.
Director: So, what do you think, do you want to continue playing your roles or maybe move on to something new?
The cockroaches exchanged glances before one of them replied with a smile:
Harry: Let's continue playing. But this time, let's add even more drama and action. I am confident that we will be able to impress the audience even more.
Director: Wonderful! Then let's start rehearsing the new act. And remember, now the adventure is just beginning!