Early July’s resource list…free giveaway for signing up for the RSS feed or cross-linking!


Now for a new weekly feature of Synchronized Chaos Magazine…we’re putting together regular lists of resources and opportunities for our contributors and for all journalists, writers, artists, and creators. We’ll mention a few we’ve come across…please feel free to comment with anything you have found (books, websites, tips and advice, resources) which you think may help others.

For journalists and anyone who may use interviews as a tool for fiction or nonfiction writing – we came across a wonderful-sounding book by Lawrence Grobel and coauthor Donleavy called The Art of the Interview. Here’s a link to the book and to some responses its techniques actually elicited in interviews: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?r=1&ISBN=9781400050710&ourl=The%2DArt%2Dof%2Dthe%2DInterview%2FLawrence%2DGrobel

For those interested in getting their names out there while raising funds for worthwhile causes, there’s the Sweet Charity site, which hosts periodic short-story auctions. Everything is conducted and moderated online, and causes include RAINN for rape/incest survivors, Invisible Children (children affected by Uganda’s civil war), and the Los Angeles area employees (hairdressers, custodial staff, etc) out of work during last year’s writers’ strike.

You may put up any short story, including fanfiction, so long as the piece is your own creation…also you may sell tangible crafts or offer to pinch-hit for those unable to fulfill their obligations. Basic information is online here: http://www.sweet-charity.net/faq and the next auction is in September, cause to be announced – so now’s a great time to start writing a new piece!  

The site has a young-person feel…but it works for everyone, I have sold several pieces myself through Sweet Charity.

Also, we are offering a free gift, an emailed short story from our archived collection, to people who sign up for Synchronized Chaos’ RSS feed (link is on the right hand of the main page) or host it on their websites. Please email us at  cedeptula@sbcglobal.net if you’re signed up!