Essay from Mashkhura Usmonova

Effects of mobilephones in society

Due to the fact that we live in the age of technology, today many people prefer online communication instead of face-to-face meetings.
Firstly, one of the biggest reasons for this is our smartphones and the fact that people spend so much time on social media these days.
for example, they waste time reading posts on channels in Telegram groups and as a result they do not have time for other household chores and plans.

Secondly, there are mobile phones from adults to young children and parents do not give enough time to their children.  As an example, young children watch cartoons or videos on YouTube channels from morning to night this is a leading them to grow up unkind and aggressive.

In general, socialize meetings are not popular among people today because of telephones, which in the future may cause psychological diseases such as depression, loneliness, and longing.

Usmonova Mashkhura Shukhratovna

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