Essays and cartoons related to raising children with ADD and other conditions

Updated Call for Submissions: Essays & Cartoons!

Is your child easy to love, but hard to parent? DRT Press is seeking personal
essays written by parents of children with ADD, ADHD and/or other mental,
emotional, and behavioral disorders for a book about the experience of parenting
children with such conditions, for publication (expected) in Spring 2011.
Compensation includes 10 copies of the completed book and unlimited discounted
copies. The book will be co-edited by author/editor/publisher Adrienne Ehlert
Bashista, Publisher, DRT Press and Kay Marner, a freelance writer who
contributes regularly to ADDitude magazine, and blogs for
We’re thrilled to announce that everyone’s favorite ADHD expert, Dr. Edward
, will write the introduction for the book. Hallowell, a renowned
psychiatrist, is the bestselling author of 16 books, including ADHD classics
Driven to Distraction and Delivered from Distraction, and the newer,
inspiration-filled Super Parenting for ADD. Hallowell’s involvement takes Bless
Your Heart
one giant leap toward becoming what we dream it will be—a source of
affirmation and inspiration to parents raising kids who make it a challenge to
stay one step ahead in the parenting game.
***NEW***(Updated 5/2010) In addition to essays, we are now seeking comic strips
which illustrate the same topics. Comics will be printed in black and white
only; no color. Because creating comics requires a specific skill set,
contributions will be accepted from persons who are not parents and caregivers
of challenging children, as well as those who are, as long as the work captures
the parenting experience. Contributors will receive the same compensation, and
accept the same marketing responsibilities, as essayists (described in the
complete Call for Submissions—link below).
The deadline for submissions has been extended through June 2010. If you are
interested in contributing, but need additional time, please email
<kay(at)> (replace (at) with @).
For more information visit
may be directed to kay(at) (replace (at) with @), and answers to FAQ’s can be found at