In today’s developing society, we can see that people’s aspirations for the education system are growing, not only in our country, but also in many countries around the world, attitudes to all types of systems are changing.
In the context of increasing globalization and fierce competition in the world economy, it is important for a person to receive lifelong learning, not just education, for today’s life. After all, the future development of the country is closely linked with the achievements in this area.
Nowadays, a number of reforms are being carried out in the education system of the Republic. A number of measures are being taken in the system of continuing education in our country on the basis of the decision of December 10, 2012 on measures to further improve the system of learning foreign languages PQ-1875. In this direction, by Resolution No. 124 of May 8, 2013, the SES (State Education Standards) on foreign languages in the system of continuing education was adopted and the A-1 starting level of learning foreign language for primary grades was established.
Nowadays, these guides have found their own place. Our government is taking such measures to teach our students foreign languages, so are the foreign language teachers ready for the process? To be ready for this process, the teacher oneself must have perfect knowledge, skills and abilities in all aspects.
Today’s modern teacher is required to achieve three main goals in education: pedagogical, educational and developmental.
Today’s teacher will need to use a variety of methods and interactive methods throughout the lesson, depending on the purpose of the lesson. According to the decision of PQ -1875 dated December 10, 2012. Foreign languages are taught to students in general education schools of the Republic, for example, from the 1st grade. In the 1st grade, thinking and arguing are carried out mainly on the basis of oral speech. Writing, listening and reading skills are practiced in 2nd grade.
Can foreign language teachers achieve the goals set above? For this, first of all, they need pedagogical, psychological knowledge, skills and abilities. Alternatively, a foreign language teacher can teach students by comparing a foreign language only if he or she is fluent in his or her native language. Nowadays, it is important for a teacher to have the necessary competencies.
What is competence?
Competence is a competency formed in each teacher on the basis of acquired knowledge, skills and competencies. First of all, it should be noted that the main purpose of teaching a foreign language at all stages of education in the Republic of Uzbekistan is to form a communicative connection of a foreign language for learners to work in a multidisciplinary society in everyday scientific professions.
Today’s foreign language teacher needs to have the following language-related communications in order to communicate with students.
1 Linguistic competence (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar of the teacher’s language) is considered to be perfect knowledge, listening, reading and writing skills.
Sociolinguistic competence allows the speaker to choose the method of expression of the desired linguistic form based on a particular speech situation, communicative purpose, and desire.
2 Sociolinguistic competence encompasses the social and cultural context in which language is taught to students by comparing the customs and values, rituals of the country in which they live.
3 Pragmatic competence refers to the ability to repeat and ask when there are misunderstandings in a communicative situation in a foreign language being studied, and to get out of complex situations through hoaxes. The fact that we use many pedagogical technologies in the process of continuing education in our modern life, depending on the content of education, also requires competencies from the teacher. We need to provide more methodological support to today’s young professionals, namely, mainly students. Establishing a teacher-student relationship is a requirement of this period. We recommend teachers to young professionals to learn more pedagogical and psychological sciences perfectly to work with primary school students. Because working with younger students requires perseverance and dedication.
In order to achieve effective teaching, a foreign language teacher is required to set the following requirements.
1 A foreign language teacher must know one`s specialty perfectly on the basis of SES (State Education Standards).
2 Treat your student as a spiritually mature, noble, mentally gifted person.
3 A foreign language teacher should know perfectly about the pedagogical and psychological characteristics of primary school students.
One of the main qualities of a modern teacher is one`s devotion to their profession, his/her faith in love of the profession distinguishes from other professionals. To sum up, a teacher who loves children, dedicated the pedagogical mastery of all his/her strength, knowledge to educating the next generation is a true teacher.
Author: Madina Fayzullaeva, a master’s student in the faculty Pedagogy of Chirchik State of Pedagogical University