Essay from Ruxshona Qiyomova

A skilled pedagogue and his image

Among all professions, the teaching profession has a special and important social importance. After all, the teacher is the architect of the maturity of the heart of the young generation, the person who educates and educates the youth. Today, he teaches the youth the laws of society, social life, and the development of thinking, prepares the youth for work, and helps them master the secrets of the profession. they say. This responsibility requires the teacher to be a master of his profession. A skilled pedagogue is a highly cultured specialist who is a skilled master of his profession, has a deep knowledge of his subject, and has mastered the methodology of education and training.

Pedagogical skills teach teachers pedagogical creativity, pedagogical technique, speech culture, thinking, organization and implementation of educational work of the pedagogue. It provides information about the system of pedagogical activities that develop their profession. In order for the pedagogical activities of teachers to be effective the system of necessary skills: knowledge, ability to understand the child, observation, speech skills, organization, ability to see the future, ability to divide attention, correctly assess the situation, handle all kinds of conflicts that may arise timely elimination, making students interested in learning.

A teacher who does not understand the essence of the pedagogical process and does not respect the child will not have an opinion that ensures the effectiveness of education and human maturity. Pedagogical skill – “Teachers’ qualities such as childishness, humanity, kindness and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity, ability is a defining characteristic, and it is an activity that provides teachers with the opportunity to reach a high level in their educational activities and to constantly improve their professional skills. He is perfect in his subject who knows, has pedagogical and methodical training,

It is manifested in the professional activity of every teacher who conducts practical activities in order to find ways to teach, educate and develop students.

During the formation of the teaching profession, it is pedagogical skills improve. He conducts educational activities with students with various psychological characteristics. Faces various conflicts. This, in turn, forces him to constantly create, to find and skillfully apply various means and methods of education. Thus, to become the owner of pedagogical skills, the teacher is himself he should know the educational subject based on the requirements of the time, have pedagogical and psychological knowledge, and should have humanity, curiosity and self-sacrifice.

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