The advantages and disadvantages of the rising electronic books and the decline in paper books.
Coming a decrease in the number of paper books with increasing the number of e-books is believed to be a beneficial step forward by some people while this is not thought by others. Having more e-books would certainly be a good way of receiving information but there will also be some drawbacks.
Having more e-books than paper books is advantageous in some certain aspects. First and foremost, we will have great amount of convenience. To wit, we would be able to carry a number of e-books in a simple gadget. For instance, books could be placed in our little phones or computers that gives us much opportunity to use them wherever we need. Secondly, majority of people, especially students could afford more e-books than paper books because of their cost. Another fact is that, the more book production is, the more forest trees are being destroyed which makes e-books to be eco-friendly. The reason is that trees are used for making paper as well as book. Also, 153 billion gallons of water is consumed in order to produce books every year.
From an opposite angle, notwithstanding the advantages of the rise in the number of e-books there are some disadvantages too. The main demerit is that we might come across health problems. For instance, too much reading e-books has bad impact on our eye-sight which may lead to eye diseases such as Presbyopia, short-sighted disease. Also, by using small screen sizes there may appear headaches and problems with sleep. Another fact is that, while reading books from gadgets, readers may have digital distributions like notifications or alerts which can disrupt the attention of a reader. Paper books offer a unique reading experience which varies from reading on a screen.
Taking everything into consideration, although there are plenty of benefits in the rise of e-books, it does not mean that this decrease of paper books is apart from benefits, it’s all about preference. If people prefer convenience, unlimited options and ease the best choice is e-books. And if the feeling of holding books or the smell of books and the thrill of manually turning the pages of books then, there is no reason to avoid from traditional books.
Dildorakhon Eshmurodova was born in 2000 July 21, in Syrdarya region, Uzbekistan. She is a third-year student of Tashkent university of information technologies named after Mukhammad al-Khwarizmi, in the faculty of Economics and management in the field of ICT.
Dildorakhon is one of the talented students at her university. She is a participant of several international conferences and her creative and scientific articles were published in foreign journals and magazines such as “Galaxy international interdisciplinary research journal”, “American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research” and etc. She knows English and Russian languages and is engaged in literally translations as well as takes apart in different competitions. For instance, she is a winner of the competition of “Student of the year – 2022”, “The best essay – 2022”, “Olympiad from English language” and etc.
Dildorakhon’s first creative work is published in the American Anthology named “Talented Voices Of Uzbekistan” with the title “Relationship between personnel management and production”. Also, her creative article named “History of economic development in Uzbekistan” was printed in the Anthology of “Rising Flowers Of Uzbekistan”. Her first personal book, a collection of Uzbek folk-tales translated into English, was issued in America by Amazon.com under the name “Uzbek Folk-Tales” and reached over 26 countries of the world. All of these international books are on sale on the 26 countries of the world. Recently, she has published her creative works in the Turkish Anthology named “Çiçekler”(“Flowers”) as well as American Anthology named “New page”.
Moreover, Dildorakhon is accepted as an active member of “Juntos por Las Letras” organization of Argentina, “Iqra foundation” organization of India, “Аsih Sasami” organization of Indonesia and international organization of “National human rights and humanitarian federation”. Also, she is a successful participant of “Digital Internship Program”(DIP).
In addition, Dildorakhon has successfully completed courses and certificated by international companies such as “The Fundamentals of Digital Marketing” organized by Google Digital Garage and “Software Testing” held by international “EPAM” company also certified course “Foundations of Project Management” offered by “Coursera”.
Thank you very much, I appreciate it 🙂
Thank you 🥰
She is one of my friends😃.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your essay! Your approach is impressive, rich with well-developed opinions and clear ideas. Great job! 👍
Thank you so much 🥰
Hello Dildora I’m from Uzbekistan too Can you send me your number?