FOG my chin remains sullenly close to my chest as all was dismantled in a wanton promenade of excess, a foggy return of unsold goods my mind tilts toward a grief stricken field of burnt hay, my favorite tree in its midst torched by lightening only a few days before--- I lie with my own weight doubled on top of me, pinioned as a prisoner who has shackled himself, and the last cloud leaves my lungs--- ---I pretend I am hanging for my loss of self, that I am truly and completely gone, but really, I am hanging onto the precipice of something much more looming, something that I can't possibly as of yet know ---and I am hanging here with what seems to be my lifelessly stiffened fingers --- but maybe---- just maybe---- that is precisely what the 'seeming' needs to be ---for now
Born in Lubbock, Texas in 1984, AG Davis is a sound poet, author, performance artist and composer who resides in Jacksonville, Florida. Davis began his career as a Division I football recruit, having attended West Point for a brief period of time. After dropping out, he earned his degree in English Literature at the University of Florida (2006). He has written four books of highly experimental poetry, his most recent being published in 2023 through monocle-Lash Anti-Press.