Essay from Rakhimjonova Mashhura


Namangan State Pedagogical Institute

A student of the 3rd stage of preschool education


Phone: +998940281026

Annotation: In this article, children with disabilities in New Uzbekistan have been included in the ranks of children with unlimited opportunities, not limited opportunities. In our country, the priority tasks for children with disabilities have been determined at the first level of the state policy regarding youth. Priority tasks created for children with disabilities in Uzbekistan’s preschool education organizations, innovative approach, integrated education and training results are described in detail.

Key words: inclusive education, integrated education, innovative approach, children with disabilities, concept.


In the new renaissance period of new Uzbekistan, all reforms in the education system are showing their results and creating a new ground for the future of our people. In particular, inclusive education has become an urgent issue today. The priority tasks of the President in the state policies related to youth include further improvement of the quality of education and training for children with disabilities, and continuous monitoring of medical procedures. Among these priorities are the President’s concept of development of inclusive education in the public education system in 2020-2025, [1] by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers for pre-school and school education “Education of children with special educational needs on measures to improve the organization and rehabilitation system” dated January 25, 2024 No. 46 was signed. [2]

It is no exaggeration to say that the introduction of the concept of inclusive education for the first time in our General Assembly – our new Constitution was one of the biggest changes in the field of inclusive education. That is, in accordance with the revision of the New Constitution, in the second section, the ninth chapter, article 50: “Inclusive education and training is provided for children with special educational needs in educational organizations.” [3]

According to the data, as of last year, about 710,000 persons with disabilities were registered in our country. They live in different regions of our country, under different conditions. The saddest thing is that only 10% of them have higher education. How many disabled youth are not covered by education… In general, if you go inside the system, there are many problems waiting to be solved. If we look at the history of the world, the world-famous composer Beethoven was congenitally disabled, and Franklin Roosevelt, who was elected president of the USA four times, suffered from polio. The famous English writer John Milton became blind at the age of 43, and yet he created his masterpiece – Paradise Lost. [4] In general, there is no point in enumerating such examples. You say that it all depends on the person himself. But the formation and development of everything depends to some extent on the environment in society.


Children with disabilities are mentally, physically and mentally disabled  may be unhealthy, but not limited from the possibility of study and education. When children with disabilities learn mentally, spiritually, and physically with children in a preschool education organization, the human value of disabled children is firstly undermined. can reach Why is the number of children with disabilities increasing? 

  •  The state on the introduction of inclusive education in many countries 

that it is not recorded in regulatory documents; 

  • Negative attitude towards disabled children:
  • the problem of invisibility of children with disabilities in society; 
  • The problem of children with disabilities not appearing in MTT; 

 Financial problems:

  • Adaptation of the educational organization; 
  •  The large number of children in the preschool education organization; 
  •   Poverty, dependence of disabled children on others; 
  •  Emergencies, conflicts, refugees, personnel issues and problems.[4]

A legitimate question arises as to why the opportunity is limited  should children be involved in the inclusive education system? What is the need to solve the above arguments and move to an inclusive education system? Indeed, it is not easy to solve the problems facing this educational system. But there are many advantages of this education system, including: 

  • Inclusive education allows to get rid of poverty;
  • Inclusive education improves the quality of education for all;
  • Prevents discrimination;
  •  Inclusive education leads to more inclusiveness. [5]


In conclusion, I would like to say that if there was no inclusive education system, children with disabilities would not be receiving education. It is necessary to support children with disabilities for their development. Because a simple negative attitude can affect a child’s psyche. Negative attitude is probably the biggest obstacle for children with special needs to receive education in the preschool education system. The essence of the problem of negative attitude is that parents, members of the community, teachers, employees of the organization, management bodies, even children with special needs are opposed and unwilling to receive education in their organizations.

The reason for this is people’s misconceptions about disabled people, the lack of information about them, the fact that disabled children grow up in a limited environment, etc. The essence of the problem of invisibility in society is that many children with special needs are often locked up by their parents. They lock them up at home and do not show them to anyone, no information about their disabled child is given during the registration process. As a result, many disabled children are deprived of participation in society. The lack of information about them leads to them not attending educational institutions. Children with disabilities are not limited to education. As future mature personnel are growing, children with disabilities will become healthier as a result of education and training.

My suggestion is that if you study the psychological characteristics of mentally and physically disabled children and organize cooperation with the family, then inclusive education will have little effect. It is only necessary to support the child in any way, to encourage him, to create all the conditions for him to be able to show his talent.

 List of reference literature:

  1. The concept of development of inclusive education in the public education system in 2020-2025.
  2. Decision No. 46 of January 25, 2024 “On measures to improve the system of education and rehabilitation of children with special educational needs”.
  3. website materials.
  4. “Fundamentals of inclusive education” Instructional manual. Urganch. 2020.
  5. Rs. Shomakhmudova, “Special and inclusive education, international and national experiences” – educational methodical guide. Tashkent 2011.

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