Haiku from J.D. Nelson

Five One-Line Haiku

rose blooms of mid-June a dandelion gone to seed

near sunset summer’s first bat circles above Broadway

staring contest a small rabbit hops out of a bush onto the sidewalk

morning errands little horseflies bite my calves & ankles

were crews able to put out the fire a bit hazy this morning


J. D. Nelson is the author of eleven print chapbooks and e-books of poetry, including *purgatorio* (wlovolw, 2024). His first full-length collection is *in ghostly onehead* (Post-Asemic Press, 2022). Visit his website, MadVerse.com, for more information and links to his published work. Nelson lives in Boulder, Colorado, USA.

3 thoughts on “Haiku from J.D. Nelson

  1. Thank you, J.D. I like the bat poem. Here’s a senyru of mine:

    no longer raining
    close the french doors
    mosquitos piping

    My most recent collection, just published, and available from The Alfred Gustav Press, contains 26 small poems I call ‘neo-haiku’. I intend this term to simplify questions about form for the reader. Here is the final poem in the collection:

    if a ghost plucks your sleeve — pay heed
    thereafter, lead your life no
    longer haunted

    Brian Purdy (Bep).

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