A dream and a goal
Many people think that a dream and a goal are the same thing. But they are wrong! The dream is different, the goal is different. Let me explain to you about dreams and goals.
Dreams are wonderful things that fit our imaginations but don’t come true! A goal is something that will definitely come true after a little effort.
A dream will not come true whether it is tried or not, it will remain as a dream in its own name.
Some of our goals remain only in our imaginations. And you may be wondering why?
Because unwritten goals remain dreams. This is because the human mind has 70,000, 80,000 and even 100,000 thoughts. That’s why you should write down your goals in a notebook. Goals written in the notebook can be achieved. But don’t think that I wrote in the notebook and now it will come true!
In order to realize our goals, we will have to make some effort, work on ourselves, and get new knowledge. Writing a goal has its own rules, let me tell you about it!
Too many people are afraid of setting big goals and dreaming. In fact, we should set big goals without fear at all. Because God does not imagine what He does not give!
The second:
Overcome lust, egoism, envy and arrogance!
Know that you cannot achieve your goals if you do not overcome your ego.
And the third:
Get rid of hatred, revenge, anger and loss!
Why do you say?
Because if you have feelings of hatred, revenge, anger, jealousy towards someone, these goals will not be yours and you will achieve them with difficulty.
What I listed above were the 3 most important rules for goal setting and goal writing.
Do you know why we set goals?
Because the money that comes to us also comes based on a specific goal, in accordance with our goals!
My advice to you is to never stop working towards your goals! Believe in yourself because you can do it all.