Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine is 65 years old!
The Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine ranks 10th in the world in terms of gold production and reserves. NMMC was founded in 1958. During the 65th year, NMMC has made a huge contribution to the growth and income of the Republic of Uzbekistan, both externally and internally. our enterprise carries out the process of extraction, exploration, processing of underground and surface resources. In particular, the quality of gold castings with a sample of “999, 9”, which has become an Uzbek brand that we produce, deserves special recognition. I am Turakulova Ozoda and I am now 28 years old. I’ve been with NMMC for 10 years now and I’m very proud of it. Congratulations to NMMC on its 65th anniversary. I wish you the first place in the world in gold mining, as well as good luck, big victories.