Scientific research work is scientific development related to research, research, experiments for the purpose of obtaining new knowledge, testing hypotheses, establishing laws, scientific justification of projects. As a rule, basic and exploratory work is not included as scientific work, but based on them, ideas are generated that can be turned into practical research projects.
This website helps young researchers learn how to organize and structure their research papers. The current state of project development – research, experiments, preliminary tests, etc. have been conducted on the project. Through this site, young people who are researching are learning to form the knowledge and skills they have acquired in their fields and directions in accordance with the requirements of IMRAD for free. According to the results of the experiment, the project is being gradually improved.
In order to further improve this project, it is necessary to inform all pedagogues and young scientific researchers, exchange experience, improve it further, and present it to a wider audience. By exchanging experience with various qualified pedagogues and expanding the project, it is now possible to prevent young researchers from being deceived by some fake fake journals and inflated prices due to various partners.
A special website created for our project: LINK (https://scientific-work.netlify.app/)
With respect to the “Online learning” project, it improved the mechanism of organizing and developing the educational process based on digital technologies. You can see a number of courses that will help to introduce digital technologies into education based on the English language, which is currently becoming a demand level of the educational process. Offering online learning is a great, revolutionary alternative to traditional training. And corporations have taken notice. In fact, up to 90% of use a form of online learning today, compared to just 4% in 1995. And the e-learning market is predicted to grow another 8% by 2026!
Our Online English program can be a great solution for you if you seek a complete, online English courses. This program will help you to get the best lessons and methods to learn English online. We provide a wide range of websites as well as in-depth corrections so nothing is left to chance in your learning. This is a very good way to improve quickly and efficiently. If you feel confident enough, Online English also enables you to prepare and successfully pass various certifications. What are you waiting for? Hop on with us and let’s practice English together!
Our mission is To develop suggestions and recommendations regarding the organization and development of the educational process based on digital technologies based on the English language, which is currently becoming a demand level of the educational process.
This project can serve as a methodological recommendation for the use of digital technologies in the educational process for everyone.
A special website created for our project: LINK (https://onlinenglish-with-madina-fayzullaeva.netlify.app/)
Founder of projects such as “Scientific work” and “Online learning”, as well as, master’s student in the field of “Management of educational institutions” in the faculty of Pedagogy of Chirchik State Pedagogical University in Uzbekistan – Madina Fayzullaeva. Her scientific work on “Organization and development of the educational process based on digital technologies” has been published in more than 50 scientific works in SCOPUS, Higher Attestation Commission magazines, international and republican magazines, conference collections. She created this project based on these experiences.
Author: Madina Fayzullaeva master’s student in the faculty Pedagogy of Chirchik State of Pedagogical University