Essay from Madinabonu Mavlonova

Bundle of fenugreek greens, oval leaves on stalks.
By Thamizhpparithi Maari – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0
MEDICINAL HELBA TRIGONELLA FOENUM GRAECUM-laboratory analysis of its plant seeds..

Mavlonova Madinabonu 
Student of Faculty of Natural Sciences 

Abstract: Seed germination is the most important, which determines the suitability of seeds for sowing one of the important features is the thickness of the Bush number of the crop, the same plant and the growth and development of mold largely depends on the consistency.
Key Words: Laboratory planter, primary solubility, primary solubility, cultured plant, plantability, thermostat.

PQ-4901 of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 26, 2020-in the numerical decision, the cultivation and processing of medicinal herbs, their scientific research scale on the development of breeding yolga on measures to expand medicinal in the regions of the Republic unified scientific research into crop production and processing creating a base, studying the advanced scientific developments of foreign countries go, establish cooperation with leading scientific institutions, as well as modern introduction and availability of technologies, scientific developments to the Republic in order to strengthen the effective use of opportunities:

1. State committee of Forestry, Ministry of agriculture, innovation Ministry of Development, Ministry of Health and Academy of Sciences Center for the cultivation and processing of medicinal plants” healing" state institution under the State Committee of Forestry on the basis of scientific-developed cultivation and processing of medicinal plants in the form proposal to establish an exit center (next-A Center) approval.

֎ wild-growing medicinal plant areas on the territory of the Republic study and determination of reserves, preservation of the existing Bioresource gene pool, Organization of maternity plantations;

֎ cultivation and preparation of seed materials, reproduction, collector with the establishment of nurseries and the processing of their raw materials conducting related scientific and Applied Research; In this case, each institution disappears, including growing in a natural case storage of growing medicinal plants, hatching, their cultural creation of plantations, establishment of maternity fields and nurseries, development of technological maps on the cultivation of medicinal plants to develop scientifically based proposals and developments on attaches specialists. 

Main part
Our plant with different names in different state languages and dialects is Shamballa,helba,fenugreek. the scientific name is "Trigonella Foenum Graecum". Fenugreek has many medicinal purposes, such as stimulating lactation, stimulating appetite, in digestive disorders, anti-inflammatory, in the treatment of arthritis, as well as in the treatment of various wounds. 

Fenugreek is also very effective in treating diabetes, as two grams of powdered fenugreek has been shown to be equal to one unit of insulin. The reason is, fenugreek seeds contain zinc-related ß-chains that affect blood sugar levels. In addition, they contain amino acids and sulfuric acids, which stimulate the production of active penicillin in the pancreas, as noted by Dr. Abdul Bosit. These results he published in his valuable book "Natural herbs and the search for treatment in prophetic medicine". 

In his book, Dr. Abdual Basit assures that a diabetic patient suffers from a sulfur bond breakdown that binds ß-chains to produce an active insulin molecule. Giving sulfur in an organic form, such as fenugreek seed, increases the effectiveness of the pancreas, which is useful in the treatment of diabetes. Fenugreek seeds contain 29% proteins, 6% volatile and solid fats, as well as a high percentage of vitamins B1, B2, niacin, Pantonin, trigonelin and tri-methylamines. These substances greatly affect the signs of menstruation. 

Fenugreek also contains iron, phosphorus, several enzymes, hormones and other components such as gums. The healing value of these compounds increases when seeds germinate and buds appear. Through this process, proteins made up of several essential amino acids are broken down into acids, vitamins and hormones, which reproduce wonderfully in a humid environment.  

Fenugreek is an annual grass growing to 60 cm (20 inches) tall. The leaves are light green and consist of three leaves with toothed edges. The white flowers are produced singly or in pairs in April and may. After them, bean-like legumes 10-15 cm (4-6 inches) long consist of up to twenty small, grooved, yellowish-brown seeds. The leaves have nutrients rich in carotene , vitamin A , ascorbic acid , calcium and iron . The seeds consist of" protein, starch, sugar, mucus, minerals, volatile fats, solid fats, vitamins and enzymes". They smell like curry, but very spicy and contain coumarin oil. 

The seeds also contain diosgenin, which is used in the production of oral contraceptives. 
Uniqueness is the number of germinated seeds in the average sample taken, and the percentage is expressed in the score. From knowing the uniqueness, the goal is to form a Nichol that develops normally it consists in determining the number of seeds that have the ability.Germination of seeds, since laboratory conditions are convenient all the time it is always higher than in the field. Even so, in the laboratory of the seed the specified Unicity expresses the qualities of suitability for planting clearly enough. 

The germination of seeds is determined in thermostats. Before starting the taxile, you need to consider the uniqueness all the tool used in the transfer must be prepared all the equipment. Thermostat disinfected and cleaned every 10 days (in which 1 Part 40% formulin per 20 parts water) and the disinfected thermostat is hidden for 2 hours, then until the smell of formulin rises ventilated. Also used in the flooring are vannochka, separator, mirror, tweezers and others are also uninfected (before each taxil) and they are stored inside the berk thermostat. To determine the germination of seeds, they are planted in sand and filter paper. Seeds the sands used in planting are cleaned by sifting and rinsing in special sieves beforehand. 

To the indicators of the seed quality of the plant according to the rules: purity, it includes its uniqueness, viability, mass, moisture and damage by pests and diseases.  Each container planted in a flourish is attached to a label, in which the number of the sample is, also written is the day when the initial and main germination of the seed is determined. Seed planted containers are placed in thermostats and periodically soaked.The temperature in the thermostat is three times every day-in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening the scale is recorded in a notebook. Temperature difference +2 from the set for the seed From 0S should not increase or decrease. Water 1.5-2.0 CM in a water tank below the thermostat be and the water in it is renewed every 3-5 days. 
1-Fig. Determination of seed germination of medicinal plant HELBA TRIGONELLA FOENUM GRAECUM 

The seeds showed distinctive physical characteristics, including the helba medicinal plant with a length of 4.57 mm, width 1.90 mm, thickness 1.76 mm, average arithmetic diameter 2.74 mm, average the geometric diameter is 2.47 mm, the weight of 1000 seeds is 14.77 g,the size is 22.745 mm. The 3rd dimension is 0.559, the surface area is 17.04 mm 2 and the aspect ratio is 42.06. From this in addition, the actual density of seeds is 921.33 kg / m ³, the mass density is 816.06 kg / m³, had a porosity of 11.43% and a bearing angle of 40.02°. 

Friction according to its properties, charota seeds are on plywood surfaces, then rubber, soft demonstrated high friction on steel and glass surfaces. In addition, charota the thermal properties of its seeds are 0.0663 W -1 .K -1 has a thermal conductivity of and Contains 0.00155 ° c CM / Vt resistance. Seed germination is 95%  it was discovered by examining it by picking it up in petri saucers in laboratory conditions.I.e. From the seeds of our Sano plant, which Pedri collected in our container, all gave a good result sprouted.So that we can determine the germination of seeds-the number of germinated seeds  we divide by the initial total number of seeds:
          b                95
X= ---------=    X ------------ =0.95
          a               100
a~total number of seeds
B~number of seeds germinated
X~seed germination

From the above laboratory taxa, the following can be concluded;

- the state of the seed material used for planting by quality marks must meet the standard requirements;

- germination of seeds, since laboratory conditions are convenient all the time it is always higher than in the field. Even so, in the laboratory of the seed the specified Unicity expresses the qualities of suitability for planting clearly enough.

-to determine the germination of seeds, they are planted in sand and filter paper. The sands used in sowing seeds are cleaned by sifting and rinsing in special sieves before.

- initial germination of seed (germination capacity) and basic germination each in one sample, the alloxide is determined. In this case, it is normal to determine the initial tensile seeds germinated in the carpet and rotted seed aloxida-aloxida counted and rotted seed removal condition.

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