Essay from Farangiz Abduvahidova

Photo is of a young Central Asian woman with dark hair, brown eyes, and a gray pant suit over a white collared top speaking at a podium.

Abduvahidova Farangiz

2nd stage student of Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov. 

Abduxalilboyev Alisher 3rd stage student of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad Al-Khorazmi​​​​. Uzbekistan. 

Artistic arts found in Nadirabegim’s life path and ghazals.

Abstract: In the article, we have mentioned the life path and literary heritage of our poetess Mohlaroyim, who made a great contribution to the development of Uzbek poetry. Also, we will get acquainted with the explanation of the artistic tools used in her ghazals and the sentences that are the basis for the creation of this art.

Key words: Nadira, Maknuna, Komila, metaphor, tazad, ghazal, muhammas, literary environment.

Our talented poet Mohlaroyim, who wrote ghazals in Persian and Turkish under the pseudonyms “Komila”, “Maknuna” and “Nadira”, was born in 1792 in the family of Andijan governor Rahmonqulbi. He was not only a teacher, but also an enlightener and a statesman. In 1807, Nadira was married to Omar Khan, governor of Margilan. Nadira plays a major role in shaping the literary atmosphere in the palace. The reason is that her husband Omar Khan also created under the pseudonym Amiri. Nadira meets Uvaisi and invites him to the palace as a teacher. In 1810, Amir Olim Khan dies and Umar Khan comes to the throne. From this year, Nadira will continue her work in Kokon. Due to the tragic death of Amir Umar Khan in 1822, his son Madali Khan took over the throne. During Madali Khan’s rule, many madrasahs, mosques, caravanserais were built and served to improve the creative environment. Nadirabegim and his family were executed by Amir Nasrullah, the ruler of Bukhara Emirate in 1842.

 Although the poetess did not live long, her works of about 10,000 verses were inherited. In addition to ghazals, he also penned mukhammas, rubai, and fard genres. In his ghazals, separation and grief are sincerely described and he continued the traditions of famous poets such as Navoi, Bedil, and Fuzuli. There are 19 (328 verses) ghazals under the pseudonym “Komila”, and one divan with 333 ghazals under the pseudonym “Maknuna”. Under the pseudonym “Nadira” 180 poems are collected, 136 of them are in the Uzbek language, 44 in the Tajik language. Among them, there are 11 muhammas, 2 musaddas, 1 muhammas, 1 translation, 1 table of contents and 1 statement.  

Nadira’s radiative ghazals “Vasl uyin obod mem…”, “Marhabo”, “Dahrni examinet ke te”, “Sogindim” are very popular. A number of artistic arts were also used to make the ghazals more subtle.

I improved the house, but it was destroyed by the emigration

Unfortunately, this building was destroyed.

In this verse, the art of tazad was created by means of the words prosperity and destruction. Tazad is an art created by imitating things. Seli ghamdin is used in the meaning of a flood of sorrow and was the basis for the creation of the art of Mubolaga. Exaggeration is the art of exaggerating beyond belief.

He did it until the piraham stain revealed my tongue,

I don’t have any more love hidden in my heart.

The words love, heart, and soul created the art of harmony, and the words open and hidden created contrast. Contrast is an art created by contrasting things. Proportion – Many art forms rely on the spiritual association of words in poetry. It is the poet’s use of words that are logically related to each other and require each other.

Zahida, forgive the people of love,

What happened to Sheikh San’an in Yor Bay?

This verse describes the art of talmeh. Sheikh San’an used this art by mentioning his name. Ishq, love, asceticism are the basis of the art of relationship. The art of proportion is formed from cognate words and synonyms in linguistics. Talmeh is one of the widely used art forms in classical poetry. In this, the poet summarizes his thoughts by referring to a famous story, event or work, person. 

Although there was a special order of the giants,

After all, Suleiman died in a bad way.

Mor is the art of dev tazad, Sulayman is the art of talmeh.

Because the jewel of my heart is blood instead of love,

 Tears dripped from my eyesThis verse uses the art of tashbeh, the gem of love – the gem of love. Allegory is one of the most productive poetic arts widely used in literature. It can be said to make it into Uzbek. In metaphor, things, signs, and actions are described by analogy and comparison. In addition, another art was involved in this very verse. It emphasizes the tears through the word necklace. This art is called metaphor. Istiora is an Arabic word that means “borrowing”. One thing is called by another name.

My figon, the collar of my son,

I am very sad, my heart, you are not aware of it.

In this verse, the word “heart” is used as an exhortation. From the fine arts, it was the basis for the art of exclamation. Nido is distinguished from other poetic arts by its ability to openly and powerfully describe the feelings and emotions of the human heart. In this case, the thought is focused on a person or an object.

If you want to repair the Kaaba,

Turn the broken heart into a prosperous one.

In this verse, the word Ka’ba is contrasted with the words talmeh and abad – ruin. In our linguistics, the words that form the art of contrast are called antonyms – words with opposite meanings.

The work of the poetess is a great heritage for us. Despite being the wife of the king, Nadirabegim did not stop her creativity. He worked to make people and people intelligent and enlightened people. He managed to unite the intellectuals of that time around him. Life at that time was a little easier. The work of the poet began to be studied during her lifetime and works dedicated to her were created. For example, “Tuhvatut-tawarikh” by Avazmuhammad Attar, “Muntahabut-tavarikh” by Hakim Khan Tora, “History of Fargana” by Ishaq Khan Tora, “Haft Gulshan” by Nadir-uzlat. We saw the poetic arts in the analysis of the poet’s ghazals and analyzed them. We will continue the analysis in our next work.

List of used literature.

1) 10th grade literature part 1. “National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan” state scientific publication.: Tashkent – 2017

2) 6th grade literature part 2. “Spirituality”.: Tashkent – 2017.


