Essay from Farangiz Abduvohidova

(Central Asian teen girl with long dark hair, dark eyes, earrings, and black and white striped vest and pants over a white collared shirt, standing in a school hallway with posters on the wall)

Analysis of the Greek capital words in the letter “P”.

Abduvahidova  Farangiz 

3rd stage student of Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov

Annotation: the article contains comments about the borrowed words that entered the Uzbek language from the Greek language. In addition, a list of Greek words, their spelling and explanation is provided. The history of the creation of the Greek language is also covered.

Key words: Greek, layer, language, analysis, annotation, sample.

The Uzbek language is one of the languages ​​with an ancient history. The Uzbek language went through many stages and periods before reaching this level. During this period, the number of lexemes increased, some words came from foreign languages. As a result of the addition of Uzbek suffixes to the words that came from this foreign language, the layer of Uzbek words became richer.

In connection with the serious changes in the structure of the Uzbek language dictionary, there was a need to create an explanatory dictionary that meets the requirements of the time, and under the leadership of our Academician A. Hojiyev, the Institute of Uzbek Language, Literature and Folklore of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan ( 5-volume “Annotated Dictionary of the Uzbek Language” was created and published by a group of lexicographers of the former Alisher Navoi Institute of Language and Literature. This source contains about 80,000 words and phrases that are widely used in the Uzbek literary language, terms related to the fields of science, art, culture and technology, historical terms and words used in the dialect. . 

In 2020, this annotated dictionary was revised under the editorship of Abduvahob Madvaliyev, Ph.D. reprinted and made available to the general public.

The Greek language is at the initial stage in the history of the Greek language – mill. Av. It was used from the 14th-12th centuries to the 1st-4th centuries AD (now a dead language); the ancient language of the Greeks. Together with the ancient Macedonian language, it forms a separate Greek group in the family of Indo-European languages.

There are a total of 1047 words starting with the letter P in the explanatory dictionary of the Uzbek language. These words are formed with a layer of self and assimilation. Borrowed words came from Persian, Greek, Latin, German, French and Russian languages. 115 of these words came from the Greek language. Here is a list of some of them.

1) Pielet – inflammation of the kidney cup 

2) Easter is a holiday dedicated to the resurrection of Jesus, the founder of this religion, in the Orthodox sect of Christianity. 

3) Patriarchy – the era of patriarchy, the period when men dominated family, economic and social relations after the matriarchy of the primitive system.

4) Pathos – high spirit, enthusiasm, joy.

5) A pen is a writing and drawing tool that is used to write with ink, ink, etc.  

6) Perigee – the closest point of the moon’s orbit or the orbit of the earth’s satellite to the earth. 

7) Perimeter – the length of a closed curve (for example, the perimeter of a polygon is equal to the sum of all its sides)

8) Pegology is the teaching of children

9) Peritonitis – peritoneum

10) Pantheism – God

11) Papax- telpak

12) Paragraph is the name of the title of a text, such as a book or an article, which has independence in terms of meaning

13) Parabola – I) open, flat curve; formed by the intersection of a right cone with a plane parallel to one of its constituents. II) an ironic image with a symbol in fiction; a literary genre between a symbol and a symbolic story

14) Paradigm – I) a system of language units, grammatical forms united by their general meaning, different according to their specific meaning II) a system of forms of a word’s variation or inflection.

15) Paradox – a traditional thought accepted by the majority, an unexpected thought, reasoning that sharply contradicts experience with its content and form.

16) Parasite – gratuitous, sycophantic

17) Paco – ancient

18) Paleography is a science that studies ancient manuscripts and writings, the history of the creation of written signs and their appearance (writing method, letter shape, type of writing material, etc.).

19) Paleolithic – the oldest stone age, era.

20) Pandemic – spread of an epidemic disease throughout one country, several countries or continents

21) Panzooteia is a very rapid and widespread spread of an infectious disease among animals throughout the country, several countries, and continents.

22) Panorama – I) a surrounding view of a place visible to the far horizon. II) type of fine art; a very large picture, which is painted horizontally on the wall of a circular hall, looks like a real scene to the viewer.

23) Psyche – the first archival part of compound words of international assimilation: it means connection to psyche, psyche  

24) prophylaxis – I) a set of measures aimed at maintaining people’s health, preventing the occurrence and spread of diseases, improving the physical development of the population and ensuring a long life. II) in general, measures to be taken to prevent an incident, mechanisms, machines from premature failure, damage 

25) protocol is a document drawn up by a responsible person and confirming an event or situation 

26) proton – a stable elementary particle, a component of the atomic nucleus with a positive electric charge; the nucleus of light hydrogen

27) prosthesis – a device made in the shape of an organ of the body or placed in place of a damaged or removed organ (for example, an artificial hand, an artificial tooth) 

28) problem – problem

29) prologue – introduction

Greek accusatives also have features of morphemes and polysemy. Words such as paxa, parasite, protocol, prologue have many meanings; Similarity of form is evident in words such as parabola, prophylaxis, paranoma, and paradigm. In addition, many terms related to mathematics, history and mother tongue are borrowed from Greek. We can see these in the example of words like parabola, paradigm, pathos, patriarchy, perimeter, psyche and paragraph.  

List of used literature:

1) An explanatory dictionary of the Uzbek language. – Moscow: “Russian language” publishing house, 1981.

2) An explanatory dictionary of the Uzbek language. – Tashkent: “Uzbekistan National Encyclopedia” State Scientific Publishing House, 2006-2008.

3) An explanatory dictionary of the Uzbek language. – Tashkent: Gafur Ghulam publishing house, 2022.


5) www.ziyouz. com.
