Essay from Ilnura Ibrohimova

Young Central Asian woman with blue eyes and long straight brown hair and a white collared shirt with ruffles down the middle posing in front of a blurry background of grass and trees.
Ilnura Ibrohimova

Ibrokhimova Ilnura Shukhratovna was born on August 19, 2006 in Kumkurgan district of Surkhandarya region.

The city of Termiz. 2nd year student of the Faculty of Industrial Technologies of the Termiz Institute of Engineering Technology.

PRINCIPLES AND LEVELS OF FOOD SAFETY ASSESSMENT Ibrahimova Ilnura Shukhratovna 2nd year student of the Faculty of Industrial Technologies of the Termiz Institute of Engineering Technology +99890.246.96.76. Abstract: An article about food safety, requirements and standards.

Key words: Laws and regulations in the evaluation of food products, GOST standard requirements, measures aimed at determining the distance of products. Introduction: Finding a solution to a number of issues aimed at providing the population with healthy food products, improving a healthy lifestyle and increasing the income of the population.

Main part: Food safety refers to the safety of food products during production, storage, preparation and consumption in order to prevent food-borne diseases and disorders. Food products are among the most traded goods in the world. As markets become increasingly global and the world’s population continues to grow, the global food supply chain will only continue to grow in scale and complexity. Due to these megatrends affecting the mass production and distribution of food, food safety has never been more important. Food safety is one of the most pressing challenges facing countries around the world.

The UN is also saying today that it is time to completely change the approach to food production and distribution. After all, in an ideal situation, agriculture, forestry and fisheries are able to provide everyone with food and create a source of income for people, as in the brochure. Moreover, in such a case, agriculture will develop in the interests of people, and environmental protection measures will be implemented.

According to UN data, 815 million of the world’s population are starving, and by 2050 this number will increase to 2 billion. 12.9 percent of them live in developing countries. 45% of deaths among children under the age of five are caused by malnutrition. Today, 3.1 children die every year because of this. Agriculture is the largest employer in the world. Today, 40 percent of Kurrai’s population earns their living through this industry. It is the main source of income and employment for families in poor villages.