Ecology and me
What do we mean by ecology? Ecology is a complex of biological sciences that studies the structure of systems, populations, biocenoses, biogeocenoses, that is, the structure of the ecosystem and the biosphere, the processes that take place in them. The term ecology was coined in 1866 by the German scientist E. Haeckel. He proposed to define relations with it. Thus, he introduced this term to science.
Ecology emerged as a science in the 18th and 19th centuries. It developed rapidly in the 20th century. The influence of man on ecology and ecology on man is great. Although ecological environments can sometimes deteriorate under the influence of natural conditions, they can cause damage and disorder due to human influence.
Disturbance of the ecological balance has a deep and bad effect on human health. Therefore, do your best to prevent and eliminate environmental problems!
What can you think of as environmental problems? One of the main problems is air pollution and global warming. Due to the humidification of the air, the ozone layer is collapsing. The cause of this problem is the harmful gases emitted by businesses and cars. If we talk about the problem of global warming, as a result of this, glaciers are melting and animals living on these glaciers are dying. Especially polar bears. Due to this, it is necessary to reduce and eliminate the occurrence of such problems.
Kurolova Dilnura Shokirjon's daughter was born on October 15, 2009 in Gurlan district of Khorezm region. Today she is a 9th grade student of the 30th school in the district. She knows English and Turkish. "Kenya times", "Raven Cage" and "Classico Opine" magazines published creative work. She's part of the "Dillmir" free volunteer movement and "Intilish" free volunteer movement organizations volunteer and general manager and the "Golden wing" free volunteer movement organization district coordinator and Young Leaders club. coordinator. She is the holder of about 50 international certificates. She also appeared on Khorezm region television for taking pride of place in the book competition.