Essay from Maftuna Mehrojova (one of two)


Mehrojova Maftuna Soli qizi

student of the Jizzakh branch National University of Uzbekistan named Mirzo Ulugbek


Abstract: This article analyzes the role and significance of the green economy in ensuring sustainable development. A green economy is an approach to sustainable development that combines natural resource conservation, environmental protection, and economic growth. The article focuses on the role of the green economy in ensuring economic growth, environmental sustainability, and social justice. The importance of a green economy in combating climate change through the transition to renewable energy sources, efficient resource management, and waste reduction will also be discussed. The article aims to explore practical ways to ensure sustainable and equitable development through a green economy.

Keywords: Sustainable development, green economy, environment, renewable energy, efficient resource management, climate change, economic growth, social justice, environmental sustainability, government policies, sustainable development goals, green jobs.


In society, ideas about the need to conserve natural resources for reaction and research purposes gradually led to the formation of scientific concepts based on environmental responsibility to future generations. The implementation of these ideas into practice should be addressed through ensuring sustainable development. Sustainable development is understood as development based on non-threatening the ability to meet the needs of future generations in order to fully meet the needs of the population. Sustainable development can be viewed as a process that develops through the synergistic effect, based on the interconnected development of the “social” – “economic” – “ecological” triad. An economic approach to sustainable development involves the rational use of limited resources. The social approach will be aimed at ensuring social stability and cultural diversity on a global scale. An ecological approach should serve to ensure the normal functioning of any ecological system.


At the beginning of the 21st century, the United Nations put forward 17 interconnected global goals as priority directions for human development. According to a study conducted by the Global Recovery Observatory of Oxford University, supported by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), less than 20% of the total expenditure for recovery is allocated to environmental issues. On December 2, 2023, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted Resolution No. PP-436 “On measures to increase the effectiveness of reforms aimed at the transition of the Republic of Uzbekistan to a ‘green’ economy by 2030.” A program for the transition to a “green” economy and ensuring “green” growth in the Republic of Uzbekistan by 2030 has been approved. It is designed to achieve the following strategic goals:

• reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 35% from the level in 2010;

• Increase the production capacity of renewable energy sources to 15 GW and increase their share to more than 30% of the total volume of electricity production;

• increasing energy efficiency in the industrial sector by at least 20%;

• reduce energy consumption per unit of GDP by 30%, including through expanding the use of renewable energy sources;

• significantly increase the efficiency of water use in all sectors of the economy, introduce water-saving irrigation technology on an area of up to 1 million hectares;

• Expand green areas in cities by more than 30% by planting 200 million saplings per year and increasing the total number of saplings to more than 1 billion;

• Increase the level of recycling of solid household waste by more than 65%, etc.

The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 4, 2019, “On Approving the Strategy for the Transition of the Republic of Uzbekistan to a “Green” Economy for the Period 2019-2030,” is an important program for ensuring sustainable development based on the “green economy” in our country. Among the important tasks of the transition to a “green economy” are increasing the energy efficiency of the economy and the rational use of natural resources. These target indicators will be achieved through the modernization of technologies and the development of financial mechanisms. During the implementation of the strategy for the period up to 2030, specific greenhouse gas emissions per unit of gross domestic product will be reduced by ten percent from the level of 2010, and up to one hundred percent of the population and economic sectors will be provided with modern, affordable and reliable electricity. The production and use of environmentally friendly motor fuel and cars will be expanded, and electric transport will be developed.

International scientific activity in ensuring sustainable development was initiated by the UN. In 2000, the UN General Assembly adopted the Millennium Development Goals, and 2015 was designated as the year to calculate the achievement of the set goals. In 2012, the UN emphasized the need for the global community to set development goals after 2015 in order to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals. Thus, at the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012, the leaders of countries around the world agreed to develop the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Sustainable Development Goals include economic, social, and environmental indicators that serve to create a prosperous lifestyle for every person. The agenda includes the implementation of these goals by all UN member states in 2015-2030. The Sustainable Development Goals Framework includes 17 global goals and 169 related tasks: 1) poverty eradication; 2) ending hunger; 3) health and well-being; 4) quality education; 5) Gender equality; 6) clean water and sanitation; 7) cheap and clean energy; 8) creation of decent jobs and economic growth; 9) industrialization, innovation, infrastructure; 10) Reducing inequality; 11) the creation of sustainable cities and comfortable living conditions; 12) responsible consumption and production; 13) combating climate change; 14) protection of marine ecosystems; 15) Conservation of terrestrial ecosystems; 16) peace, justice, and effective governance; 17) cooperation for sustainable development. Uzbekistan has set the task of nationalizing and implementing 16 of these goals. As there are no marine basins on the territory of the republic, the 14th goal (preservation of marine ecosystems) has not been nationalized by Uzbekistan. The problems of ensuring sustainable economic growth within the framework of sustainable development, strengthening an innovative approach to “clean technologies,” and forming a “green economy” are regularly discussed at international economic, environmental, and investment forums. Issues of implementing the “Green Economy” concept in practice form the basis of these discussions.

In the process of transitioning to a green economy, great importance is attached to waste management and recycling. Developing the concept of a circular economy will allow for expanding waste recycling, saving resources, and reducing the negative impact on the environment. Optimizing the process of waste processing and conversion into new materials through nanotechnology serves to increase environmental efficiency. The significance of these technologies lies in the possibility of changing the chemical composition of waste and creating new types of products from them. Another important direction of the green economy is the digitalization of agro-ecological systems. Effective water resource management, field monitoring, and optimal decision-making using artificial intelligence allow for the development of innovative solutions in agriculture. For example, by utilizing drone technologies and artificial intelligence algorithms, it is possible to use land more efficiently, conserve water, and increase agricultural production volumes. The implementation of these digital innovations creates opportunities for resource conservation and effective management.

In Uzbekistan, it is necessary to conduct biotechnological research in the production of recyclable materials, particularly bioplastics and biomaterials. This will help reduce waste and minimize negative environmental impact. Through biotechnologies, it is possible to process waste using insects and microorganisms and create new types of environmentally friendly materials. Scientific research in this field will accelerate the development of recyclable materials and make a significant contribution to environmental protection.

An addition, devices connected to the Internet can use IT and artificial intelligence to effectively manage renewable energy sources and monitor the state of the environment. These technologies enable real-time collection and analysis of environmental data, optimal resource allocation, and efficient consumption management. Data collected using the technical platform can be analyzed in real time and automated solutions can be proposed in the decision-making process. These innovative ideas will serve to accelerate the country’s transition to a “green” economy and create great opportunities for achieving economic stability.


1. A.V. Vakhabov, Sh.Kh. Khajibakiyev. “Green Economy.” Textbook – T. “Zebo print” Tashkent – 2021.

2. Brown L.R. Eco-Economy. Building an Economy for the Earth. Earth Policy

Institute. W.W. Norton & Company. New York, London, 2019

3. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 4, 2019 No. RP-4477 The Resolution of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Approving the Strategy for Transitioning to a Green Economy for the Period 2019-2030.”