Essay from Hilola Abdullayeva

Central Asian teen girl headshot with dark hair, a brown coat, and gentle smile.


ANNOTATION: This article discusses the methods necessary for the rehabilitation and reintegration of individuals who, having committed crimes and been deprived of liberty, need to return to a healthy life and be provided with employment opportunities.

KEYWORDS: Social life, rehabilitation, employment, non-governmental organizations, adaptation.

Currently, many people commit crimes due to a lack of knowledge or because they have lived in an unfavorable environment, unable to properly direct their views. This can cause significant harm not only to the present of Uzbekistan but also to its future. Social work with citizens released from places of deprivation of liberty is a crucial process. This process helps them readjust to society and return to social life. The main goals of this process are as follows:

Psychological support and counseling: Returning to society is often stressful and complicated for individuals who have been deprived of liberty. Therefore, it is important to provide psychological support, personal counseling, and services to assist them.

Social adaptation and support: After being released, individuals may face difficulties adjusting to a new life. Social workers help them reintegrate into social life, restore relationships with family and the community. Employment and economic independence are vital for individuals returning to society. In this regard, vocational training courses and job creation are key factors in helping them regain independence.

Rehabilitation and development of social skills: In this process, social workers teach individuals various social skills and help them actively participate in society.

Protection of rights: When individuals return to society, it is essential to ensure their legal rights are protected. This includes making sure they know their rights, receive legal assistance, and are accepted by society.

Social work with individuals released from places of deprivation of liberty creates the conditions necessary for their full reintegration into society and for leading a positive life. In this process, support from government organizations, non-governmental organizations, and society is crucial.

Guiding individuals released from prison toward the right path is important for the stability and security of society. The application of effective methods and support measures in this process helps individuals adjust to social life and prevents recidivism. Below are several methods and recommendations for guiding individuals released from prison onto the right path:

Rehabilitation programs: These programs focus on providing psychological assistance, vocational training, and the development of life skills.
   – In psychological assistance, working with qualified psychologists to address mental health issues or alleviate stress helps individuals understand themselves and make positive changes in their lives.
   – Supporting individuals released from prison to attend educational courses to acquire new professions.
   – Many government and non-governmental organizations provide opportunities for higher education or specialized secondary education.
   – Employment, i.e., helping organizations and rehabilitation centers provide job placement for individuals who have been deprived of liberty. Cooperation with local entrepreneurs and government agencies can create job opportunities.
   – Individuals who are active in society can offer advice and help those who have been released adapt to a new environment.

Hilola Abdullayeva was born on May 8, 2004, in house number 19, Do‘stlik neighborhood, Beruni district, Republic of Karakalpakstan.

She is currently a second-year student at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences at Urgench State University, specializing in “Social Work with Families and Children.”

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