Essay from Sarvinoz Tuliyeva

Central Asian teen girl with long dark hair, brown eyes, and a black and white checkered school uniform vest and pants over a white collared shirt. She's holding books and a rose and standing in front of posters on the wall in a schoolroom.
Artistic analysis of the story "Yanga" written by O'tkir Hashimov.

Abstract: the article provides information about the life and work of O'tkir Hashimov and analyzes his story "Yanga". Analytical approach to the characters and situations in it.

Key words: new, story writer, mother, magazine, translation

O'tkir Hoshimov, a well-known writer, storyteller, publicist and playwright, was born in the Dombirabad district of Tashkent at the beginning of the Second World War (1941). He had a difficult childhood and had to study and work during school. He continues his studies at the part-time department of the Faculty of Journalism of Tashkent State University. In addition, he worked in such newspapers as "Temiryolchi", "Tashkent Haqikat" and "Kyzil Uzbekistan". 

During his career, he worked as a department head in the newspaper "Tashkent Aqshomi", deputy editor-in-chief at the publishing house named after Gafur Ghulam, and editor-in-chief of the "Sharq ytyzni" magazine. He also worked as a deputy of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the chairman of the Press and Information Committee. The writer began his work in journalism and entered the creative world in 1962 with his first book "Steel Rider".  In particular, his works such as "Love", "A Farmer's Day", "The Last Victim of War", "Uzbek Work" made a significant contribution to the development of Uzbek storytelling.            

He began his prose work by writing stories, his first story "Tort Maktub" was published in 1963. Later, he begins to write short stories, a genre larger than the story. The stories "Desert Air", "What Do People Say", "The Wind Blows" were released. The story that brought great fame to the writer is "Listen to your heart". received the Republic Youth Award for this work. In the course of highlighting the evils in the social life of the society, the period of stagnation, he fully reflected the important spiritual and moral issues of the time in the novel "There is light, there is shadow". In the novel "Between Two Doors", the author skillfully embodies the historical fate of his people, covering a period of almost forty years and a series of complicated and complex destinies. And this novel brings the author the Republican State Prize named after Hamza.

His articles such as "The White Book of the Heart", "Those Who Break the Sacred Oath", "What Will We Say to the Generations", "Where is the Logic?", "The Secret of the State" are among the achievements of Uzbek journalism in recent years.

As a dramatist, he influenced the development of modern literature. His dramas and comedies "Hazon's Spring", "Happy Weddings", "Medicine of Conscience", "Human Loyalty", "Repression" took a worthy place on the stages of the Republican theaters. The book "Inscriptions on the edge of the notebook" (2001) left a certain mark on social and spiritual life.

 As a translator, O'tkir Hashimov translated the works of O. Bergholtz, S. Sveig, Mustay Karim, V. Shukshin into Uzbek. His best works have been translated into Russian and other languages. The total number of published works of the writer is more than fifty, and their total circulation is more than two million. Oh. Hoshimov was awarded the honorary title of "People's Writer of Uzbekistan" in 1991 for his creative work. He was awarded with the orders "Labour Fame" (1996), "For Great Services" (2001). He died on May 24, 2013 in Tashkent.

Let's pay attention to the writer's story "Yanga". This story mentions people like Yanga, Akmal, Clara, Lola, Akmal's brother and mother. The story begins with the scene where the bride comes to the house of the Akmal Khans and Akmal Khan comes home from work to meet the bride.   When he wakes up, he hears a familiar voice and this person opens the door. This character was new to him. After meeting with Akmal Khan, he leaves the house. Then he asks his wife Clara what the new one is for. Then his wife rudely says that maybe she came to get money. Then he quarreled with his wife. Akmal Khan is in love with his wife Clara and started a family, they have a little girl named Lola. Clara had never quarreled with her husband. But today they argue with Akmal Khan. 

The reason was that he didn't give it to the new one when he had money. At that time, Akmal Khan's brother's affairs were not going well. He thinks that he wanted to get clothes for his nieces because winter is coming. When he receives the money, his wife says, "Don't touch the money, I will buy a coat for our daughter with that money." But he takes the money and goes to his brother's yard. Her mother was alive when she became a new bride.  He always ironed his clothes to go to school. Even after the death of his mother, this situation did not change. As always, she would put her clothes on the throne and put a little money in there, just in case she needed them. 

However, seeing that his financial situation worsened and he was unable to earn money on his own, he decided to drop out of school. Even then, the new one persuades him and helps him to study. He came to his father's house. The house is still the same, has not changed and is as tidy as ever. The young one sees him and invites him to bed. They are talking and Akmal Khan says that he just received money from work and that he didn't know about it. He gives the money and says that he will buy winter clothes for my nephews. Then the new one said, "This week was the day my mother died. We wanted to gather relatives and do maraka. "It was not enough." Then Akmal Khan will be ashamed. This concludes the story. Plots and composition are very well chosen in the story.

In this story, you can see the love for mother, the love of the bride for her mother-in-law, and the respect of the bride for her brother-in-law. It is no exaggeration to say that the story is written in Uzbek spirit.


1) 5th grade literature. Editor-in-Chief of "Sharq" publishing-printing joint-stock company. Tashkent - 2020




Abduvahidova is the daughter of Farangiz Wahab 2nd stage student of Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov.

Abdukhalilboyev is the son of Alisher Abdugani 3rd year student of Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad Al-Khorazmi