Essay from Adiba Shuxratovna

Black and white photo of a Central Asian young woman with a white headscarf and black and white patterned sweater. She's in a hallway with other people in the background and is holding a newspaper.
"There is no mercy in politics" - Amir Temur's valiant struggle for the peace of our country

Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbek language and literature, 2nd stage student Pardaboyeva Adiba Shukhrat girl

Scientific supervisor: Sayyora Bekchanova
Rector's adviser on women's issues

Abstract: This article presents information about the character of Temur, Amir Temur's politics and his way of life in Hossein Javid's drama "Amir Temur".

Annotation: This article presents information on the character of Temur, the politics of Amir Temur and his mode of life in the drama "Amir Temur" by Hossein Javid.



Temur Taragai ibn Barlos was born on April 9, 1336 in the small village of Khoja Ilgor. Temur's name is translated from the Turkic language as "iron", which in many ways influenced his strong-willed character and future destiny. He was a brave and courageous young man, his parents and teachers raised him to be a real warrior. 

Despite the leg injuries he received in the battle, he was very strong and personally participated in all the campaigns and battles until the last days. The great general and statesman gave us from literary works and government structures to unique architecture and ancient architecture that entered the history of the world. He left a great legacy to his masterpieces. He lived, worked, conquered lands and created his history - the history of a great man. 

Many authors have written books about the life of Amir Temur since his lifetime. It is appropriate to study the sources about him as primary and secondary sources. The primary sources are books written during his lifetime and by contemporary authors. Secondary sources are books written long after his death. Shami's work describes the events of Timur's life from 1404 until the work was handed over to him. Later, Shahrukh Mirza's historian Hafizi Abru added the last parts of Temur's life as an appendix to the work. 

The next work, which is considered by the general public as a perfect work about the life of Amir Temur, is "Zafarnoma" by Sharafuddin Ali Yazdi. Yazdi finished writing the work in 1425 according to the order of Shahrukh Mirza. When writing the work, he refers to the authors before him. Nizamiddin's work, as we said above, does not describe the last year of Timur's life.


In recent days, I got acquainted with Hossein Javid's drama "Amir Temur", and I think that Temur's character is fully revealed in this work. It is not accidental that Hossein Javid, a creator belonging to the whole Turkic world with the scope of his talent, great personality, and high ideals, turns to the character of Amir Temur. He saw in Timur his ideal of a man, and in the kingdom he built, not only the past of the Turkic peoples, but also the model of their future. These aspects are clearly visible in the drama "Amir Temur", created in 1925 and directed by the famous Uzbek poet Usman Kochkor. 

It is known that the staged drama is the only literary genre that has the power to directly affect the audience's senses, turning an artistic event into a life event. Taking into account the possibility of the drama genre, Husayn Javid tried to depict the character of Temur not only in the style of the glorious past of the Turkic nations, but also as a person who encourages the representatives of this nation to create a bright future. 

The dramatist skillfully describes how the Turkic peoples, who are currently oppressed under the oppression of various conquerors, once decided the fate of humanity in such a skill that the reader and the viewer believe that such a great nation will rise again. they believe that it tends to show higher, brighter, more colorful. In this drama, Amir Temur's words: "He does not understand that the governor who offends the raiyat is as foolish as an animal that has disturbed its nest", his wise man and just ruler are shown. He is depicted not only as a compassionate and noble person, but as a wise ruler who knows well that it is necessary to please the people first for the peace of the kingdom.. "Amir Temur" is distinguished from other works by its impartiality, the author's personal relationship with the characters is not clearly felt, and the conclusion is left to the reader. 

Temur's quiet speech to his beloved wife Dilshod: "There is no grace in politics" shows the characteristic aspect of a cold-hearted person who does not allow state affairs to be driven by emotions. rather, it deepens its inner content, not its outwardly visible aspects, but its original inner essence.