Ibrokhimov Saidakbar
Faculty of Criminal Justice
3rd grade student
Abstract: Gafur Ghulam is a famous writer of Uzbekistan. The history of the Uzbek people found its artistic expression in the poetry and prose of Gafur Ghulam. The writer’s creativity is diverse – poems, songs, epics, odes, stories, short stories. Gafur Ghulam’s work
took an incomparable place in the development of Uzbek literature in the post-war period.
Key words: work, era, interpretation, literature, poetry, poet, work, folk, prose, writer, literature, stories, creator, examples of creativity.
“… When we talk about the personality, memory and legacy of Gafur Ghulam, we compare this great man first of all as a broad, literal poet of the people, in front of his immortal name and unfading work our boss”
Islam Karimov.
Gafur Ghulam is a unique talent who left a golden name in Uzbek literature of the 20th century. People’s poet of the Republic of Uzbekistan, an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, this great artist greatly contributed to the
development of national literature, culture and science of the Uzbek people with his unique creativity and activity. That is why his work is constantly studied and researched. While reading the works of the writer, we can understand the philosophy of that time and come to primary thoughts about the era. The works of contemporaries greatly influenced the formation of Gafur Ghulam’s world view and artistic taste. Gafur Ghulam writes in one of his articles: “I know and love Russian classical artists and have translated many of their works into my native language. But I want to say that I am a student of Mayakovsky, who “opened up the most exciting and unlimited possibilities for me in the fields of weight, vocabulary, symbols, and the melodic structure of poetry.”
In addition to anger in Mayakovsky’s satire, critical sarcasm, and the enormous power of feeling in his lyrics, I tried to gather in myself… the bold eloquence of his methods, the courage of metaphors, the expressiveness of exaggerations. I even had to use the methodical, melodious and meaningful construction of the poem in the structure of Uzbek poetry.” These are reflected in many poems of Gafur Ghulam, for example: “On the roads of Turksib”, “Motherland”, “Long live peace!”.
In one of the poetic passages written by Gafur Ghulam in 1962, we can come across such a sentence:
Time and mother
Rhyme is coming
Through this verse, as much as the poet was a son for his mother, he was as much a child of the times as a person. It is impossible to understand the creator, whose entire creative period and life path are closely connected with his time. If the period is studied in a strong
connection, both its successes and its shortcomings will be shown accordingly. Almost every poem of Gafur Ghulam, written in the spirit of belonging to the 20th century, requires special attention. The works that cover all the foundations of society and include
people’s dreams and hopes, thoughts about the past and the future, evoke a feeling in the heart of the fan. There are other works of the poet (for example, the poem “Sharaf Manuscript”, stories such as “Hasan Kaifi” and “Aliqul’s Debt”), through which it is possible to read the author’s hidden pains and deeply artistically expressed ideas of
independence. we can understand.
Gafur Ghulom’s prose skill is clearly visible in the short stories “Netay” (1930), “Resurrected Corpse” (1934), “Yodgor” (1936), “Shum Bola” (1936-1962). In particular, in the story “Netay”, the social era causes the fate of the main character to become tragic. In the short story, the writer covers the issue of relations between man and society. He strongly condemns any kind of unrest and draws attention to the fact that even in the “Troublesome days when fathers do not know their sons and mothers do not know their daughters”, true human qualities are preserved and the dear and delicious feelings of fatherhood do not choose a beautiful nation. Ghafur Ghulam writes about one of the great evils of society. The writer angrily exposes “the tyranny of the evil khan”, the violence of
the thousand chiefs, city judges, and governors, and protects women whose “hearts are crying, their faces are smiling, and their hearts are bleeding from insults”.
Today, Gafur Ghulam’s pedagogical views have become a component of our national pedagogic heritage. In the 20s of the last century, ideas about eliminating harmful habits in children’s behavior were discussed. Looking at the work of the writer, he suffers from the
growing number of harmful habits among children. He looks for the causes of harmful habits in the environment in which children live. In his opinion, “thousands of children are not involved in general education due to the fault of officials sitting at the top of the
educational system.”
It is known that during the last century, hundreds of thousands of children were left homeless in the former Soviet state due to national conflicts, war, and drought. As a result, child neglect has reached its peak in the country. Thousands of children who were left out
of school and family control learned harmful habits from street schools. The state and the general public are worried about the increase in child delinquency. Therefore, the poet was
worried about the fate of such orphaned children and said in the poem “I offer”:
Look at this young teenager:
“He lived from the beginning
What a shame, what a shame
He is proud like his grandfather,
You eat a lot!” – you say
…Not yet
School, study is up to him…
In a number of works of the writer, human qualities are recognized. That is, education shows a sense of respect. Respecting one’s parents, elders, and everyone else was considered a high recognition for this person. Respect and value are harmonious concepts, and a person who appreciates the country, parents, and all the circumstances in general is the owner of high education. In this way, the so-called human being becomes the possessor of high virtue. As an example, we can show the poem “Hello” by the writer on page 1.58:
Respect for a person is self-recognition.
The land where the holy term lived.
Na qulu na xo‘ja, na minnat, na zulm,
Dear Sanamak, the sweat on his forehead
Now let’s think a little about the story “Shum Bola”, the most famous example of the author’s work. We all know that the period in which this work was written, that is, the 30s of the 20th century, is a difficult period for our country. In this situation, the emergence of
a work with fundamentally opposing concepts to the politics of the time is an unprecedented event. The events of the 10th years are written in the well-known work. If we pay attention, there is no trace of class conflict, struggle, revolutionary spirit in this story. However, the events in the work are reflected in the ordinary life of the people, who are busy with their work in the market, on the streets. When you read the story, it seems that the work consists of adventures, but it creates a special mood for the people of this era, who are in a state of politics. Shum Boy, the main character in the play, is a character
who does not fit into the mold. However, the attention to the life, time, and people who left the children of the nation to fend for themselves in the events of the story is expressed through the character of a simple child. Page 2.8
In conclusion, in Gafur Ghulam’s works, we can see not only creativity, but also the harmony of time and space. Today, if we look at the past, we can see that some of the works written by a number of our writers have fallen from the history. In general, there is
no creator, writer or poet whose works cannot take place on the stage of folk and literature. Because time is sorting out their works. But there are such creators whose works created at the level of their talent still remain in the language of the people, and their name is a
symbol of pride and honor for the people and the era. Therefore, Gafur Ghulam is considered to be such a talented and great creator of the 20th century. A rare talent, an academician of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, a philosopher-poet, a poet Gafur
Ghulam will remain a scientist, poet and writer who listens to the hearts of our people and all well-intentioned humanity, and can feel the pain of fans from the heart.
Why can’t I be happy, we are finally with perfection,
With knowledge, with love, with beauty,
Our hearts are full of all humanity,
We are sitting on the road in the heart.
Excerpt from the poem “The power of one greeting”.
Gafur Ghulam
1. Naim Karimov, publishing house named after Gafur G’ulam, Tashkent-2003.
2. The spiritual and educational significance of Gafur Ghulam’s work. Scientific conference. Tashkent-2003.