Essay from Botiraliyeva Gavharoy

Young Central Asian woman with dark hair in a braid and a blue jacket.


Abstract: In this article, the processes related to the respiratory tract in children and often occurring in life are reflected. 

Key words: Foreign body, airways, young children, prevention, babies.

According to statistics provided by the World Health Organization, 75-80% of children die due when a foreign body falls into the respiratory tract and part of the gastrointestinal tract.

We can say that our little ones are curious travelers. The reason is that they try everything, they don’t have any questions that they won’t ask. In most cases, swallowing an object ends in death. The child unconsciously swallows these foreign bodies. 

Usually, these are small toys, buttons, stones of various kinds, golos, fruits larger than plums and their seeds, and coins. Objects smaller than 2-3mm are easy to get out. But larger buttons, coins, mostly round and oval-shaped objects block the respiratory tract. ?. 

If a foreign object enters the respiratory tract of babies, the crying baby stops crying.

Young children have difficulty breathing and refuse to eat.

Changes after a child swallows a foreign body:

– Darkening of the child’s vision – the object that has fallen into the respiratory tract blocks the respiratory tract and as a result breathing slows down or temporarily stops. 

As a result, the amount of oxygen in the blood decreases and the concentration of carbonic anhydride increases. . The brain is not supplied with oxygen and the child takes short breaths. -Nausea-If the swallowed object is small, it is easy to get out. But when water is given without knowing it, it does not pass through the special channels of the pharynx, resulting in nausea and vomiting. The child hides what he has swallowed from his parents. Father – due to the carelessness of the mother, the smaller body that entered the respiratory tract remains between the bronchi and the lungs and creates favorable conditions for bacteria. Bacteria cause tissue necrosis and inflammation of organs and lung abscess. How to remove foreign bodies from the respiratory tract?

If a foreign body falls into the baby’s respiratory tract, we put the back of the abdomen in our hands as if sitting on a saddle. We hit between the shoulder blades 4-5 times and check if the baby is breathing. If the baby is not breathing, the above method is repeated. Heart Reanimation is also different from that of adults. We gently squeeze the baby’s chest with our hands and press the body of the sternum with our thumb. Put the thumb of the other hand on the navel and the chest in a fist position and repeat until the foreign body comes out. We hold it with our mouth and blow into the mouth and nose from sixteen to eighteen. After the foreign body comes out of the respiratory tract, we immediately call an ambulance and take it to the hospital. We must pay attention to children and always supervise them. We must always wash fruits and vegetables in warm water and disinfect the toys they play with a lot. We must choose a toy suitable for the age of the child. It is not recommended to bring edged lego pieces, rubber balls.

REFERENCES: “Mazurin” professional medicine for children’s diseases Pulmonology “Saidaliyev R.S

Botiraliyeva Gavharoy was born on July 11, 2004, in the village of Qairaghoch, Rishton district, Fergana region. In 2011-2022, she will graduate from 10 schools in this village.

In 2022-2023, she entered the Faculty of Pediatrics of the Andijan State Medical Institute. She is actively participating in the conference held by the institute.

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