Poetry from Ilhomova Mohichehra


My country is always
My dear Uzbekistan.
This girl is rich in beauty,
Narcissus in my garden.

The so-called Uzbekistan
I was born in a beautiful place.
By and by
I pulled out the rock.

Have fun these days,
Flowers open every day.
Birds flying far away,
Happy girls.

Play and laugh at home
Sneak away.
Push your period,
You build the future.

The country is burning for you,
Both parents.
always burning for you
Sweating and burning.

For the value of such a country,
Enough dear friends.
Such a country from the world,
You will never find.

Ilhomova Mohichehra is a student of the 8th grade of the 9th general secondary school of Zarafshan city, Navoi region.

Essay from Barnoxon Ruxieva

Barkamol Avlod Children's School. Large urban looking building with large glass windows and big gold letters. Some trees and a concrete walkway in front.
Jumayeva Aziza, Director of Barkamol Avlod Children's School
A place where talented people are trained

Studying the interests of talented boys and girls studying in general secondary schools and their "BARKAMOL AVLOD" children's centers are launched in the regions in order to educate their abilities.

Their main goal is to make children creative and artistic according to their needs and interests to develop their abilities, to teach them diligence, initial training and vocational training inculcating skills, the history of the country, archeological and cultural heritage is deep
study, familiarization with the natural resources of our country and ecology and environment acquisition of basic knowledge in the field of protection, promising development of science and technology
by organizing the study of technical tools and computer technologies in accordance with the directions is to develop children's technical creativity.

Here are culture and art, tourism and ecology, technical construction and modeling, specializes in crafts and manual labor, physical education and sports, and learning foreign languages.

There are dozens of circles.
Pedagogical staff of the school meet the state requirements for extracurricular education and are established organizing the educational process on the basis of approved training manuals and programs. They carry out educational work at a high level, improve the content of education, and teach actively participate in the creation of tools. In children qualities such as hard work, kindness, compassion formation, loyalty to the Motherland, to the state language, national and universal, historical and cultural
respect for values, parents and older people, care for the environment. 

Educating in the spirit of relationship is also important.
The pedagogue constantly assumes the level of his theoretical knowledge, pedagogical skills and professional qualifications
takes the responsibility of constantly improving and working on himself. 

To the relevant information of higher educational institutions and vocational colleges, as well as professional individuals with training and high moral qualities. Taking pedagogical activities at the center
Also, in necessary cases, those who do not have relevant pedagogical education, but are professional training and high moral qualities and "Master", "Master of Sports" in technical and tourism
"or persons with the status of "Candidate for Master of Sports" also with pedagogical activity at the Center can be involved.

Essay from Dilnura Qurolova

Teen Central Asian girl with her hair up in a bun behind her head. There's a leafy tree behind her on a sunny day.
Ecology and me

What do we mean by ecology? Ecology is a complex of biological sciences that studies the structure of systems, populations, biocenoses, biogeocenoses, that is, the structure of the ecosystem and the biosphere, the processes that take place in them. The term ecology was coined in 1866 by the German scientist E. Haeckel It was proposed to determine the relationship with. It can lead to chaos and disturbance. As a result of disturbing the ecological balance, it has a deep and bad effect on human health. Therefore, try your best to avoid causing environmental problems and to eliminate these problems!

  What can you think of as environmental problems?

One of the main problems is air pollution and global warming. Due to the humidification of the air, the ozone layer is collapsing. The origin of this problem is the harmful gases emitted by enterprises and cars. If we talk about the problem of global warming, as a result of this, glaciers are melting and animals living on these glaciers are dying. Especially polar bears. Due to this, it is necessary to reduce and eliminate the occurrence of such problems.

Kurolova Dilnura Shokirjon's daughter was born on October 15, 2009 in Gurlan district of Khorezm region. She is currently a student of the 8th grade of the 30th school. To date, she has achieved many achievements.

Poetry from Ilhomova Mohichehra

Young Central Asian teen girl with short dark hair parted in the middle, brown eyes, and a white tee shirt, seen through a circular view.


My umbilical cord is spilled,

You are welcome, Zarafshan.

Located in Navoi,

You are from Zarafshan.

You are rich in gold,

Take care of yourself.

You are the best in the city.

My perspective is Zarafshan

Forget your history

Think about the future.

Your descendants,

Create as a poet.

Your sons are brave, brave,

Your daughters are Zulfia.

Violet on your shores,

A bird in your deserts.

Ilhomova Mohichehra is a student of the 8th grade of the 9th general secondary school of Zarafshan city, Navoi region.

Poetry from Nodira Jorayeva

Young teen Central Asian girl with long dark hair and a white necklace and black top and white skirt holding a certificate. An older middle aged woman, likely a teacher, in a black dress and light colored jacket, presents it to her. They're in a classroom with awards in a wooden case behind them.

He took the purple color from the blood of the martyrs and created chaman in the chest of this land.
Infatuated with your incomparable beauty, I love you as my admiration, Motherland.

Hokingta is a mixture of grandfathers' love, a song that is engraved in the hearts of mothers.
Your arms are as warm as my mother's arms,
I love you, my country.

You are the propeller that spins in Tegram,
May your child rest in peace. You caress my head, brave yourself,
I love you as my power, Motherland.

Your body is full of enthusiasm, and your eyes are always refreshed.
Excitement in my heart, wonder in my eyes,
I love you as my paradise, Motherland.

Nodira Jorayeva is a 3rd-year student of Bukhara Engineering-Technology Institute, Faculty of Technological Process Management Systems, Department of Information Systems and Technologies.
Born on March 15, 2002 in Jondor district of Bukhara region.
He graduated from the 29th general secondary school of Zhondor District, Bukhara Province.

During his school years, he stood out among his peers as an initiative, demanding and creative student. He graduated from school with excellent grades. "My contribution to the development of the country" in the district stage of the competition of creative works of the project "Great children of my motherland." Creative works published in periodicals. "first-class diploma in the nomination, organized by the Faculty of History and Cultural Heritage of Bukhara State University, announced on the official channel of the "Flight Mega Project" and held under the hashtag "Bag and Me" as the "Most In addition to actively participating in the "good video" nomination and getting a high score, he was awarded a second degree diploma by the head of the channel for showing examples of aspiration, at the youth festival held under the slogan "Why do I love Uzbekistan"? The third place in the "Storytelling" category. The first place in the Prose category "Best Story Author" category of the "Green Leaves" online competition held among creative young people, Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology "Bahor" came to question you" and won the third place in the poetry evening and many other competitions.

A very creative student who works in prose, poetry, journalism. He is the winner of Zhondor District, Bukhara Region and Republican contests. Party affiliation, National Revival Democratic Party.
He is the author of prose and verse books "DREAM STOP", "TEST OF FATE", "SPRING OF MY HEART". The author of many articles published in "Voice of Zhondor", "Bukhara evening", "Spiritual shock", "Bukhara youth", "Bekajon" newspapers. He was admitted to the Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology in 2021!

Essay from Mahliyo Sunnatullayeva

Uzbekistan is a great country. Many famous scholars, poets and great generals have grown up in Uzbekistan. Nowadays, the children of Uzbekistan are among them.

Uzbekistan is a country rich in history, its historical monuments historical cities, historical objects and  manuscripts are still currently, they are preserved libraries, and most importantly in the museums of foreign countries.

Nowadays, many tourists visit the territory of Uzbekistan. At the same time tourism in Uzbekistan is developing in the city of Samarkand. There is a famous Ragistan square in the city of Samarkand it has Tillaqori, Sherdor, Uluğbek madrasahs.

Guests from faraway countries are visiting to see this. You will also enjoy these things if you come to Uzbekistan.

Essay from Maknuna Oblaqulova

A person grows up in his mother's body before he is born. When a mother is upset, she is upset. If he is happy, he will be happy. When he comes to the world, he grows up with the warm love of his mother and the love of his father. Parents are the only people who cheered him when he was happy, cried when he cried, stood by him in any situation, encouraged him, gave their life, love and everything. 

However, some people forget how they grew up and those blessed people who gave their lives to take care of them when they were unable to do anything. This is a sad situation. Or, life time is not worth it. On the contrary, after his death, he remains in a vortex of a thousand regrets. That's what they say about time. A person should make good use of his time and appreciate his parents. It is a very right decision for him to give the love and attention that his parents gave him. My parents are my wealth. Because of them, I can get out of any situation. They are my people who have always helped me and taught me their life experiences. 

Up to this age, no matter what day I had, my parents always came to the first aid. They were happy and proud of me when I succeeded, and when I faced difficulties, they advised me to learn from my mistakes. They tried to make me study, even if it was hard for them. "Learn first. The rest will slowly come to you." - they said. 

If every person has two wings in front of him, that is, his parents, then he is a strong person. Regardless of the situation, a person should always move forward. Because he should never forget that his parents are behind him, trusting him and watching him. 

Our greatest wealth is the presence of our parents. Therefore, my dear person, appreciate your parents. Give them the love they give you. Appreciate your time and make the most of it, knowing that it's a treasure. Always try to make them happy by taking their blessings.

Oblokhulova Maknuna was born on July 18, 2003. 3rd year student of Termez State University. Likes to write creative works. The main goal is to always learn and never stop giving.