Essay from Bekzod Ergashev

 Abstract: The problem of unemployment is the biggest problem that afflicts the youth of Uzbekistan. About 700,000 young people are unemployed in Uzbekistan. This is 14.9 percent of all young people of Uzbekistan. This article also covers unemployment, which is one of the biggest problems that plagues young people in the 21st century. 

 Key words: Unemployment, research, jobs, economy, resources.  

 Employment of the population is an important factor in economic development and development of human potential. Ensuring employment of the population is a necessary condition for its reproduction. Because people's standard of living, the selection, training, retraining of personnel for economic sectors and branches, and their qualification improvement, employment, material and psychological support of the unemployed depend on the employment of the population. Therefore, the research of socio-economic and organizational aspects of ensuring the employment of the population is of special importance as a socio-economic problem of today. 

 Studies show that about 90% of the unemployed in the labor market feel the need for assistance in finding a decent job. Decent jobs are socially and economically desirable jobs that are interesting and affordable to workers. In order to have a decent job, the labor force must be more competitive in the labor market. As a result of the rational organization and modernization of production or management in the organization, there is a shortage of personnel. Internal labor market by timely change of workplace, retraining, suspension of admission to vacant positions, application of socially oriented selection to layoffs, reduction of personnel or planning of admission requires regulation. 

 Providing employment to the population is one of the most important aspects of human social development, and it reveals the ways to meet the problems related to labor issues and the supply and demand for labor. Employment is a socio-economic relationship in which people engage in socially beneficial work, regardless of where they work. The employment relationship is a socio-economic indicator that shows how many and to what extent able-bodied people participate in socially useful work. 

 The employment category of the population is not limited to only economic components. Employment is primarily a social relationship. Therefore, sociality as an eternal, directly occurring phenomenon is its main feature. 

 Since employment appears as a socio-economic phenomenon, it can be described as follows. Employment is an activity related to the satisfaction of personal and social needs of citizens, which does not conflict with legal documents, and which brings them salary or income.

 1. Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis on December 30, 2020. Folk word #276(7778). 
 2. 1. Abdurakhmanov Q.Kh. Labor economics: theory and practice. Textbook. 
 Revised and expanded 3rd edition. - T.: "FAN", 2019. - 592 p. 
 3. Economic progress report.- London. : 1981 
 4. Information of the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2020.

Ergashev Bekzodbek was born on January 1, 2004 in Uchkurgan district of Namangan region. I spent 8 years of school at the Specialized Russian Gymnasium. But since I live in the Republic of Uzbekistan, knowing that I must learn my native language, I moved my school to an Uzbek school. I spent 11 years of school in 3 schools. In 2022, with 137.2 points in the DTM test, I was accepted to study at Namangan State University at the Faculty of Biology on the basis of a State Grant, but because I was so interested in medicine, my highest goal was the only one. By the Rector’s decision, 2022 was accepted for study without examination. In 2022, I won an honorable 2nd place among more than 5,000 students of more than 10 medical universities of Uzbekistan, more than 40 foreign universities, in the field of Medical Biology and General Genetics at the “Samarkand 2020 III International Medical University Olympiad” organized by the Samarkand State Medical Institute in 2022. In 2023, I took a proud 3.