Essay from Chimezie Ihekuna


  • Understanding Heterosexual Dynamics Using Science



The application of science in many fields of human endeavors is undoubtedly not far-fetched. As a matter of fact, science has profound applications on human behaviors, especially sexuality. Sexuality, an integral form of human behavior, can be explained using science. Precisely, science can be explained in the light of heterosexuality in the context of this literary piece.

Understanding Heterosexual Dynamics Using Science explains the various forms of sexuality that exist between a man and woman before marriage, the emotional connections, sense of bonding and impact the audience with the analogous use of the scientific (magnetism and mechanics-based) principles with consequential psychological effects as they affect subsequent relationships(or marriages) individuals engage in. It makes use of novel terminologies to explain the various forms of sexual intercourse. With the use of diagrams, the creativity understanding of the reader-worthy work piece intends reaching the bull’s eye.

It is intended that the reader comprehend this sexuality-based material and appreciate its essence in relationships with the opposite sex. In addition, this brief masterpiece will essentially be useful by sexologists, scientists and other academicians interested in the subject matter.

Understanding Heterosexual Dynamics Using Science merits consideration amongst scholars, students of sexology, psychology and the general reading public.

Mr. Ben



Science, an organized body of knowledge, is applicable in sexuality-related matters-heterosexuality. Precisely, Understanding Heterosexual Dynamics Using Science applies fundamental scientific principles such as law of magnetism and mechanics (momentum) to explain the consequences of the various sexual dynamics.

The sexual dynamics as  mentioned in the table of contents section of this literary piece simply refers to the various kinds of sexual intercourse involving individuals of the opposite sex  and their consequences as they affect the mental and social definitions of subsequent relationships they may involve themselves in. In the heterosexual sense, it demystifies the ‘mysteries’ that have to do with the various sexual dynamics between a man and woman; unveiling aftermaths of their ‘presence’.

The chapters are expatiated using diagrams, succinct situations and a great deal of scientific approach mechanisms to bringing to the easy comprehension of readers the powers behind the various sexual dynamics as they affect relationships and marriages. As a novel piece, the author has put together an array of terminologies of scientific background and their meanings for readers to peruse and grasp for easy follow-ups. The Table of Contents section reveals chapters (titles), terminologies and meanings and author’s bibliography makes this work-piece a reading delight.

Students, researchers, teachers and other concerned professionals and academics will find this piece understandable. It is the hope of the writer that readers find this useful to help better their union with their spouses from a heterosexual perspective.


Table of Contents

Chapter One…….. .The Case of ‘No-Sexuality’ Situation between Two Partners

Chapter Two………….The Case of Higher Sexuality between Two Partners

Chapter Three….. The Case of ‘Equal’ Sexuality between Two Partners

Scientific Terminologies and Their Meanings in Heterosexual Dynamics



Chapter One

The Case of ‘No-Sexuality’ Between Two Partners

One of the fundamental principles of magnetism recognizes the fact that like poles repels and unlike poles attract. We would say it is akin to this case. However, it is really the other way round. In other words, as regards sexuality, like poles (partners with ‘no-sexuality’ status) attracts and unlike poles (Partners with ‘equal’ sexuality status as we will see in Chapter Three) repel. The difference?

Let us consider what takes place between two particles A and B before and after collision as shown in the diagram below. Here, A and B possess the same weightless constituents.










The diagrams show the state of particles A and B before and after collision. Similarly, this is what happens when two ‘no-sexuality’ attached couples come together in a relationship or marriage. We can see that after collision, there is an intersection of the two particles. They are theoretically inseparable.

Consequently, such a relationship is free from the distrust, insecurity, doubts and uncertainties as togetherness (a strong sense of oneness of personality) and conspicuous sexual compatibility abound.

Granted, in a heterosexual sense, like the fundamental principle of magnetism, a man is generally attracted to a woman. However, it is in the place of those who practically understand the value of ‘no-sexuality’ to know that the happiest marriage exists when a man who has maintained a ‘no-sexuality’ status marries a woman of his kind.



Chapter Two

The Case of Higher Sexuality between Two Partners

What happens when a partner’s level of sexuality is higher than his or her spouse? In this chapter, we will view it from a scientific point of view and relate it in a way as it affects relationships and marriages of people. This is a two-case scenario:

  • When a man’s sexuality is higher than that of his spouse
  • When a woman’s sexuality is higher than that of her spouse.


Scientific viewpoint: We have read, been taught, studied and practically observed that when a body (A, say) of a greater momentum collides with a small body (b, say), the collision after-math will be that both bodies will move with a common velocity (the velocity moved by the body possessing greater momentum). The diagrams below bare them all.










It can be said that the both particles will be moving with a common velocity due to the overriding influence of A (Possession of a greater momentum). With this analogy, let us look into the two –case scenario we earlier mentioned.

  • When a man’s sexuality is higher than that of his spouse

This implies that the man, the analogous body A, possessor of a greater momentum, sexually has an influence over his spouse. In other words, the ‘common velocity’ of eventual heterosexuality between them will be in the direction of the man’s sexual influence.


Of course, there are implications. A man’s experience of heterosexual relations over his spouse will undoubtedly create imbalances in the sincerity of relationships between them. For instance, a man who has seen it all when it comes to sexual matters of this kind will very likely seek for pleasure outside the bounds of his union, especially when she is naïve in her sexual interactions with him. On the part of the woman, if logic is applied, she will be made to realize that there are likely uncertainties in his being faithful to her because he is linked to other partners he had had sexual relations with. Obliterating the veils of deception and pseudo-love, these discrepancies surface.


  • When a Woman’s Sexuality is Higher Than That of Her Spouse

Similar to Case 1, the woman is the analogous body whose momentum is greater than that of the man. And as such, excluding hypocrisy and other ‘put-ups’ by the woman in communicating sexuality to him, the woman pose a huge influence in the sexual affairs with her spouse. The eventual heterosexual dynamic between the man and woman will have a common velocity influenced by the woman.

Just as what happens when a man’s sexuality is greater than that of his spouse, a man’s rationale will raise a lot of questions; her direct relationships with her partners over the years, her fidelity and being trustworthy. What might be baffling will be that his being gratified is as a result of the product of experiences gained by interacting sexually with other people over the years. To the extreme, if not meticulously looked into, such a situation leads to separation between both parties and worse still, divorce.


No wonder people marry for trivial reasons (such as higher degree sexual competence) and as a result, divorce as a result of trivial reasons (such as suspicion of infidelity, distrust and other uncertainties). It is seldom advised that individuals should not involve themselves in relationships leading to marriages with people who are more experienced than they to avoid irregularities like those. In addition, it is said that people who had engaged in sexual intercourses in time past are at least, twice as likely to indulge in extra-marital affairs. Like an unchecked habit picked from childhood, people with this sexual orientation find it difficult to halt it.

In all, this is an underlying fact: The sexual relations a man or woman had had in time past with his or her partners (he or she will be bonded or soul-tied to them emotionally) will for the rest of his or her life, irrespective of the union he or she is involved in, color and more importantly, pose a profound secondary influence in his or her present and/or subsequent relations.



Chapter Three        

The Case of ‘Equal’ Sexuality between Two Partners

As earlier stated, we know that the law of magnetism recognize like poles repel and unlike poles attract. It is applicable here. As the subject matter suggests, the like poles refer to the equal sexuality that exist between two partners involved in a heterosexual relationship.


In the convince of this issue, what becomes the heterosexual relationship between a habitual gigolo and a prostitute?


Now, what happens when two bodies of equal amount of momentum collide? The diagrams below shows what becomes of them. Consider the bodies A and B.










Obviously, it can be said that after collision both bodies, A and B drifted apart from each other owing to the equal amount of momentum they have. In the same vein, it becomes the aftermath of individuals whose sexuality is theoretically the same.


Like the old saying:’ no two captains can be in a ship’, there are no two partners that  practically possess equal sexuality-one must be ahead of the other-either the man ahead of the woman (vice versa). Else, incompatibility will be dominant. Simply, the demonstration of equal sexuality between both partners will in no time engender division, owing to observed ‘struggle for sexual dominance’ and eventually leads to marital divorce and break-ups in relationships. Akin to an in-born habit, the partners, as a matter of gratifying their insatiable sexual needs, will, with or without their individual consent seek for pleasure outside the limits of the union.


Scientific Terminologies and Their Meanings in Heterosexual Dynamics


  • Momentum: In scientific mechanics, momentum is defined as the product of the mass of a body and velocity. Now, we all know that velocity is simply the distance (displacement) per unit time. Therefore, momentum, as used in heterosexual dynamics, is simply the experience (‘weights’ or ‘deposits’) of sexuality gained by the individual with various partners (from one to the other) over the years. It can be represented using the format below

Momentum= Mass*VelocityΞ Bonding between the individual and those whom he or she had had sexual relations with.


  • Particles: In science, particles simply refer to weightless object. Similarly, the word ‘particle’ is used to describe those who have not gained momentum; have not been bonded to people by virtue of sexual relations.
  • Collision: The term ‘collision’ refers to the deliberate or sudden coming together of bodies. In analogy, Collision, in Heterosexual dynamics, refers to the coming together of individuals into unions; especially relationships leading to marriage.
  • Common Velocity: In a strict scientific recognition, common velocity is the velocity reached after the collision involving a body with greater momentum and another with a smaller body. Usually, it is the body with a greater momentum that collides with the less-momentum body. Akin to this recognition, common velocity is the eventual influence used by a partner whose momentum or bonding is more superior or stronger than his or her spouse in heterosexual relations with each other.
  • Bodies: It is simply referring to objects with measurable mass or weights. In the same vein, it is a word used in describing those who, irrespective of momentum difference, have acquired some experience heterosexual relations.
  • Like Poles and Unlike Poles: In magnetism, like poles refer to points on a magnet that repel each other. Unlike Poles refer to points on a magnet that attract each other. In a typical contradicting heterosexual sense, unlike poles as read in chapters two and three, are simply those whose sexuality cannot be truly incompatible and like poles, as read in chapter one is just the exact opposite.

My Publications (Titles and Links)

All of Chimezie Ihekuna (Mr.Ben)’s work is available here. 

7 Mistakes Christians Make And The

God’s Love Towards His

The Broken Mirror—

A Successful Marriage—

Maya Initiate 39: The Long Walk To

Life In Space: The Parallel Earth

Christmas Time!—

Journey To Love—-

One Man’s Deep Words–

Saved By His Grace (a play and

The Christian Matrix—-