Patsy Ledbetter: “For Brian”


For Brian…
His seat in the orchestra was empty that day…
I remember my friend and how he loved to play.
His passion for music knew no bounds.
His french horn made amazing sounds.
I grieve for my friend for I know so clear..
To give up one’s music can bring tears…
The agony of knowing he can no longer play,
Encourages my playing as I think of the day
When sorrows of life will give way to joy,
And sadness will no longer reign in that boy.
Lord give us a vision and music in our souls…
May we play and sing with You as our goal.
Your passion for music remains the same…
We sing to you with no thought of fame. 
Keep us useful with each passing day…
Humble in Your sight as we sing and play.
Patsy Ledbetter plays classical music in a large California orchestra, along with writing poetry and raising a family. She welcomes comments on her work and may be reached at

One thought on “Patsy Ledbetter: “For Brian”

  1. Hi Patsy! You feel the same about your singing and instrument playing as I do about my writing – not for fame but for glorifying our sweet Lord in reaching out to touch the lives of others. Blessings my friend!

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