The role of Girls in Uzbekistan
Today, in order to develop the social importance of women in all fields of science and culture, a number of activities are being carried out.
In particular, several funds are being established to support women and girls.
An open election for the coordination of “Girls’ Voice” has been announced in all regions of the republic, and thus the problems and suggestions of regional girls are being studied.
In addition, the number of girls entering higher education institutions is increasing.
A number of opportunities are being created for girls who suffer from social conditions, are married and have children.
In particular, if a certain amount of their contract money is needed, all the amount is covered by the state.
Earlier, our wives and daughters studied only in pedagogy and medicine, but today they work in sports, construction, law, industry, department and even Ministerial positions.
If we look at world statistics, the social role of women and girls is active in developed countries, and on the contrary, the social role of women and girls is low in underdeveloped countries.
In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the establishment of the Zulfiya state award indicates how much attention is paid to our women and girls.
For example: Tanzilla Narbayeva is the chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, the president of the Cycling Federation of Uzbekistan, Sahkhnaza Joldasova is the chairman of the Youth Parliament under the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, Marjana Jorakulova is the chairman of the Republican “Council of Young Professionals”.
Loans and subsidies in the amount of two trillion soums were allocated to more than 200 thousand projects and employment of more than 320 thousand women and girls was provided.
2,000 girls were admitted to higher education on the basis of a grant, and 190,000 women were trained in professions.
The “Business Women” program for 2022-2024 was adopted.
In particular, a project to support the education of women and girls will be developed for 2022-2026.
These indicators alone show how important our women and girls are in Uzbekistan.
Article is by Karakalpak State University named after Berdak, Faculty of Biology, 1st year student Atajanova Ogultuvak Magsat kizi.