If you wander lost in the darkest night,
Do not despair at the cruel and bitter weather.
For darkness never lasts as your sole companion,
There’s a fire burning, flickering in the distance.
This fire, as you roam, lost and weary,
Will give you warmth and kindness, freely offered.
Your hope and faith will surely return,
For fortune never turns its back forever.
If the biting wind extinguishes the flame,
And you suddenly find yourself back in the dark,
The last resort is a simple act –
Stop, and kindle a bonfire without delay.
Carefully strike a match in your hand,
Prepare to light a fire, drawing on your tobacco.
In the pathless wilderness, ignite a bonfire, start a blaze,
Become a fire yourself for someone in need.
Translation by Shukurilloyeva Lazzatoy