Annotation: Syllabus plays great role in teaching effectively. Curriculum includes syllabus, course programs instructions. The purpose of creating objective oriented syllabus is to support teacher and serve to reach goal. The syllabus and curriculum given above are well designed and the format is clear and consistent.
The main objectives are: to improve communicative competence in order to acquire daily, specific, and academic knowledge and can use them for their future occupation. Requirements and outcomes are also listed. The content of the subject is also widely explained. The course schedule is fully articulated and logically sequenced. The class length is 102 hours for a year, three times a week.
Key words: Syllabus, curriculum, communicative competence
Summary: Per topic has required hours, and level A1+. It would be better if they have more classes. I think five times a week helps students learn easily and productively. Course begins in September and finishes in May. Each class is namely mentioned and addressed positively. The rights and responsibilities of both student and school are clearly defined. The students levels are clearly described ( A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2). The curriculum was made strong enough, enrich with consistent topics, the link between previous and coming topic is not lost. Unfortunately, syllabus does not include teaching methods.
In my opinion syllabus should define various teaching methods, because during class, teacher can apply some activities, and she should address to syllabus not other resources. Course schedule does not include extra topics or materials except required course textbooks and readings. Instructor who is going to have a class should be armed with sufficient materials, because our generation are going to be more clever than us. If class finishes earlier all exercise or the received reading materials don’t conform to students` level in that case teacher should not be in trouble. In such situation teacher should evaluate situation exactly.
Another drawback is all assignments are linked with a specific course objectives and outcomes are likely to provide sufficient evidence to adequately assess each objective. The syllabus doesn’t contain home works or home reading tasks. Because each student has textbook and at the end of the class there is home work part and it is given by symbol. There is assessing system but there is not any recommendation or list of teaching methods when the class is seemed mixed. The diversity of students make teacher to consider applying another method or change to new one. In this condition teacher should hold various pedagogic methods for different level students. Assignments don’t define and don’t offer any rubric.
Because for school students the tasks are not challenging. I think the homework part should be more critical and more individual. Because most of the students copy from peers, exercise can be copies. In that case tasks could have some description for the task. The curriculum does not offer rubrics for assignments even for college or university. The policies for missing exam, assignments are not given.
Attendance requirements and lateness policies are not clearly explained. In syllabus should be the part which devoted to attendance. Unfortunately the syllabus has not such parts. However syllabus is free of grammatical and spelling mistakes. The curriculum is tested then sent to schools to apply. It passed through long way of experiment however it has some shortage. These shortages should be improved and eliminated. Some teachers besides me complain of syllabus design and content materials. While conducting the class I really avoid using textbook materials. I can apply some of them but not all of given. Because the world is improving and teaching techniques as well. So teachers should utilize more ICT to reach goal. the importance of technology is huge and productive.
Young generation interest in presentations, video materials and the latest news. Today teacher should be aware of using and applying vision materials during the class. Teacher is not supplied with vision materials and interactive methods. Some teachers adopted to this situation and they stopped working on their selves and stopped look critically toward occupation. This kind of problems can cause failure of education institutes especially harms school esteem. Since the school should serve as a foundation and bring up students. If the teacher can not navigate student to proper direction or cannot motivate and can not define the objectives and can not deliver to all participants, they may think English is just compulsory subject and do it only for requirement. If the teachers work on their selves the audience can evaluate their hard working.
Conclusion: Teacher should provide with different colors, avoids of boring activities. So the syllabus should provide with additional materials. In some places the connection to access some internet sites are really bad, furthermore teachers are occupied with a lot of paper works and lessons. I strongly recommend to advice teachers more pedagogical methods and supply with vision, audio materials. English is not theoretical subject and related more to practice. At the end of the syllabus the reference part also mentioned and list of experts also. The syllabus is in use and working well. The content topics are properly chosen and coincide with students level that’s why I didn’t change any. The topics are usual daily themes, which are conform to students competence. The syllabus has strong sense, still some above mentioned parts should be improved.
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