Essay from Maftuna Yusupboyeva

Central Asian teen girl with long straight dark hair, brown eyes, and a ruffly pink blouse.
Karakalpak folk poet Berdak

Through this article, I would like to provide information about the life and work of the great poet of the Karakalpak people. Berdak is a poet, the founder of Karakalpak literature. 

First, he studied at a village school, then at a madrasa. Alisher deeply read the works of Navoi, Fuzuli, Makhtumquli and the Karakalpak poet Kunkhoja, and learned from them. He knew history and folklore well. The social life of the Karakalpak people in the 18th and 19th centuries was expressed in Berdak's lyrical poems and epics. He evaluates the events and social relations of his time as an intelligent poet. 

The ideas of equality, humanity, justice and patriotism are put forward in his works. In Berdak's works, the condition of the working people is the main theme ("It didn't happen", "Tax", "This year", "My life", etc.). The poet dreams of selfless fighters for the truth, for the happiness and future of the working masses ("For the people", "I need", etc.). 

The poet proudly sings about the heroes of the people in his historical works "Avlodlar", "Omongeldi", "Azadosbiy", "Ernazarbiy". Berdak's work "Generations" is a chronicle of historical events, the common events in the lives of the Karakalpak people and other Turkic peoples are recorded, and the legends about the origin of tribes and peoples are described. Berdak exposes the lies of some corrupt clergymen ("Better", "Like", etc.), defends women's rights, calls on young people to love their country, reach the heights of enlightenment ("To my son", "Don't be a fool", etc.).

 In his poetic observations and struggles for life, Berdaq dreamed of a happy life for working people. While thinking about making the people happy, Berdak asks God for help ("Help"), thinks about happiness ("I searched"), dreams of a just king ("Need"), hopes for the construction of a happy society. Berdak's work is close to the traditions of folk literature. He occupies the main position in the history of Karakalpak literature with the richness of his creativity and the ideological and artistic height of his works. 

Many of his works have been translated into Uzbek and other languages. The 170th anniversary of Berdak's birth was widely celebrated in Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan (1998). One of the avenues in the city of Tashkent was named "Berdaq" and a bust was installed. A bust of the poet was also installed in Bozatov, the birthplace of the poet (1998). In the city of Nukus, a statue was dedicated to him, a musical drama theater, a street and a school were named after Berdak.