Poetry by Tatjana Debeljacki (Croatian and English Translation)


Gubi se u sivilu samoće.
Uljez saznanja-šum iz uma.
Nejasna nit, strasna, surova, bdi.
Plod nije zavera.
Ludak, genije tišine!
Približi se neizrecivom.
Analiza razuma-ropstvo!
U šetnji, vidni stid!
Uzbudljiva autonomija,
Otvoreni vrata,prozori,
U magli stepenice
Vode ka nebu.
Paralizovana savest,
Pokretno ogledalo.
U množini protiv rečitih,
Dirigovanja, ponašanja,
I priznati krivicu.
Crta koja spaja,
Put u svemirski brod.
Mimoilzimo sa omalovažanjem.
Bronzana žena,
Bakarni čovek!!!

[English Translation]


Lost in the grey loneliness.
Cognition intruder – rustling from the mind.
Unclear thread, passionate, cruel, is awaken.
The fruit is not conspiracy.
The lunatic, genius of silence!
Get closer to the unspoken.
The analysis of reason- slavery!
During walking, visible shame!
Exciting autonomy,
Opened door, the windows,
In the mist the stairways
Leading to heaven.
Paralyzed conscience,
Portable mirror.
In the plural against the fluency,
Conducting, behavior,
And admit the guilt.
The line connecting,
The road to the spacecraft.
We walk on by in dishonor.
Bronze woman,
Brass man!!!

Tatjana Debeljacki is from Uzice, Serbia. Debeljacki has published 3 collections of poetry. Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/debeljacki Blog: http://debeljacki.mojblog.rs/



Istinski silna, neoprezna ponekad,
Žudim nema i daleka!
Obnažena, ispunjena savršenstvom,
Pohañam uživanja!!!
Gde ima poverenja ima i radosti.
Nikad nije slikao moju strast,

Snove od boje do reči,
Bez neizvesnosti i jeze.
Trenutak svetlosti me pogoña.
Utiskuje japanski zrak na lice.
April lagano izliva boje,
Nad udvojenim senama što plešu.

[English Translation]


Truly stunning, sometimes careless,
I crave silently and far away!
Naked, filled up with perfection,
I am attending enjoyment!!!
Where there is trust there is always glee.
He never painted my passion,
Dreams from the color to the word,

Without suspense and shivers.
The moment of light strikes me.
Pressing Japanese air onto my face.
April is slowly spilling its colors,
above duplicate shadows dancing away.



Za buket ruža vezane noge;
Ruke slobodne za molitvu;
Kosu prekili pupoljci;
Ime joj nosi ponosni paun.
Anñeoska svetlosti obasjaj
Sliku žute ruže i blud.
Sveci bez stida i straha.
Ljubav menja nas.
Oduzeli su joj
Igračke i ljubavnika.

[English Translation]


Legs tied to a bouquet of roses;
hands free for prayer;
hair covered by buds;
her name born by a proud peacock.
Angel light, illuminate
the image of a yellow rose and promiscuity
Saints shameless and fearless.
Love alters us.
They deprived it of
toys and a lover.

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