Everyone has the right to be happy!
There is a girl whose dreams are like an ocean, she cries a lot! A lot of stress, but did not give up!
In the whirlwind of life, she took full advantage of her opportunities!
Cut off the bite! Diligent Jussasi is a small but brave girl! He also wanted to be happy! And found a way to be happy! Let’s find out how he did it!
The book is very dangerous, if you read it, you can be happy! Be careful! Luck is coming your way!!
Many people analyze the word happiness in different ways, let’s first understand the meaning of the word happiness! Happiness is actually your existence, your family, true friends, your favorite study, your favorite profession, your favorite place, your favorite country, all these are part of happiness. Do not look for happiness! – discover it yourself! . Are happy people only rich people? No, everyone can feel happiness! And I know that it is right. I know that this life breaks you a lot, I know that life has thrown you to different places! Get up and live again, how many things you haven’t discovered yet, scientists have studied 97~98% of the surface of the earth, but how many things are unexplored in the ocean and underground! So you have the opportunity and time to breathe? Is your heart pounding? do you love So you have a chance to be happy!
Maybe you feel like you are lagging behind? Everyone seems happy in the virtual world except you? Maybe your heart is tight and you cry every night? Know that morning comes after night, happy days are waiting for you like spring after winter! You just live! Happiness itself comes out from under your feet. Yes, do what you love, participate in your favorite activities, eat your favorite food. And happiness slowly begins to form in you!
Walk away from things that bring you down, even if it’s hard! Try to fix the thing that spoils your mood! it will come from your hand, I believe in you!
Everyone’s jealous these days, right?
Don’t tell anyone your goals! Eyes can touch!
Spend more time with your loved one first, with your family, because we all trust each other! Let’s appreciate our parents when they are alive! Our family is our source of energy that always supports us!
I ask myself, “Are you happy, Laila?” My answer will be like this!
I create my own happiness, I do what I like, I stop putting barriers on myself, I don’t lose my identity, maybe I’m a hudbin? Maybe the best person? Maybe a bad friend is a bad child? I will try to be good and I will do it!
Life can’t beat me, I won’t give up!
Do you see your reflection in the mirror every day? Compliment yourself
I am beautiful
I’m smart
I am rich
I chose a profession that I love
I am studying in the university I want
Say thanks to God that everything is perfect with me!
Believe 100% that everything will be fine and think good things!
Maybe everything will not be like before, but believe that it will be better than before!
Are you a teenager? Between the ages of 16 and 26, everyone experiences stress and depression. Don’t let these two defeat you! Don’t give up your expensive life for this cheap world! Just go ahead and take risks.
I’m sure you’ll be glad you didn’t give up when it all comes down to it!
I always asked myself, why am I so lazy? Why am I so stupid? Why do I cry so much?
Why? why ?why ?
The questions covered my head.
I am a teenage girl like you! I have no superiority over anyone. I would also like to feel happiness.
Happiness is actually a miraculous feeling that comes when we don’t expect it!
If you do what you like, happiness will develop in your heart!
Let’s be happy together!
can you see
Can you distinguish colors?
Can you speak?
Are you walking home late without someone’s help?
So you are on the threshold of the formula of happiness!
Let’s go inside. Do you agree?
My sister ~ my sister! Be happy BROTHERS! Remember me when you are happy!
I am happy!
Layla is the author of the book “Everyone has the right to be happy”.