Diyora Tursunboyeva
Namangan State university
Faculty of Pedagogy
Field of applied psychology
3 nd stage student
Reasons preventing the younger generation from revealing their talents
Annotation: This article took into consideration about a variety of negative factors which can prevent children from pouring out their own ability and talent
The key words: Attention, kindness, fear, defeat, dream
The one and only supreme task of man in this world is to achieve his own destiny. All people know their destiny when they are young. But as time passes, a mysterious force convinces them that it is impossible to realize their destiny. This mysterious power seems to be a blessing to the human race,but in fact, it is this same power that shows the way to realize one’s destiny. It prepares the human spirit and freedom for that great task. There is a supreme truth in this kurrai land:when you really want something, you will definitely achieve it, because such a desire is born in the spirit of the world. That’s why you were created on earth.Paulo Coelho(The Alchemist).
Before a person is born, his parents or grandparents decide who he will be, what profession he will take or what kind of person he will be. It seems that if a child grows up based on the scenariothey choose , they will become the most famous person, a person who can conquer great heights and take bold steps towards great goals. For them, children’s wishes and abilities seem to be completely unimportant and unnecessary. Do you know what professions parents choose first? Yes, of course,they want and choose the most modern, high-income profession, which they are engaged in at the moment, as well as their successors.
A child comes into the world, slowly begins to take steps towards his destiny. What is “own destiny”? This is the supreme assence of our life on earth. However, not everyone is lucky enough to find the courage to follow this path to the prospect of the most sacred dreams. In Paulo Coelho’s work “The Alchemist”, it is written that 4 pitfalls prevent the realization of human dreams. The first is that the biggest dreams in life are broken to the human being from childhood as unfulfilled dreams. He grows up with this undersanding. As the years go by, his heart is filled with guilt and guilt. One day there will come a moment when the desire to follow the path of one’s destiny seems to him more frightening than death because of this ugky burden, and then a person will lose the sense of understanding why he came to this world. Feels as if it has become.
When he overcomes these fears and begins to step towards his dreams, a new test and hardships will be waiting for him. The thing that hurts people is that they give up everything at the last step. Oscar Wilde wrote: ”Man always destroys what he loves most in life’’. Dear parents, who condemn their children to life-long disappointment because of money and material world, you should never forget that, unlike other creatures, man always strives for excellence in this world and sets his sights on a good life. Lives but not everyone understands the concept of “good life” correctly. Maybe some people think that the only way to reach the top is to satisfy their needs in material life and try to achieve it without even committing crimes, while others choose a completely different path.
Knowing very well that material things and the desires of the soul are not a guarantee of true highness, true highness and a good life is to be spiritually strong and spiritually perfect, and he gives his all in this way. There are such people that it is impossible not to envy them, parents who could see their talents and abilities have become famous all over the world today because of their support for their children.
Let’s say that Kim Ung-Yong is a 4-year old university student with a Guinness world record. As the owner of the IQ ”210” level, he was recorded in the “Guinness” book of records. Gregory Smith was nominated for the Nobel Prize 4 tines in 12 years, and became a university student at the age of 10. Akrit Yaswal is a 7-year old surgeon and a university student at the age of 15. His biggest goal is to find a cure for cancer. Kleopatra Stratan is the youngest performer, at the ago of 3 she gave a 2-year old artist, her mother, seeing her interest in art, takes her to an art teacher in Melbourne and shows her. At the age of 4, her solo exhibition opened in New York.
There are people among us who, when they talk about great people like this, it is in their blood, and they think that their circumstances and our circumstances are drastically different. In fact, they do not know how many great breeds are flowing in our blood. At that time, they read books by candlelight. Now let’s think, nothing can stop your child from becoming the owner of the profession he wants from the moment you make it possible for him. English biochemist S.Gouse says that there are more obstacles to the development of human abilities in social conditions than in biology. The English psychologist D.Kidgin comes to the same conclusion and thinks about the decisive influence of education on the intellectual development of a person.
Representatives of the second concept argue that the ability is completely determined by the social conditions of life and aducation. For example, Gelvesiy once said that it is possible to create a genius with the help of education. Russian scientist A.N.Leont’ev with his theory of functional organs, which was founded by A.Ukhtomsky, supports a similar concept. Prominent Russian psychologist S.L.Rubinstein objects to the concept of A.N.Leontev. In his opinion, innate talent is areality, it should be developed. No one person has the same fingerprints, so their talentsare different from each other. It is up to us to preserve such unique talents, to further improve and improve them. It is true that we are influenced by external factors, social environment and some of our parents in order to reveal our talent. Yes, of course, our parents wish only the best for us, but they do not know that they have extinguished our talent without knowing it. In this regard, many people do not become mature specialists by choosing professions they do not like and face many difficult situations throughout their lives. Dear parents, always support your child’s opinion, because the country needs mature specialists.
F.I.Khaidarov and N.I.Khalilova “General psychology” Tashkent-2009