Most importantly, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-5876 dated November 15, 2019 defines the goals, principles and main directions of the state policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of interethnic relations
Firstly, the harmonization of interethnic relations – the formation of constructive and mutually respectful relations between representatives of nations and peoples is explained.
Secondly, the state policy in the field of interethnic relations – consists of the systematic activities of the state in the field of improving and regulating interethnic relations in society, aimed at ensuring the Constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens, their equality before the law, regardless of their gender, race, nationality, language, religion, social origin, beliefs, personal and social status.
Thirdly, interethnic tolerance is a social norm of civil society, manifested in a spirit of compromise towards the views, religions, customs, traditions and culture of representatives of other nations and peoples that do not contradict universal human values.
Of course, the “Day of Friendship of Peoples” serves to further develop interethnic relations and friendly ties with foreign countries in New Uzbekistan, to demonstrate that exemplary socio-economic, cultural-educational and legal conditions have been created for the effective implementation of the state policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of preserving and developing the language, culture, traditions and customs of representatives of various nations and peoples living in our republic. In order to achieve these great and noble goals, July 30 is widely celebrated in Uzbekistan every year as the “Day of Friendship of Peoples”. May this holiday be blessed for our tolerant people living in our homeland, where human dignity is honored.
Aminova Dilbar, a first-year student at the Urgench branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy.