Education and training! Although these words do not exactly repeat each other, it is difficult to imagine them without each other, because education is one of the highest manifestations of education. Education is a process that combines physical, mental and spiritual conditions. It is inevitable that a well-educated person will be unequaled in the field of education. It is known that education is given more in the educational process. From the day students come to school, a desire to learn is formed. They gradually develop a need for knowledge and begin to receive spiritual nourishment. With this, high feelings such as yearning for the future, desire, thirst for work, love for the motherland, selflessness, perseverance, courage, friendship, goodness appear in the students. Education is the oldest lifelong value. Everyone in life has an educational influence. In my opinion, as mentioned above, the concepts of education and upbringing cannot be imagined separately. There is no education without upbringing, just as there is no education without upbringing. Development of education and upbringing is one of the most pressing issues today. A number of extensive works are being carried out in the field of education. Today's youth should be armed with "STRONG BODY, HEALTHY MIND AND GOOD MORALS". The future is in the hands of educated and educated youth!