Essay from Gulmira Polotova

About “my Oybek” book

Undoubtedly, Oybegim Mening is one of the rarest and best works of Uzbek literature. Oybegim, which occupies a deep place in my heart, has such a powerful effect on every person who reads it that you can’t put this book down and fall in love with how it will end. my respect increased even more, this work did not leave a slight impression on my most sensitive feelings. They are so strong in the ways of life that no matter how many evil-minded people try to break them, they will not be able to do this.

Even some writers who are enlightened and learned in society are doing everything they can to arrest Oybek, to break him, they look for flaws in his works, they slander Oybek… But Oybek, a strong writer, does not give up. Oybek’s poems and works, with such a pure conscience and such a wonderful nature, are still in the hearts of not only Uzbek readers, but also readers of the whole world. The conspiracies against him did not leave a small impact on Oybek. Oybek was in severe pain, lost his speech, but did not give up.

Zarifa Saidnosirova is the one I admired throughout the play. He was so pure, religious, and knowledgeable that he stayed by Aybek’s side until the end, always supported him, was always by his side in the most difficult situations, he was a real life partner. In fact, Zarifa Saidnosirova was not a writer, she was the first Uzbek chemist, but one cannot help but admire the fact that she was able to create such a beautiful, immense work, a work that is more beautiful than the works of some writers, a work that will be imprinted in memories….. Zarifa Saidnosirova is the child of a rich family. He will have a child, his father will be a knowledgeable, highly spiritual person who helps the elderly (if he lived for 52 years, he will spend 11 years away from home).

Oybek is the son of an ordinary farmer, but Zarifa did not care about this at all, even during the play there is no mention of Oybek being the son of a farmer, the person who reads the work does not notice that Oybek’s family is a troubled family, even if you read it very carefully, it can be noticed. Only a person familiar with the life and work of Oybek knows this for sure. Zarifa Saidnosirova, like some girls today, does not even think about the fact that she is poor and I am rich… This is pure and true love…

In fact, Zarifa Saidnosirova was not a writer, she was the first Uzbek chemist, but one cannot help but admire the fact that she was able to create such a beautiful, immense work, a work that is more beautiful than the works of some writers, a work that will be imprinted in memories….. Zarifa Saidnosirova is the child of a rich family. He will have a child, his father will be a knowledgeable, highly spiritual person who helps the elderly (if he lived for 52 years, he will spend 11 years away from home).

Oybek is the son of an ordinary farmer, but Zarifa did not care about this at all, even during the play there is no mention of Oybek being the son of a farmer, the person who reads the work does not notice that Oybek’s family is a troubled family, even if you read it very carefully, it can be noticed. Only a person familiar with the life and work of Oybek knows this for sure. Zarifa Saidnosirova, like some girls today, does not even think about the fact that she is poor and I am rich… This is pure and true love…

As soon as the play ends, saying that Oybek will never take it, he is just resting, something breaks in everyone’s heart….

I just congratulate these people

Oybek and Zarifa…..just a real proof that there are pure love and pure hearts.

I am Gulmira Poʻlotova. I was born in October 29.2005 in Uzbekistan. Bukhara city. Nowadays I am a freshmen of National university of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugʻbek. In my free times I really keen on short stories and articles also. In the future I want to be a professional translator.